HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-02-05-TSAC-minJS Mopkiy6 a G ;exaH �a• Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee TO: Deborah Mauger, Chair Board of Selectman CC: Carl Valente — Town Manager, Bill Hadley — DPW Director, Donna Hooper - Clerk FROM: Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) SUBJECT: Minutes of Meeting — February 5, 2013 Members present: Dave Cannon, Manny Ferro, John Mazerall, Annmarie Kelleher, Jeanette Rebecchi, Mary Ellen Dunn, and Sudhir Murthy. Agenda: • Approval of January 8 Meeting Minutes • TSAC Website Update with FAQs • Blake Road • Police Traffic Safety Monthly Update • New Business Approval of January 8 Meeting Minutes The committee did not have any comments or concerns. The motion to approve the January 8 TSAC meeting minutes was passed unanimously. TSAC Website Update with FAQs Captain Ferro and Lt. Mazerall brought to the meeting a list of the most frequently asked traffic questions. Listed below are the questions along with the committee comments. One overall comment was to restructure the questions a bit so that it does not lead to a yes /no answer (for example, not use questions like "can something be done" but more like "how is something done" or "what is the town's process ", etc.) Can the Town install speed bumps on my street? Committee agreed it should read: Cars are speeding on my street, what can do? - Sudhir suggested putting a link referring speed bump studies to educate people on the purpose of speed bumps and why they are used. - Captain Ferro feels a link to the MUTCD and specific guidelines needs to be listed. A list of questions for the individual to answer should also be noted: For example: You say cars are speeding on your street please list timeframes in which this is happening? Page 1 of 4 JS Mopkiy6 a G ;exaH �a• Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee 2. Can the Town lower the speed limit on my street? How are speed limits set? How can we get an electronic speed sign on my street? Committee agreed just having the question read: How are the speed limits set? -A link to Mass DOT's policy on setting speed limits would be given -As far as an electronic sign, Captain Ferro feels this information doesn't need to be put on the website. 3. Can we install a stop sign at a specific intersection to stop speeding? -Would give the MUTCD link; information listed under "STOP SIGNS ", and indicate that STOP signs are used for intersection control and not for controlling speeds. 4. Can we paint curbing locations to prevent parking? -Town no longer wants to paint the curbing and it is no longer a regulatory traffic control that is enforceable. 5. Can we prevent vehicles from parking all day in my neighborhood and taking the bus to work? -It was suggested maybe something could be put on the website such as be a "good neighbor" and mention vehicles should be parked one foot from the curb, right wheels against curb, etc 6. How can I get traffic lights /walk lights at a specific location? -Would list the MUTCD link and mention the signal warrants that need to be satisfied. 7. Can you add children at play sign to slow vehicles? -This is not a regulatory sign. If the street is heavily traveled a caution sign warning of children ahead may be an option. Residents should be aware of by -law in regards to children playing in the street. 8. Can I get a speed limit sign (electronic) on my street? -SAME QUESTION AS #2 Page 2 of 4 py Ho Rhiy a a ".. t tx1_HG Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee 9. How do I request a crosswalk? - Before answering this one, the town policy, needs to be looked into further regarding requiring sidewalks on both sides or having a sidewalk on at least one side with a level landing area on the other. Taking into consideration ADA regulations and possibility of including the sidewalk committee. 10. How do I get additional traffic enforcement on my street? -SAME AS QUESTION #1 TSAC Intake Form: Jeannette will explore how to make the TSAC intake form "fill- able ". Also explore other options such as if the form can be automatically emailed to Lt. Mazerall; if the information can automatically go into a spreadsheet; and if each submission can be assigned a tracking number. m rem @T it"ino s A version of the chart was previously marked up by Dave and submitted to Linda Vine. Dave will provide a copy of the changes to Jeannette who will take ownership of changes to modify the current traffic calming flow chart to be a generic TSAC flow chart. Blake Road Lt. Mazerall gave an update on Blake Road. There were a total of 680 cars observed from Thursday through the following Friday and the maximum recorded speed was 29 mph (speed limit is 30mph). The intersection with Prescott St is a wide, odd /dangerous, and hard to control intersection with no place to put a traffic sign. Went back 5 years and there were zero accidents minor or major. No action at this time, Lt. Mazerall will reach out to individual. Police Traffic Safety Updates • Bow St (a) Rawson: Vehicles heading North on Bow St are turning left onto Bow and continuing on without slowing. There is a stop sign on Rawson (Westbound) at Bow. Hedges on Rawson need to be trimmed back. Dave will take a ride out to look at it. Another suggestion would be to look at pavement markings to make the intersection safer. Page 3 of 4 Yr .� Town of Lexington Traffic Safety Advisory Committee • Hill St (a) Cedar Street: Resident suggested making the intersection a 4 -way stop. Captain Ferro stated it's much safer to have a 2 -way stop but Dave will look into doing traffic counts to conduct a All -way STOP warrant analysis and have engineering get involved to review options to modify the intersection when the road is selected for repaving. New Business Captain Ferro brought up the intersection of Bedford St at Harrington Road. Dave said that the Town has selected the consulting firm BETA as part of the Lexington Center study which will look into this intersection. Next Meeting Mary Ellen Dunn asked the committee if the TSAC meetings could be moved to the 2nd Tuesday of the month due to conflicts she had with other meetings. Mary Ellen will reach out to Cathy in the TMO to schedule. Next TSAC meeting: March 12 Page 4 of 4