HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-27-REC-min (includes attachments)`O 'ys MO & o� �TT5 tic A 3 f7 U APRIL 19 INC, Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel, Vice Chairman Lisah Rhodes Recreation Committee Minutes of Meeting of March 27, 203 Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, March 27; 2013 at 6:30 p.m, in the Recreation Office at the Town Office Building. Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Wendy Rudner, Lisah Rhodes, and Howard Vogel Members Absent: Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Others Present: Marilyn Campbell, Chairperson Lexington Council on Aging 1. Citizens and Other Boards: none 2. Meeting Minutes from February 27, 2013 Wendy Rudner moved and Lisah Rhodes seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee Minutes from February 27, 2013. The Recreation Committee voted 4 -0 to approve the motion and accept the meeting minutes as presented. 3. Liaison Reports Lincoln Park Subcommittee • Wendy Rudner distributed meeting minutes from the March 21, 2013 Lincoln Park Subcommittee meeting (attached); a calendar of work proposed to be undertaken in 2013 at Lincoln Park by Parterre Garden Services, Inc. (attached); a 2013 projected budget for work at Lincoln Park by Parterre Garden Services, Inc. (attached); and a summary of income and expenses to date for the Lincoln Park Bathrooms (attached). • Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, noted that before new work begins at Lincoln Park the Subcommittee and representatives from Parterre Garden Services, Inc. need to meet and coordinate with Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, Mr. Filadoro told the Recreation Committee that he had not yet been contacted about proposed tree plantings in the park. Ms. Simmons stated that particular attention must be paid to the type of trees planted and the locations within the park for such plantings, so as not to be adversely effected by any methane pockets. Town of Lexington Recreation Committee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 o Sandra Shaw inquired about the status of the Lincoln Park bathrooms and funding for the ongoing project. The floating slab is down and workers have begun to erect the walls of the building. Wendy Rudner noted that donations had been received from several sources as reflected on the attached budget for the project. Lexington Little League and the Fund for Lexington are planning on contributing, but the donation has not been received yet. Mrs. Shaw asked if the Lincoln Park Subcommittee had donated the $75,000 it had promised. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, briefly reviewed the 2012 Town of Lexington Annual Report with the Recreation Committee, noting that under the Trustees of the Public Trust financial report, the Richard and Jean Kirk Fund, which was established in 2000 for the "maintenance, support and improvement of the Theresa and Roberta Lee Fitness/Nature Path" has a principal balance of $765,752, an income balance of $23,508, and disbursements of $82,736. The Teresa and Roberta Lee Fitness/Nature Path established in 1990 account has a principal balance of $94,312 an income balance of $7,306, and no disbursements in 2012. Between May 7 and August 20, 2012, $94,075 was deposited from the Public Trust. 4. Football Field Project Update Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds, reported that he had not met with the project engineer or contractor for Phase Two of the Center Drainage Project yet this year. As the snow just melted on the football field he believed that a meeting would take place in the near future. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation noted that the project engineer was on maternity leave, and that her projects were currently being handled by another associate from Stantec. Sandra Shaw asked if the grass on Center 1 and Center 2 was in good condition and if it was the right color. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Filadoro both indicated that the look of the grass was common for this time of year, as it is dormant. Mr. Filadoro explained that the Parks Department has yet to put fertilizer down on the area. Once this routine maintenance is completed, which will happen very soon, and the weather improves the grass will come back to its normal state. Mrs. Shaw also asked when the field would be playable. Mr. Filadoro indicated that routine work on the infield will begin once the frost layer has melted. This will be within the next week he hopes. 5. Strategic Plan Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, provided the Committee with an update on the progress of the Strategic Plan. She and members of the project team had a conference call with Jamie Sabbath, the project consultant, Wednesday afternoon. Thus far 587 individuals have taken the online community survey, which Ms. Sabbach believes is a great number for a community the size of Lexington. The survey ends on March 29 and Ms. Sabbach will begin compiling and analyzing the data next week. Ms. Simmons expressed her excitement about the next phase of the project. She also told the Committee that on April 24` the consultant and the full -time recreation staff would be holding an all -day workshop to review the information compiled from the February focus groups, community survey, Open Space and Recreation Plan and initial staff workshop summary notes and to identify and develop the objectives, goals and action steps of the Strategic Plan, 6. Recreation 5 -Year capital Plan: FY 14 — FY 18 Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reviewed a draft of the Capital Request presentation to Town Meeting with the Recreation Committee, Article 8 (CPA) will be addressed at the Wednesday, April 3, 2013 session of Town Meeting and if time allows Article 9 (Pine Meadows improvements) as well. 2 The Recreation CPA requests are article 8f, 8g, and 8h. They include: • Lincoln Park Playground surface — remove top '/2 inch of existing surface and recoat the play area surface with new poured -in -place material. . • Purchase new equipment for the Lexington Skate Park — Ms. Simmons has met recently with Olga Guttag, who was very involved in the initial planning process for the existing park. Ms. Guttag has suggested that new equipment purchased should be made of concrete rather than steel. This would provide a quieter skating surface and a more maintenance friendly site. The department is exploring all options regarding this. With the increasing cost of steel, events made from concrete may be a viable, cost effective option. Ms, Simmons also reported that Ride and Roll Safely, the organization founded by Ms. Guttag in the 1990 to promote the skate park has approximately $13,000 left in the account, and Ms. Guttag would like to donate a portion of this money towards new equipment at the park, with the balance going to the Bicycle Committee. • Sutherland Park — renovation of existing little league field. • Lincoln Park Infill Synthetic Turf replacement (phase one of three) - Ms. Simmons reported to the Committee that this proposed article is raising some questions and a lot of inaccurate information is being passed around blogs. A town meeting member recently asked on the TMMA website why the Recreation Department needs to replace the entire surface of Field 1, when we said in 2002 that minor repairs might be needed 8 — l0 years_ after the installation. This statement is not accurate. • Ms. Simmons will review all of the documents related to the initial proposal and presentation to Town Meeting in 2002, to detennine the information that was provided to Town Meeting regarding the anticipated warranty and life expectancy of the fields. When the fields were first installed the industry standard was estimated to be 8 years. The Town did an "Add Alternate" for 2 additional years and accepted the price giving the town a 10 year warranty on the fields. The warranty does not cover normal "wear and tear ". She did inform the Recreation Committee that in the 10 years field 1 has been in use the Recreation Department has permitted over 20,000 hours of use on that field. Ms. Simmons also noted that the Patrick Maguire, the Landscape Architect, who designed the park, was amazed by the amount of permitted use on that one field. • The Recreation Committee discussed how to address questions of this nature during the presentation. One key is to have all the pertinent statistics about the field use available. Additionally it would be important to assure Town Meeting that there is no health risk to users as the fibers break down, as was suggested a few years ago. Karen Simmons told the committee that the field and fibers had been tested and no lead was found in the materials. o Ms. Simmons stressed, and the Recreation Committee heartily agreed, that the Recreation Department annually submits a comprehensive 5 -year Capital Plan. In the upcoming five years the Recreation Capital project costs are approximately $8,000,000, and include the Pool renovation, lighting replacements at the Center Recreation Complex, and the Center track and field reconstruction. The Lincoln project was proposed in a fiscally responsible manner in that it is phased over next three years to provide a safe surface for all users. The 2003 cost for the entire project was approximately $3,000,000. This included three infll synthetic turf fields, a little league field, softball field, parking lot, fitness path and fitness equipment, playground equipment and site amenities, The projected cost to install new turf on the three fields is estimated at about $1,600,000 over three years. o Ms. Simmons asked the Recreation Committee for input as to the direction to proceed should the requested $150,000 from CPA funds for the Lincoln Park field replacement portion of Article 8h not be approved by Town Meeting. After a discussion on the unknown financial impact of the Enterprise fund, Wendy Rudner made the following motion: "If during the vote on the Community Preservation Capital Request, Article 8h, the Lincoln Park Field Improvement is not approved, the Recreation Committee will request an Indefinite Postponed until a comprehensive financial analysis of the Recreation Enterprise Fund is completed." Lisah Rhodes seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 3 — 0 to approve the motion. 7. Recreation Report Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: • The anticipated opening date of the Pine Meadows Golf Course is Saturday, March 30, 2013. The course will open with temporary greens and reduced fees. Ms. Simmons and Mr. Filadoro will meet at the course on Monday, April 1, 2013 for a walk - through with Bill Harrison, President of New Entyland Golf Corporation and John Allen, Superintendent. • Assistant Town Manager for Finance, Rob Addelson, has completed an analysis of the indirect charges assessed the Recreation Department. Mr. Addelson will present his analysis to the Recreation Committee at the May 15, 2013 meeting. • The Recreation Department is working with the Revolutionary Revelry Committee to facilitate the Early Release Day Program on May 9 The program will feature an Amazing Revolutionary Race throughout the center of Lexington. Revolutionary Revelry will also feature a May 7 1 "Lex Tee it Up" event in cooperation with New England Golf Corporation and the Recreation Department on May 7` • Lincoln 1 and Lincoln 2 opened for use on Tuesday, March 26. Lincoln 3 opened on March 27. • Due to the amount of snow on the Lincoln Fields (5 inches) on March 22 the Annual Lexington Youth Lacrosse Face -Off Tournament scheduled for March 23 and 24 was cancelled. • Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public grounds and Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation will assess the condition of the grass fields on Monday, April 1, and daily thereafter to determine when these fields will be open for school, youth sports and public use. Some fields will open sooner than others. The final determination will be jointly made by Mr. Filadoro and Mr. Coleman, • Lexington High School has its first home track meet on Tuesday, April 2, 2013. 8. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds reported on the following: • He has walked the Lincoln Fields with Peter Coleman, Supervisor of Recreation, to determine what initial maintenance needs to be completed on the park. Crews have been to the park to pick up debris that migrated onto the fields and into the parking lot from the winter. Marking of the fields should begin on Friday. Mr. Filadoro also plans on addressing the flower beds along the side of the fields and in the parking lot. These areas will be cleaned and mulched this spring. Lisah Rhodes asked if something could be done to alleviate the damage caused by cars that park in and over the existing flower beds. Mr. Filadoro told the Committee that this is a problem that he wishes to solve, and he will be inspecting these areas this spring. Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation suggested that a possible solution would be to use some of the boulders at Hartwell Avenue to block off the planting areas that cars currently infringe upon. Natural grass field preparation is beginning this week. As noted by Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, grass field openings may be staggered pending field conditions. The next meetings of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, May I and Wednesday, May 15 at 6,30 p.m, in Room 201. {Recreation Department Office }, The March 27, 2013 meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. The following documents/exhibits distributed or discussed at the meeting are attached: March 21, 2013 Lincoln Park Subcommittee minutes 0 2013 Lincoln Park Calendar 0 Proposed budget by Parterre Garden Services, Inc. • Lincoln Park Bathroom Project financial information Respectfully Submitted, Sheila Butts Assistant Recreation Director Lincoln Park Sub - Committee Meeting March 21, 2013 Present: David Williams, Lynne Wilson, Nell Walker, Brian Kelley , Bom P arter r e, liaison Wt ,Wirth Associates, Vanessa Tropeano and Miles Connors, both Lincoln Park Bathrooms Update by Brian: • See separate sheet • Still plan to contribute, but haven't yet - Little League, Fund for Lexington Lincoln Park Calendar presented by Vanessa Tropeano and Miles Connors: • See separate sheet • Will start tomorrow, for 3 hours in the morning • Discussion on what to do with waste • Move to area where chipper brush goes • Make discreet piles - stack high out of visual view • Make small, little piles to decompose • Change Bob Barnard's crew from ours, it needed. other f not needed) • Mites will join Bob's crew for two • Need to follow protocol, if needed if herbicides used • Tell Conservation Commission your plan Get Conservation Commission approval before any work is done • Wes, Miles, Vanessa, and Chris Filadoro need to meet to discuss planting of some trees, to determine if town or Parterre should be planting certain trees -those needing sun /dryer edges. Lincoln Park Large Sign suggestions: • To be placed in table height, non - destructive frame • Minor changes proposed for the three signs • Add 2 more Lincoln, Worthen Roads at each end and make lettering slightly larger • Wes will slightly modify some of script • Move bathroom location slightly over Suggestions for future plantings: • Wes -Need more low understudy in areas where former covers and continue to Speciaze add smal like the azaleas, in themed grouping areas with ground plantings. Do same with other small native plantings. Continue with upper, mid and lower story theme. • Vanessa -Make sure to include different blooming seasons. • David - Any new plantings proposed? Asked Vanessa to give committee a budget for this. Granite Forest: • Total cost - $7,000.00, but getting Pathway bid could be done for less, stonedust not good to use. • Possible cost reductions via Wes Y • Plant different, smaller, fast growing trees instead that area is handicapped borders • Lynne asked and received positive verificatio • David stated need to raise funding somehow /someway and not take from funds. At least get $ down to $50.000. This might not happen so fast! Maaika Tree planted by Nell to honor Horace Besecher's (96 y. young!) many years of volunteering, Lincoln Park Calendar 2013 I am pleased to present you with this Calendar to continue invasive plant management and restoration of the native plant community at Lincoln Park. Goals of the project include control of invasive plant material by following guidelines prepared by Wesley Wirth and company Managing the Invasive Vegetation in Lincoln Park (2008), while encouraging native plant conservation and establishment. This Calendar includes working in conjunction with the Lincoln Park Committee, Wesley Wirth at Thomas Wirth Associates, Bob Barnard and the Town of Lexington Conservation Commission to manage plant communities. Invasive Plant Management in specified areas: Early Spring (April - June) Summary: String trim along all path edges and remove debris from trails. Monitor and tag invasive trees, shrubs and groundcovers for removal. Prune Red Twig Dogwood, Witch Hazels, Winterberry and Bottlebrush Buckeye. Cut back perennials that are still standing, including ornamental grasses. Prune ornamental trees and shrubs, except those that flower in the spring. Lay wood chips in blackberry patch. Apply organic fertilizer to all shrubs and perennials. Crabapples Grove- Spot foliar application to Bush Honeysuckle, Buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed Garlic Mustard and Oriental Bittersweet. Monitor and hand pull Norway maple seedlings. Meadow- Monitor and hand pull or tag Virginia Creeper, Multiflora Rose sprouts, Oriental Bittersweet, Thistle, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle. Cart Path Edge and Triangle Zone (service area) — Identify and hand pull Purple Loosestrife before seed matures. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens rosettes. Weed and maintain paths and garden area, including string trim. Paved Road Path - Cut stem treatment of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose and Crabapples. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens. Worthen Road Edge- Cut stem applications of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose, Grape vine, Oriental Bittersweet and Purple Loosestrife. Boardwalk areas- Cut stem treatment of all invasive plants within 20 -30 ft of boardwalk. Spot treatments of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens. Interior of Wetland- inventory invasive plant species, photograph and quantify while receiving permission from Commission to control invasive plant species while planting natives. Summer (July — September) Summary: String trim along all path edges and remove debris from trails. Special attention should be paid to controlling Purple Loosestrife and Phragmites before it goes to seed, while conducting applications to invasive woody shrubs and vines that are beginning to store nutrients in their roots for the winter. Divide summer blooming perennials such as Mint Variety, Rudbeckia Herbstonne, Lobelia etc. This will allow more ground coverage with Native Perennial material which results in less weeding. Weed management is essential to stay ahead of emerging weeds such as Garlic Mustard. Crabapples Grove- Spot foliar application to Bush Honeysuckle, Buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed Garlic Mustard and Oriental Bittersweet. Monitor and hand pull Norway maple seedlings. Meadow- Spot foliar application of Virginia Creeper, Multiflora Rose, Oriental Bittersweet, Thistle, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle. String trim along all path edges. Cart Path Edge and Triangle Zone (service area) - Cut stem treatments for Phragmites and Purple Loosestrife before seed matures. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens rosettes. Paved Road Path - Cut stem treatment of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose and Crabapples. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine hmpatiens. Worthen Road Edge- Cut stem applications of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose, Grape vine, Oriental Bittersweet and Purple Loosestrife. Boardwalk areas- Cut stem treatment of all invasive plants within 20 -30 ft of boardwalk. Spot treatments of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens. Interior of Wetland- inventory invasive plant species, photograph and quantify while receiving permission from Commission to control invasive plant species while planting natives. Fall 2012 (September — November) Summary: This is a great time of year to divide perennials. Summer flowering perennials should be re- blooming now. Divide all spring blooming perennials such as Tiarella and Waldstenia etc. This will allow more ground coverage with native perennial material which results in less weeding. Continue to monitor and treat invasive vegetation along Crabapple Grove, Meadow, Cart Path Edge, Paved Road Path, Worthen Road Edge and Boardwalk areas. Continue restoring Raspberry patch at edge of meadow by thinning raspberry canes, removing competitive weeds and create pathways for access. Note: Pathways should be mulched with existing woodchips. Crabapples Grove- Spot foliar application to Bush Honeysuckle, Buckthorn, Japanese Knotweed Garlic Mustard and Oriental Bittersweet. Monitor and hand pull Norway maple seedlings. Meadow- Spot foliar application of Virginia Creeper, Multiflora Rose, Oriental Bittersweet, Thistle, Autumn Olive, Honeysuckle. String trim along all path edges. Cart Path Edge and Triangle Zone (service area) - Cut stem treatments for Phragmites and Purple Loosestrife before seed matures. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens rosettes. Paved Road Path - Cut stem treatment of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose and Crabapples. Spot foliar application of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens. Worthen Road Edge- Cut stem applications of Bush Honeysuckle, Multiflora Rose, Grape vine, Oriental Bittersweet and Purple Loosestrife. Boardwalk areas- Cut stem treatment of all invasive plants within 20 -30 ft of boardwalk. Spot treatments of Garlic Mustard and Cardamine Impatiens. Interior of Wetland- inventory invasive plant species, photograph and quantify while receiving permission from Commission to control invasive plant species while planting natives. Parterre Garden Services, Inc. Lincoln park I PROJECTED 2013 Projected Budget Lincoln Park Month Service Gardeners Managers Labor Cost Materials Monthly Maintenance Invoice January February March Maintenance 50 $2,750.00 Volunteer Pruning Day Barnard Crew 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total March Invoice $0.00 April Maintenance 24 12 $2,040.00 $2,040.00 Barnard Crew 72 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 Total April Invoice $4,560.00 May Maintenance 16 8 $1,360.00 $1,360.00 Barnard Crew 48 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 Mow Meadowl $1,630.00 $1,630.00 May Invoice $4,670.00 June Maintenance 16 8 $1,360.00 $1,360.00 Barnard Crew 48 0 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 June Invoice $3,040.00 July Maintenance 24 6 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 Barnard Crew 72 0 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 July Invoice $4,200.00 August Maintenance 16 4 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 Barnard Crew 481 0 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 August Invoice $2,800.00 Sept Maintenance 24 6 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 Barnard Crew 72 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 Mow Meadow $1,630.00 $1,630.00 September Invoice $5,830.00 October Maintenance 24 6 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 Barnard Crew 72 0 $2,520.00 $2,520.00 October Invoice $4,200.00 November Maintenance 16 4 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 Barnard Crew 48 $1,680.00 $1,680.00 November Invoice $2,800.00 December Maintenance $0.00 $0.00 Barnard Crew $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 December Invoice $0.00 TOTAL HOURS 690 54 TOTAL GARDEN COSTS $32,100.00 $0.001 $32,100.00 Labor Materialsi Total Invoices Transaction - All Dates 5/7/2012 through 3/21/2013 3/21/2013 Date Account Num Description Memo Category Tag Clr Amount Page 1 BALANCE 516/2012 0.00 5/7/2012 Lincoln Bathr... Opening Balance Deposit from Public Trust [Lincoln Bathro.,. R 25,000.00 5/14/2012 Lincoln Bathr ... DEP Lexpressas - Womens Soccer Lincoln Bathroom R 200,00 7/27/2012 Lincoln Bathr ... DEP Lexington Youth Lacrosse Lincoln Bathroom R 5,000.00 8/20/2012 Lincoln Bathr... Desposit from Public Trust Lincoln Bathroom R 69,075.00 . 10/22/2012 Lincoln Bathr ... 1001 PRO Fence Co... Inv # 1990 - 375' Temp Perimeter Fen... Lincoln Bathroom R - 2,800.00 12/12/2012 Lincoln Bathr ... DEP Lexington United Soccer Club Lincoln Bathroom R 30,000.00 1/22/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1002 Arlington Coal ,.. Inv # 594378 - Blueboard Foam Insul... Lincoln Bathroom R - 1,199.80 1/22/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1003 Gaffney Signs ,.. Sign for Donations Lincoln Bathroom R - 300.00 1/30/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1004 Larchmont Eng... Lincoln Bath Building Supplies Inv # 3... Lincoln Bathroom - 344.50 1/30/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1005 * *VOID * *Spolid... Rough Plumbing for Lincoln Bath - Inv... Lincoln Bathroom c 0.00 1/30/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1006 Bammco Const... Foundation for Lincoln Bathroom Lincoln Bathroom - 11,200.00 2/20/2013 Lincoln Bathr ... 1007 Spolidoro And ... Rough Plumbing for Lincoln Bath - Inv... Lincoln Bathroom - 10,000.00 2/20/2013 Lincoln Bathr... Stop Payment Check # 1005 ( Spolidoro) Bookkeeping E... -25.00 5/7/2012 - 3/21/2013 103,405.70 BALANCE 3/21/2013 103,40510 �l �C f/cz �► S�G� c f�� TOTAL INFLOWS 129,275.00 TOTAL OUTFLOWS - 25,869.30 NET TOTAL 103,405.70