HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-15-REC-min\o VS Moq�,� 9775 X61 � 0 S� ow 3 z a� U APRIL I9' �FXI - 1 Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Howard Vogel, Vice Chairman Lisah Rhodes R ecreation Minutes of Meeting of May 15, 2013 Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x262 Fax: (781) 861 -2747 A meeting of the Recreation Committee was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 6:30 p.m, in the Recreation Office at the Town Office Building. Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Lisah Rhodes, Rick DeAngelis and Wendy Rudner Members Absent: Howard Vogel Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Sheila Butts, Assistant Director Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen Liaison, Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance 1. Citizens and Other Boards: none Liaison Reports • Lincoln Park Subcommittee o Wendy Rudner, liaison to the LPSC reported the next meeting of the Lincoln Park Subcommittee is scheduled for May 16, 2013. Karen Simmons notified the Recreation Committee that Vanessa Tropeano is interested in joining the LPSC. Ms. Tropeano is currently an employee of Parterre Garden Services which is on contract with the LPSC for landscaping. Ms. Simmons sent this information to Lynne Wilson, and indicated that Ms. Tropeano's membership on the LPSC could be a conflict of interest. • Bicycle Advisory Committee o Sandra Shaw, liaison to the Bicycle Advisory Committee reported that the recent information session at the Depot, regarding proposed enhancements to the Minuteman Bikeway was well attended and very informative. 3. Recreation Enterprise Fund Indirect Cost Analysis Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation introduced Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance to the members of the Recreation Committee. Mr. Addelson and his staff recently completed a Recreation Enterprise Fund Indirect Cost Analysis (distributed to the Committee at the May 1, 2013) meeting. Mr. Addelson provided an overview of the General Fund and three Enterprise funds (Recreation, Water and Sewer). The key components of the Indirect Analysis that Mr. Addelson reviewed with the Committee are: equipment maintenance, employee benefits and workman's compensation, general T own I L Recreation Co mmittee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 insurance, pension benefits and indirect town expenses. Enterprise funds are self - supporting and generate revenue which pays for direct expenses and indirect expenses to other town departments that support the Recreation Department. In FY2014 the Recreation Enterprise Fund will be paying $228,000 in indirect costs to general government. This number has increased annually in an attempt to incrementally close the gap between what the actual indirect costs are, and what the Recreation Enterprise Fund can effectively contribute. Members of the Recreation Committee had a lively discussion about the state of the Enterprise Fund and the indirect charges assessed for support by other town departments. Mr. Addelson told the members of the committee that he recognizes that the Recreation Department operates in a competitive world. He also acknowledged. that increasing fees for programs and facilities could ultimately have an adverse effect on income generated. Lisah Rhodes commented that one of the biggest competitors is Lexington Community Education, another town department. Ms. Simmons noted that this situation is not confined to Lexington. Other communities have actually taken the approach to reorganize and combine the two departments to avoid unnecessary and financially constraining duplication of services. It was also advocated by the committee for the Town to take a look at the non revenue aspects of recreation (Summer Fest, collaborative programs, neighborhood parks and playgrounds etc.) and apply a credit to the indirect charges. 4. Little League Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, informed the recreation Committee members that she had been in contact with Shane Arnold, President of Lexington Little League. Mr. Arnold reported that Little League is not able to attend this evening. They have not yet completed their proposal regarding the Fitzgerald Little League Field and Lincoln Softball field. Mr. Arnold hopes to be able to submit a proposal at the June Recreation Committee meeting. 5. Football Field Project Update Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation reported that work at the Football field was progressing. Chris Filadoro and an agronomist hired by the Town are scheduled to go to a sod farm in Rhode Island Thursday or Friday to pick out new sod for the field. Hopefully the sod will be cut and transported to Lexington with the intent to begin laying the new sod on May 20, weather permitting. Lisah Rhodes suggested that every effort be made to assure that the field remains totally closed until it is accepted by and turned over to the Town. Karen Simmons said that it is the intent of the Town to keep the field closed until the start of High School pre- season practices begin in August. 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: ® Rick Abrams will be attending the August Recreation Committee Meeting to report on the ACROSS Lexington project, and to present the proposal for the next phase. ACROSS Lexington now has an I -Phone App which shows the 5.5 mile pilot route. The App costs $4.99 and all funds raised will go towards future ACROSS Lexington routes. ® The Center Field Layout for the Lexington 300 Old Time Baseball Game is complete. The game is Sunday, May 26. Park Drive will be closed to vehicular traffic and parking. There will be a bike corral set up onsite, and a shuttle bus to transport participants to and from the field will be available throughout the late morning and afternoon. • On June 19 the Board of Selectmen will hold its first Goal Setting session for the FY 2015 budget cycle. The Board would like input from all boards and committees, and have asked for information by Friday, June 7. 7. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds was not present at the Recreation Committee Meeting. No Parks Report was submitted. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, June 19 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 201 (Recreation Department Office), The May 15, 2013 meeting adjourned at 8:34 p.m. The following documents /exhibits distributed or discussed at the meeting are attached: • Recreation Indirect Analysis Respectfully Submitted, Sheila Butts Assistant Recreation Director