HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-05-08-PB-min PLANNING BOARD MINUTES MEETING OF MAY 8, 2013 A regular meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Office Building was called to order at 7:32 p.m. by Chairman Richard Canale with members Charles Hornig, Michelle Ciccolo, and Nancy Corcoran-Ronchetti and planning staff Maryann McCall-Taylor and Aaron Henry present. Greg Zurlo was absent. ************************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION********************* PUBLIC HEARING 376 Lincoln Street & 73 Middle Street, Definitive Balanced Housing Development Plan : Present were John Farrington, attorney, Gary Larson, landscape architect, Mark Barons, project developer and applicant, Jim DeCelle and Jim Burke, project engineers, Andrew Zalewski, project architect, Jeff Rhodin, residential energy consultant, and Dan Dulaski, traffic engineer. Mr. Farrington described the proposed project which would be an eight unit Balanced Housing Development Plan with six free standing units and two units in the preserved Franklin-Warren structure. Middle Street would be used as the entrance for the private drive due to safety issues on Lincoln Street. Two units would be under 2,700 square feet and the remaining units would be at or under 3,500 square feet. There was a proposed pedestrian foot path from the subdivision to the Idlewilde Conservation area, but no path to Lincoln Street because the intersection was too dangerous and not really needed. The drainage would be more then adequate for this site. Pervious pavement would be used for driveways and sidewalks and a waiver was requested to allow for an increase of impervious surface to cover the use of the pervious pavement in accordance with the new zoning bylaws. The Homeowners Association would maintain drainage, common area, private driveway, porous pavement, and the landscape island. The Franklin-Warren structure would be maintained with the current architectural design and there would be a separate covenant. Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013 Mr. Larson explained that there would be eight dwelling units on seven lots with an interior drive 20 feet wide and 290 feet long and no access from Lincoln Street. The Franklin-Warren historic house would be moved 45 feet west. The open space would be on top of the infiltration system and was level to create a small recreational open space. Some of the waivers needed to be requested would be for permanent markers, curbing, easement widths, catch basins, sidewalk construction, and other items. Andrew Zalewski said the houses would be smaller, but high quality and would blend into the street character, yet would all be unique and compliment each other. The corner house would be designed to not look like the side of the house was facing the main road. Board Concerns and Comments:  Was Common open space at 32,000 or 45,000 square feet? Mr. Larson said 45,000 square feet, which included the private drive as part of the open space.  The site coverage average footprint was 1,900 square feet and not consistent with the drainage calculations. The numbers used for the drainage system were higher.  How would the impervious surface be allocated to the individual lots? Once the house was designed an amount would be allocated to each lot on legal documentation.  Would the road be a driveway or private road? Private road.  Would the building heights be limited ahead of time or would they be 40 feet?  Would there be basements? Was there ground water on lot one? The buildings would have basements and the house on lot one would be two feet above the ground water level.  There should be ten foot easements for maintenance. The plans could be changed.  Would the path construction materials be pavers that are ADA compliant? Promotional materials regarding the pavers should be provided to staff and the Board? Yes, the materials requested would be provided.  There would need to be an easement between lots six and seven to let development residents use the path out to the common open space.  The legal documents that would be used for the Homeowners Association regarding maintenance would have to be shown to staff and the Board prior to approval of the proposed plan. Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013 Page 3  Where would the drainage pond be located? There would need to be more detail in the plan showing the outline and elevation of the water, the area of the road that would flood, and find out how long it would stay flooded.  Who would plow the snow?  There should be a connection to Lincoln Street and would probably be a condition.  There would be ten feet between houses consider attaching them.  Consider using roof run-off for watering or install an irrigation well.  The Homeowners Association should be responsible for maintaining the pervious pavement.  Speak with the Idlewilde stewards regarding the path to access the gardens.  Consider the orientation of the house on lot one to prevent an unfriendly side facing the main road.  Regarding the Franklin-Warren structure being preserved; what part of the façade would be kept and have there been conversations with the Historic Commission? There have been conversations with the Historic Commission and there would need to be permission to move the structure and spell out all the restrictions that would be part of the Homeowners Association Agreement.  Would there be enough parking for a crowd? There would be parking in the garages and driveways for day to day, but for large events there were no overall plans proposed. There would be some parking available in the cul-de-sac area and on the 20 foot wide driveway on one side. udience Concerns and Comments: A  There was concern about drainage. When the lots are being graded how much fill would be brought in on lots one and two? There would be no fill brought in or out, it would be restricted by the site and the water flow would still go in the same direction that currently exists, but the amount of water flow would be reduced .  There was concern about traffic issues. The traffic study done by Mark Barons showed no impact, but what about speeding on Middle Street. The applicant could build five houses by right and the increase from five to eight houses would not produce a lot more traffic. If there has been concern about speeding on the road by the neighbors go to TSAC and look into the traffic calming process. Page 4 Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013  It was appreciated what was being done by the Planning Board and Mark Barons by working with the neighbors to improving the drainage situation. The traffic on Middle Street was safer then on Lincoln Street and the proposed plan would improve the value to the neighborhood and hoped the Board would approve the plan. Board Comments and Concerns:  One more concern was the height of the vegetation on the island, which should be restricted to protect the line of sight. Mr. Larson said that worked for him. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to continue the public hearing to June 5, 2013, in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room at 7:30 p.m. 4-6 Robinson Road, Sketch Balanced Housing Development Plan : Present were John Farrington, attorney, Gary Larson, landscape architect, and Ron Lopez, project developer. Mr. Farrington said there were two houses on the site, which had one on the Historic Commission list, but was taken off and both houses would be demolished. There was a neighborhood meeting last week. Mr. Larson said the site was more than four acres located in the RO zone with frontage on Robinson Street. The Estabrook School was located within 500 feet to the north. The site has an elevation change of 60 feet from the top high point to the lowest point on Robinson Road. The sight distance from the curve meant the access would need to be on the east portion of the site. A five lot proof plan was presented. The proposal was for a Balanced Housing Development with six buildings containing 12 dwelling units and a common driveway 20 feet wide. The drainage system would collect from the road and driveways into a system that would be located where the existing house was to be demolished. The roof run off would have its own drywells. The catch basins would be at the end of the road and not allow any runoff onto the road. Board Concerns and Comments:  Why were no other alternatives for the site proposed? This site was very limiting.  The tree retention was appreciated, but the houses on Grove Street are the closest to the proposed development, consider moving the houses to the east to reduce the impact on those homes.  A pedestrian path connecting to Royal Circle should be built. Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013 Page 5  There was concern about the number of units being presented and would like to hear from the neighbors about the number of units being proposed.  After walking the site there was more concern with the houses on Royal Circle then those houses at Grove Street.  A conventional plan was not desirable, keep the smaller units.  Blasting would be a concern with a conventional plan; how bad would the blasting be with this plan? Mr. Lopez said there was 3-5 feet before hitting ledge and there was some leeway and perhaps blasting could be avoided.  The plan was heading in the right direction and the applicant was ready to proceed to a preliminary plan.  Why not put another house where the one being torn down was located? Mr. Larson said that would be a site for drainage and a recreational area since it was relatively flat.  The Board should consider scheduling a site visit.  Consider where houses maybe placed in the future in the surrounding neighborhoods. Audience Concerns and Comments:  Would it be possible to keep the drainage area wooded? There really was no need for the recreation area and the trees would help keep down the noise.  Twelve more houses accessing Robinson Road with no sidewalks would be scary especially when coming out of Grove Street the sight line was very bad. Plans for a sidewalk to be added and the Grove Street and Robinson Road intersection modified have been approved.  Neighbors were concerned that 12 units was a lot and removal of 50% of the vegetation would have a significant impact on the noise level from the highway.  School traffic in the area was a major concern.  With all the vegetation removal the sound would bounce off the new units and undo the benefits of the sound barrier.  Three buildings with six units would be better with contemporary designs and consider other developments going on in the area.  There was only one way out of Robinson Road, which was dangerous and having drainage at the end of the development by the road could cause ice at the intersection.  Where would all those children go to school? Page 6 Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013  Was the developer obligated to retain all the trees that were promised to be saved?  There was opposition to both plans and concern this would open the flood gates.  Damage from the blasting to existing homes could take several years to show up.  The whole neighborhood would be affected look at the recreation area to save some trees and mitigate the noise.  Consider some building designs, which could help to reduce the noise like green roofs. Board Comments and Concerns:  The neighborhood should continue to work with the applicants and email staff with comments.  The Planning Board does not have the authority to stop development but can help to minimize the impacts and make this the best possible development.  Try to keep more trees on the site.  The preference would be to come back with a preliminary stage plan and include the details requested by the Board Members; there should be at least two more meetings.  It would be favorable to cluster and combine more buildings to reduce the number of trees to be removed.  Consider reducing the number of units from the proposed 12. The units are already stepped, but would look into that possibility. The solid structures would block the noise. ********************************MINUTES************************************* On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, to approve the minutes of 2/27/13, 3/13/13 and 4/10/13 as amended. On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:59 p.m. The meeting was recorded by Lexmedia. The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department:  Memorandum from staff, dated May 3, 2013 on 376 Lincoln & 73 Middle Streets (2 pages).  Project narrative on 376 Lincoln & 73 Middle Streets (3 pages).  Proposed definitive Balanced Housing Development Plan on 376 Lincoln & 73 Middle Streets dated March 25, 2013 (9 pages). Minutes for the Meeting of May 8, 2013 Page 7  Agenda item Summary and staff recommendations, dated May 3, 2013 for 4 & 6 Robinson Road (2 pages).  Proposed sketch Balanced Housing Development Plan on 4 & 6 Robinson Road Streets dated April 23, 2013 (4 pages). Michelle Ciccolo, Clerk