HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-04-04- HDC-min Town of Lexington Historic Districts Commission Joseph Welch, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x294 Daniel Griffin Jr. Fax: (781) 861-2780 Paul Ross Robert Warshawer Minutes of Thursday, April 4, 2013, Selectmen Meeting Room, Town Hall Building at 7:00 PM Commissioners present: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa, and Barbara Feldman Department Clerk: Amy Casparius Absent Commissioners: Daniel Griffin and Paul Ross and Associate Commissioner: Lynn Hopkins FORMAL HEARINGS 1707 Mass Avenue: Attorney Thomas O. Fenn, representing Frank Chen, Fruitee Yogurt, is asking for a modification to Certificate No. 2012C-22 to allow the approved 4 tables and 8 chairs to remain out over night. Attorney Fenn is also requesting a temporary business sign to be placed on the sidewalk owned by the building. There are two requested locations for the sign. One location is near the Dunkin Donuts in order to be seen on Massachusetts Avenue. The other location is near The Dry Cleaners in order to be seen on the Bike Path. The Board of Appeals has approved both requests pending the approval of this Commission. The Commission wants the applicant to find a different material for the sign itself, a plastic sandwich board is not appropriate for the Historic District. The Commission will allow the sign to be used as presented during the summer of 2013. The Commission voted 5-0 for a modification to Certificate No. 2012C-22 to allow the approved 4 tables and 8 chairs to remain out over night, and to issue a certificate of appropriateness for a Temporary Business Sign to be placed out a few times each week in one of the two location requested. Certificate No. 2013C-9 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman 1960 Massachusetts Avenue: Stephen and Amy Heim, owners, Exterior Architectural Changes (Add dormer/extend roof line above attached garage.) in the Battle Green District. This hearing has been continued until May 2013 by request of the applicant. 1875 Massachusetts Avenue: Susan Bennett, Lexington Historical Society, and Patrick Guthrie, Architect, Menders, Torrey & Spencer presented drawings for modifications and restoration to the Buckman Tavern. The presented changes will make the Buckman Tavern more accessible. Ms. Bennett also requested approval to the relocate the sign closer to the new visitor entrance. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for restoration and modifications and relocating the post sign. Certificate No. 2013C-10 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 e-mail acasparius@lexingtonma.gov HDC Minutes, April 4, 2013 2 FORMAL HEARINGS CONTINUED 1153 Massachusetts Avenue: Richard Michelson representing The Lions Club of Lexington and the Rotary Club of Lexington presented a, drawing of proposed signage, map with proposed location, approval letters from the Town of Lexington and the Supreme Council with respect to installation of a freestanding civic sign on the grounds of the National Heritage Museum, and photograph of a matching sign at different location in town. The Commission felt that the spacing between the top panel and the first organization is very crowed and requested a 1 or 2-inch space be placed there. The applicant had no problem requesting the sign maker make the change. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for a freestanding civic sign. Certificate No. 2013C-11 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman 1688 Massachusetts Avenue: Bernie Osgood representing the Higgins Group Realtors presented a drawing with specification of the proposed projecting sign, and a photoshopped image of what the sign will look like in place. The proposed sign shall be placed in the space to the right of the front door and to the side of the existing wall sign. This sign will match the signage at ride studio café located at 1720 Massachusetts Avenue. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for a projecting sign. Certificate No. 20213C-12 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman 1403 Massachusetts Avenue: Emily Passman representing Munroe Center for the Arts presented photographs showing existing and proposed signage and sign lighting. The existing sign panel will be painted a blue and red with the name “Munroe Center for the Arts” in yellow. A small removable “Gallery Open” panel will be hung from the bottom of the main sign panel. The address number will be painted in black on the left of the top horizontal post. The applicant requested to externally light the sign by centering a lighting fixture on the top horizontal post. This lighting will match the signage at 1475 Massachusetts Avenue. Tom Griffiths, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Munroe Center for the Arts, asked if replacing windows had to be presented to the Commission. Chairman Joseph Welch stated that a hearing was required to make any exterior changes to the building. Since the Munroe Center has such large window, the Commission will work with the applicant to approve the best window for the building. One commissioner requested that when they are looking into replacement windows they price out restoring the existing windows so the Munroe Center can make an informed decision. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness to repaint and light the existing freestanding sign. Certificate No. 2013C-13 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman CONTINUED HEARINGS 14 Tavern Lane: Ernest Rogers of Rogers and Company presented drawings, specification and a plot plan to construct a 2.5 story single family home with an attached two vehicle garage. The Commission has seen this project informally a few times and is reviewing the specific details at this hearing. A few clarifications were needed regarding the gutters being wood and not aluminum as stated on the plans, the garage doors need to be changed to a wood product, and the material for walkway needs to be determined. The Commission voted 4-1 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for a new Single Family Dwelling. One Member voted against the project feeling that the existing home did not need to be demolished and it was in fact her responsibility to protect the existing home. Certificate No. 2013C-8 Voting in favor were Commissioners: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, and Marilyn Fenollosa. Voting against was Associate Commissioner Barbara Feldman Tourism Committee: Dawn McKenna, Chairman Tourism Committee and Jerry Michelson presented a seven (7) page packet showing existing and proposed parking signage throughout the Battle Green District. The applicants want to enlarge the existing signage keeping the colors consistent with the Lexington signage program while incorporating the internationally recognized parking symbol. There will be seven (7) signs altogether with two of the signs having double arrows. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for new parking signage throughout the Battle Green District. Certificate No. 2013C-14 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman HDC Minutes, April 4, 2013 3 CONTINUED HEARINGS CONTINUED Tower Park: Dawn McKenna, Chairman Tourism Committee presented a drawing showing the location of the park name on the wall, specification sheet, and letter from Studio2112 Landscape Architecture. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for signage engraved into the center wall of Antony Park. Certificate No. 2013C-15 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg, Marilyn Fenollosa and Barbara Feldman 2013 and 2027 Massachusetts Avenue: Trisha Kennaley, AB Holdings, Exterior Architectural Change, in the Battle Green District. (Paint color change.) Ms. Kennaley did not attend the hearing. INFORMAL HEARINGS 739 Massachusetts Avenue: Paul Menz representing the Waldorf School showed ideas for a new main sign, three or four location signs and lighting around the campus. The Commission did not like the idea to cover over the Frieze lettering for the Adams School building. The Commission feels that this element is a part of the historic fabric of the building and replacing the existing signage at the entrance to the building will be sufficient to remove any confusion. Mr. Menz is ready for a formal hearing in May 2013. 46E Bedford Street: Igor Ostrovsky, owner of Apex Wine and Spirits showed photographs of proposed signage. The lettering will say Wine and Spirits. Mr. Ostrovsky feels that the entire name of the business appears too small on the wall sign. The Commission has no issues with just wine and spirits on the wall sign as long as Mr. Ostrovsky does not. The panel for the standing sign will have the entire name and conform to the standards for that sign. A temporary sign will be allowed only until the permanent signage is ready. OTHER BUSINESS 1557 Massachusetts Avenue : Chairman Joseph Welch read a letter received from a former permanent building committee member regarding the Hammond Hosmer House. The resident feels that the changes were a huge mistake and the building should be moved from its current location to a less obvious spot. Joseph Welch, explained that the purview of the Historic Commission is to approve plans submitted not create them. The Commission approved the plans to stabilize the main section of the building until its new purpose is determined. There is no objection to moving the building to a different location on this site in the future. The Commission did not approve the original proposal to remove the building from the site and out of the Historic District. Removing this building from the site would have been detrimental to the mission of the Historic District Commission, and stabilization was the best compromise. Currently there is no landscaping around the house. The facilities department is in charge of the landscaping and this letter will be forwarded to Patrick Goddard, Director of Facilities, th Massachusetts Avenue & Worthen Road Banners: Susan Rockwell, Chairman 300 Anniversary Committee requested that the banners be allowed to remain up thru Summer 2013. Many organizations in town have added events celebrating th Lexington’s 300 Anniversary after the offical town celebration has concluded in May. The Commission did not see any issue with allowing the banners to remiane and the Certificate of Appropriateness will be adjusted accordingly. Upon Motion duly made and seconded it was voted to approve the minutes from March 7, 2013 Upon Motion duly made and seconded it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM HDC Minutes, April 4, 2013 4