HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-06-SE-Results (Warrant for State Election—See WARRANT FILE) STATE ELECTION-TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 6,2012 In pursuance of the foregoing warrant the legal voters of the Town of Lexington met in their respective voting places in said Town of Lexington on Tuesday,November 6,2012 at 7:00 a.m. The following places were designated as the voting places for the various precincts: Precinct One,Cary Memorial Hall; Precinct Two, Bowman School; Precinct Three, Clarke Middle School; Precinct Four, Bridge School; Precinct Five, Cary Memorial Hall; Precinct Six, Diamond Middle School; Precinct Seven, Estabrook School, Precinct Eight,Samuel Hadley Public Services Building; Precinct Nine, Maria Hastings School. The election officers and Wardens of the various precincts were assigned for duty as follows: Precinct 1: Warden: Richard Pemberton [U]; Clerks: Barry Sampson [U] & Richard Spillane [U]; Inspectors: Eileen G. McAlduff[D], Jeannette Cerulli [D], Edwina Spillane[U], Doris Pemberton [U], William J. Barrett[R], Carol Sampson[U].Verna Thayer[U],Marion Barry[D],Joel Adler[U]. Precinct 2: Warden: Rebecca Fagan Gorospe[U]; Clerks: Richard Eaton[U]&Susanne Hays[U]; Inspectors: Marita Hartshorn[D],Robert Hartshorn[D],Arline Burns[U],Claire Martin[D], Katherine O'Sullivan[U],Margaret Ouellette[D],Sonya Hagopian[U],Ann Anderson[D],Josephine Petner[D]. Precinct 3: Warden:Shirley R. Frawley[D];Clerks: Elaine Quinlan[U]&William Frawley[D]; Inspectors: Laura Welby[U],Ann Canter[D], Stacey Hamilton [D], Sandra Natale [U], Edward Natale,Sr. [U], J. David MacLellan [U],Nancy Hubert[D],Maarib Bazzaz[D],Maria Griffin[U],Yang Gao[U],Julie Sibert[U],Charles Winchester[R]. Precinct 4: Warden: Linda Dixon [U]; Clerks: Evangeline Puopolo [U] & Michael Fenollosa [D]; Inspectors: Dana Regillo[R], Eleanor Smith [U], Beverly F.Aker[U], Gloria Curran [U], Raya Gildor[U], John Yanakis[U], MaryLou Burke[U],Anne Mary Dunn[U],Mary Devoe[U],Francine Edwards[D],Edith Barbieri[U]. Precinct 5: Warden: Marie Hill [U]; Clerks: Josephine Bailey [U] & Donna M. Keane [U]; Inspectors: Mary Tashjian [U], Linda Cohen [U], Christine Hill [D]. Arlene Ellen McGrath [U], Gerald McGrath [U], Lorraine Setterlund[U],Joanne Andrellos[R],Barbara Mix[R],Marie Sullivan[U],Joan Granger[U]. Precinct 6: Warden: Dorothy Boggia[R];Clerks:Ann Webster[U]&Richard Bair[U];Inspectors:Charles Price [U],Sandra Gasbarro[U],Joann Gschwendtner[U],D. Peter Lund[R],E.Ashley Rooney[D], Elizabeth Sullivan [D], Diane Biglow[U], L.Susan Conway[U],Charles Freeman[R],Susan Folger[U],Judy Cooper[D], Margaret Freeman[U],Hazel Graham[D],Elizabeth Golovchenko[U]. Precinct 7: Warden: Alice M. Pierce[D]; Clerks: Margaret Bradley[D] & Mabel Amar[D]; Inspectors: Isabelle Bennett[R], Mary Burnell[U], Mary Ayvazian[D], Doris Barg[U], Pamela Marshall[D], Martha Wood[D],James Wood[D],Jane Trudeau[D],Renee Reynolds[D],Adrian Reynolds[D],Ephraim Weiss[D]. Precinct 8: Warden: Chet P. Webster[U]; Clerks:Amy Rubin [D] & Barbara L. Perrotta [D]; Inspectors: Ann Diamond[U], Elinor Bettencourt[R], Anthony Montagna[U],Anne O'Neill[U],Julie Miller[U], Maureen Burns [U],Patricia Costello[U],Margaret Counts-Klebe[D],Theresa Leslie[U],Carol Flynn[U]. Precinct 9: Warden: Shirley Ament-Bergey[D];Clerks:Clark Schuler[U]&Mary Ellen Turner[U]; Inspectors: Judith Schuler[U], Dorothy Bolduc[U],Carole Scalise[R], Harry Farrington[U], Edgar Knudson[D], Louis Mula[U], Marsha Baker[D],Harry Forsdick[U],Dale Pease[U],Mary Gillespie[D],Janet Lowther[R],Constance Cooper D]. The election officers were sworn to the faithful performance of their duties. The polls were declared open in each precinct at seven o'clock A.M. and remained open until eight o'clock P.M., at which time, after due notice,declared closed. The total number of registered voters in each precinct eligible to vote as of October 17,2012: Absentee&Provisional Ballots Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct7 Pct8 Pct9 TOTAL Registered,Specially Qualified&UOCAVA Ballots Processed 254 317 300 370 405 374 303 272 318 2913 VotedIn-Person&Counted 81 83 89 112 121 102 107 73 88 856 Returned&Counted 160 200 187 221 237 222 162 170 188 1747 Rejected/Late/Not returned 13 34 24 37 47 50 34 29 42 310 Federal Write-In Received& Counted 7 9 6 5 6 9 7 6 11 66 Total Absentee Ballots 261 326 306 375 411 383 310 278 329 2979 UOCAVA Ballots Processed 13 19 10 13 23 23 11 14 11 137 UOCAVA Ballots Ret'd/Counted 13 19 10 8 20 22 9 9 9 119 Provisional Ballots Processed 1 3 6 12 8 7 3 0 4 44 Provisional Ballots Cast 1 1 0 2 4 1 2 0 3 14 November 6,2072 State Election,cont.... Registered Voters Precinct Registered Democrat Green- Republican Unenrolled Other Voters Rainbow 1 2208 873 2 200 1128 5 2 2569 1067 6 217 1275 4 3 2228 863 2 230 1126 7 4 2552 1032 3 237 1276 4 5 2670 994 2 294 1377 3 6 2547 967 1 322 1252 5 7 2504 921 4 236 1339 4 8 2438 930 1 233 1265 9 9 2482 874 1 261 1341 5 Totals 22198 8521 22 2230 11379 46 Recap sheets were delivered to the Town Clerk at the Town Office Building;83%of the registered voters cast their vote. The Town Clerk canvassed the results: November 6,2012 State Election Results Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL Total Reg Voters 2208 2569 2228 2552 2670 2547 2504 2438 2482 22198 Total Votes 1762 2197 1794 2174 2189 2135 2106 2027 2055 18439 Percent(Total Votes/Total Voters) 80% 86% 81% 85% 82% 84% 84% 83% 83% 83% Pct 1 Pct2 Pct3 Pct4 Pct5 Pct6 Pct7 Pct8 Pct9 TOTAL PRESIDENT/VICE PRESIDENT JOHNSON AND GRAY 6 19 8 18 16 10 16 17 27 137 OBAMA AND BIDEN 1204 1609 1294 1514 1455 1417 1477 1425 1355 12750 ROMNEY AND RYAN 525 528 471 609 683 685 589 555 648 5293 STEIN AND HONKALA 19 26 17 24 24 10 13 13 14 160 ALL OTHERS 1 2 1 0 3 3 1 8 6 25 BLANKS 7 13 3 9 8 10 10 9 5 74 SENATOR IN CONGRESS SCOTT P.BROWN 614 651 555 744 799 820 737 688 789 6397 ELIZABETH A. WARREN 1135 1537 1221 1411 1378 1303 1357 1327 1253 11922 ALL OTHERS 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 BLANK 12 9 18 18 12 12 12 11 13 117 REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS—Fifth District EDWARD J.MARKEY 1285 1689 1344 1607 1593 1523 1543 1486 1461 13531 TOM TIERNEY 370 392 347 442 474 498 448 421 479 3871 ALL OTHERS 4 1 1 6 6 0 0 1 0 19 BLANK 103 115 102 119 116 114 115 119 115 1018 COUNCILLOR—Third District MARILYN M.PETITTO DEVANEY 1074 1421 1111 1294 1292 1268 1264 1246 1224 11194 THOMAS SHEFF 292 285 294 399 408 395 387 339 384 3183 ALL OTHERS 5 4 1 6 3 1 4 1 4 29 BLANK 391 487 388 475 486 471 451 441 443 4033 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT—Fourth Middlesex District(1,2,4-71 KENNETH J. DONNELLY 1182 1536 --- 1422 1394 1361 1367 --- --- 8262 GERRY C. DEMBROWSKI 347 375 --- 463 514 497 470 --- --- 2666 ALL OTHERS 4 3 2 0 1 1 --- 11 BLANK 229 283 --- 287 281 276 268 --- --- 1624 SENATOR IN GENERAL COURT—Third Middlesex District 3,8,91_ MICHAEL J.BARRETT --- --- 1253 --- --- --- --- 1488 1357 4098 SANDI MARTINEZ --- --- 349 --- --- --- --- 377 501 1227 ALL OTHERS --- --- 0 --- --- --- 0 3 3 BLANKS --- --- 192 --- --- --- --- 162 194 548 November 6,2072 State Election,cont.... REPRESENTATIVE IN GENERAL COURT—Fifteenth Middlesex District_ JAY R.KAUFMAN 1327 1714 1380 1677 1662 1649 1650 1605 1578 14275 ALL OTHERS 8 15 4 15 9 23 7 8 12 101 BLANKS 427 435 410 482 518 463 449 414 465 4063 _CLERK OF COURTS—Middlesex County MICHAEL A.SULLIVAN 1188 1530 1225 1421 1492 1421 1445 1402 1399 12523 ALL OTHERS 6 13 3 10 5 13 11 9 11 81 BLANKS 568 654 566 743 692 701 650 616 645 5835 REGISTER OF DEEDS—Middlesex Southern District MARIA C.CURTATONE 1160 1502 1204 1400 1470 1399 1429 1368 1383 12315 ALL OTHERS 6 9 2 10 9 13 11 5 10 75 BLANKS 596 686 588 764 710 723 666 654 662 6049 SHERIFF—Middlesex County PETER J.KOUTOUJIAN 1091 1460 1161 1282 1355 1281 1308 1219 1287 11444 ERNESTO M. PETRONE 247 241 232 332 323 332 326 305 308 2646 ALL OTHERS 7 8 0 7 2 4 8 2 4 42 BLANKS 417 488 401 553 509 518 464 501 456 4307 QUESTION 1 (Initiative Petition) AVAILABILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLE REPAIR INFORMATION Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES 1300 1656 1270 1599 1621 1581 1606 1540 1559 13732 NO 186 201 187 241 220 213 193 178 206 1825 BLANKS 276 340 337 334 348 341 307 309 290 2882 QUESTION 2 (Initiative Petition) PRESCRIBING MEDICATION TO END LIFE Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES 978 1358 1114 1309 1257 1284 1252 1185 1128 10865 NO 693 760 585 756 840 755 761 737 824 6711 BLANKS 91 79 95 109 92 96 93 105 103 863 QUESTION 3 (Initiative Petition) MEDICAL USE OF MARIJUANA Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES 1094 1439 1138 1338 1395 1334 1292 1241 1223 11494 NO 578 678 544 724 683 702 723 676 727 6035 BLANKS 90 80 112 112 111 99 91 110 105 910 QUESTION 4(Not Binding) - SHALL STATE REPRESENTATIVE BE INSTRUCTED IN FAVOR OF RESOLUTION CALLING UPON CONGRESS TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE U.S.CONSTITUTION REGARDING CORPORATIONS AND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES 1167 1523 --- 1479 1461 1385 1415 --- --- 8430 NO 249 289 --- 284 332 348 299 --- --- 1801 BLANKS 346 385 --- 411 396 402 392 --- --- 2332 QUESTION 4(Not Binding) - SHALL STATE SENATOR BE INSTRUCTED IN FAVOR OF RESOLUTION CALLING UPON CONGRESS TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE U.S.CONSTITUTION REGARDING CORPORATIONS AND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES --- --- 1217 --- --- --- --- 1355 1308 3880 NO --- --- 240 --- --- --- --- 310 327 877 BLANKS --- --- 337 --- --- --- --- 362 420 1119 QUESTION 5(Not Binding) - SHALL STATE REPRESENTATIVE BE INSTRUCTED TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF RESOLUTION CALLING UPON CONGRESS TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO THE U.S.CONSTITUTION REGARDING CORPORATIONS AND POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES --- --- 1197 --- --- --- --- 1345 1265 3807 NO --- --- 237 --- --- --- --- 289 327 853 BLANKS --- --- 360 --- --- --- --- 393 463 1216 November 6,2072 State Election,cont.... QUESTION 5(Not Binding) - SHALL STATE REPRESENTATIVE BE INSTRUCTED TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF RESOLUTION CALLING UPON CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF CERTAIN SPENDING PRIORITIES Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES 1045 1359 --- 1230 1284 1175 1243 --- --- 7336 NO 361 438 --- 513 505 555 476 --- --- 2848 BLANKS 356 400 --- 431 400 405 387 --- --- 2379 QUESTION 6(Not Binding) - SHALL STATE REPRESENTATIVE BE INSTRUCTED TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF RESOLUTION CALLING UPON CONGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT TO VOTE IN FAVOR OF CERTAIN SPENDING PRIORITIES Pct 1 Pct 2 Pct 3 Pct 4 Pct 5 Pct 6 Pct 7 Pct 8 Pct 9 TOTAL YES --- --- 1072 --- --- --- --- 1180 1123 3375 NO --- --- 370 --- --- --- --- 451 481 1302 BLANKS --- --- 352 --- --- --- --- 396 451 1199 A true copy. Attest: Donna M.Hooper,Town Clerk