HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-01-18-CPC-min Minutes of the Community Preservation Committee Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:00 PM Ellen Stone Room Cary Memorial Building Present: Board Members: Wendy Manz,Chair; Marilyn Fenollosa, Vice-Chair; Joel Adler, Norman Cohen, Jeanne Krieger, Leo McSweeney, Sandy Shaw, Betsey Weiss and Dick Wolk. Administrative Assistant : Nathalie Rice Also in attendance were David Kanter of the Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC), Dawn McKenna, Chair of the Tourism Committee, Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Town resident Robert Pressman. The meeting was called to order at 1:03 pm. by Ms. Manz. 1.Amendments to Projects/New Information - Ms. Manz updated the Committee on the following information that had been received since the last meeting: a. ) The Land Acquisition proposed by the Conservation Commission has been withdrawn. b. ) The Land Acquisition proposed by the Board of Selectmen (Wright Farm) is still under negotiation. Mr. Cohen reported that one appraisal has been received by the Town. He also reported that there will be two warrant articles if the project moves forward to Town Meeting – one submitted by the CPC and a separate one submitted by the Conservation Commission. c. ) Greeley Village Accessible Housing Project – The CPC has received a letter from DHCD (Department of Housing and Community Development) stating their commitment of $300,000 toward the funding of this project. d. ) White House Stabilization – A memo has been received from Ms. McKenna stating that use of the White House by the Liberty Ride is no longer part of the project. e. ) Visitor Center Renovation/Expansion – Ms. Manz noted that Ms. McKenna has informed the CPC that the Tourism Committee has upcoming meetings with the Historic Districts Commission for an informal hearing (February 2) and with the Economic Development Advisory Committee (January 19). f. ) Paint Mine Barn Preservation – Ms. Mullins has submitted a breakdown of costs in response to Mr. Adler’s request at the last CPC meeting. 2.Policy Discussion Regarding the CPA Reserve – Ms. Manz opened this discussion of the CPC’s policy to keep $2.0 million in its Undesignated Fund Balance. If all FY13 projects are approved, she stated that the reserve balance 1 would be approximately $1,115,653. Ms. Manz asked members if they felt comfortable with this $1.1 million reserve, or if they preferred a higher amount. Mr. Adler stated that the $2.0 million reserve might be wise in light of consistently decreasing State Match amounts. Ms. Weiss commented that it appeared that the most important conservation parcels have been acquired, which she noted was the primary purpose of the $2.0 million reserve. Mr. Adler suggested that the Committee find a middle ground between the $1.0 and $2.0 million amounts. Mr. Cohen moved that the CPC maintain a reserve between the $1.0 and $2.0 million dollars. This motion was seconded and approved by the CPC (9-0). 3.LexHAB Set-Aside Funds for Housing Acquisition – Bill Hays, Co-Chair of LexHAB, met with the CPC to discuss the Committee’s straw vote at its previous meeting, and its stipulation that LexHAB use its FY13 CPA monies to fund multiple units rather than individual homes as has been LexHAB’s custom. There was a lengthy discussion of LexHAB’s use of CPA funding, and whether the FY13 CPC-approved funds should be held by the organization for later use on the Leary or Busa properties. Mr. Hays reminded members that the 2011 Annual Town Meeting had sought assurances from the Selectmen that LexHAB’s CPA funds would not be used on an affordable housing development on the Leary property without returning to Town Meeting. There was a discussion of LexHAB’s tenant selection process and the inclusion of its units in the SHI. Mr. Adler suggested that LexHAB should continue to have discretion regarding the spending of CPA funds and suggested that the amount remain at $500,000. Ms. Shaw agreed that the CPC should not tie the hands of LexHAB, but suggested that $450,000 would be sufficient. Ms. Weiss said that it was unclear when new construction development would happen in Lexington, and it was therefore important to recommend funds for LexHAB to buy existing small homes to create affordable units. She noted that LexHAB has added 26 units to the Town with CPA funds at a cost of $2.6 million - $260,000 per unit - very much in line with multi-unit construction. She said she felt it would be unfair to specify how the funds were to be spent, and suggested LexHAB be approved for $500,000 for their project. Mr. Adler made a motion to approve $500,000 for LexHAB in unqualified CPA funding (though still adhering to the CPC Guidelines). The vote of the CPC was (4-5) on this motion. Mr. Wolk made a subsequent motion to approve $450,000 in unqualified funds. This motion was voted on and approved (6-3). 4.Paint Mine Barn Restoration – Ms. Mullins, Director of Community Development, had submitted a cost breakdown for this project at Mr. Adler’s request. Mr. Adler was still unsatisfied with the cost analysis was inadequate, and preferred that it had been fully prepared by the Facilities Department. He 2 said the type and number of windows for the barn was still unclear. After a brief discussion, Mr. Wolk made a motion to accept the project. The vote was (8-1) to approve the project. 5.White House Renovation/Expansion – Ms. Fenollosa addressed this project, stating that the Historic Districts Commission (HDC) would in all likelihood not approve the total demolition or moving of the structure. She said the Commission unanimously supported Mr. Goddard’s proposal to remove all but the main block and undertake the necessary stabilization of the remaining home. Mr. Cohen stated that he had had many calls regarding the project, and questioned how the CPC could justify $232K in support for the project. Ms. Weiss responded, “this was exactly why the CPA was passed; please remember the success of the Stone Building last year”. Ms. Manz asked if the Historical Commission (HC) had issued a statement on the project, to which Ms. Fenollosa replied that they had voted to support the plan as proposed. Ms. Krieger stated that she questioned making such a large financial commitment for a building with as yet an undetermined use. In response to this sentiment, Ms. Fenollosa noted that the stabilization of the Stone Building was undertaken prior to specifying the precise use of the building, and that the project had been a resounding success. Mr. Cohen said he felt the community was not behind the renovation of the White House, and Mr. Adler expressed his opinion that the land on which the White House sits could be used for a better Town purpose. Ms. McKenna spoke in support of the project, and Mr. Kanter added that the CEC will support the project if the Selectmen vote to approve the tax levy portion of the project ($148,590). A motion was made by Ms. Fenollosa to approve the White House project at $232,410. The CPC voted not to support this project by a vote of (3-6). 6.Cary Memorial Building Upgrades – It was noted that this project had the unanimous support of the HDC and the HC. The CPC voted to support this project (8-1). 7.Visitor Center Renovation/Expansion – Ms. McKenna made a presentation on this project for which Ms. Mary Jo Bohart, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce was present. Ms. McKenna addressed a series of concerns the CPC had raised regarding the project. She noted that the CPC had been sent Options 1 and 2, and that she had upcoming appointments with the HDC and with the Economic Development Advisory Committee. She stated that she had the support of the Town Manager for the project, and that 3 she had followed the proper process for the presentation of the project to the CPC. She noted that the Selectmen had not yet voted on the project, but stated that they also had several other projects pending final review. There was a lengthy discussion of the project, and specifically whether it had received enough Town exposure. Ms. Manz read a letter from the Historical Society which stated that the Society appreciated the need for a “facelift” for the Visitor Center. The Society had reservations about the project, however, and could not support it as presented to the CPC. In response, Ms. McKenna stated that the Historical Society had been involved with the project since its inception. Mr. Kanter reported that the CEC, though supportive of the need for renovations to the Visitor Center, preferred better definition of the scope of work. Ms. Manz addressed the concerns of the CPC members, and questioned whether the project had been held to a higher standard than other projects. She said she would have preferred that the project had come through the customary channels of the Facilities Department, but appreciated the volunteer labor on the part of Ms. McKenna and Colin Smith, the President of the Chamber of Commerce and architect for the renovation. She stated that she felt the amount of the request was reasonable and would vote to approve the project. Ms. Weiss stated her support of Ms. Manz’s position. Mr. Adler made a motion to approve $200 for the project, to pay for repairs to the bathrooms. There was no second to this motion. Mr. McSweeney then moved to support the project, with Option 3 as the preferred design. The Committee voted (3-6) not to support the project. Mr. Cohen and Ms. Fenollosa left the meeting at this point. Ms. McKenna subsequently requested that the CPC allow consideration of the Visitor Center project for the Special Town Meeting that is scheduled to be held within the upcoming Annual Town Meeting. There was discussion of this proposal, and of the appropriate deadlines should the CPC allow such reconsideration. A vote was taken (5-2) to set a new deadline of March 3rd, to allow further consideration of the Visitor Center project. (Ms. Weiss wished to go on record as voting to continue consideration of the project.) Members reflected on this decision, however, and agreed it set a difficult precedent. A subsequent vote was taken (5-2) to rescind the previous vote. This resulted in the Visitor Center Project not being approved for passage to either the Annual or Special Town Meetings this spring. 8.Withdrawn and Modified Projects – Ms. Manz noted the withdrawal of the Library’s proposed project “Cary Library Project Material Handling and 4 Workflow”. This project was withdrawn early in the review process when it was determined to be outside the guidelines of the CPA Statute. Also withdrawn was the Antony Park project, proposed by the Tourism Committee. One modification was also noted – to the Battle Green Master Plan Implementation Project. The $60,000 traffic study which had originally been part of the proposal for CPA funding was removed due to Town Counsel’s opinion that traffic studies do not qualify for historic preservation funding under the CPA Statute. 9.Final Votes – The remainder of the CPC projects were voted on, including Debt Service and the Administrative Budget. The final votes for the FY 13 project year are shown below: a.) Archives and Records Management, $150,000 (9-0) b.) Center Playfields Drainage, $605,718 (9-0) c.) Historical Society Records Preservation, $77,268 (9-0) d.) Buckman Tavern HS Rep/Restrtn. Plans, $65,000 (9-0) e.) Muzzey Senior Center Upgrades, $651,518 (9-0) f.) Battle Green Master Plan Implementation, $143,845 (8-1) g.) Visitor Center Renovation/Expansion, $117,731 (3-6) h.) Cary Memorial Building Upgrades, $550,000 (8-1) i.) White House Stabilization, $232,410 (3-6) j.) Paint Mine Barn Preservation, $34,770 (8-1) k.) LexHAB Set-Aside for Housing Acq. $450,000 (6-3) l.) Greeley Vill. Accessible Housing Project, $810,673 (9-0) m.) Land Acquisition – CC-sponsored, withdrawn n.) Land Acquisition – Wright Farm, no vote o.) Busa Farm Debt Service, $930,300 (9-0) p.) Cotton Farm Debt Service, $1,000,000 (9-0) q.) Administrative Budget, $150,000 (9-0) The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM. The following documents were presented at the meeting: (1)“Paint Mine Barn Estimate” from Karen Mullins, Director of Community Development. The Estimate was undated. It was received in the CPC Office on January 17, 2012. (2)Letter from Lexington Historical Society regarding the Visitor Center restoration Respectfully submitted, Nathalie Rice 5 Administrative Assistant Community Preservation Committee 6