HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-03-29-ETF-minEstabrook Task Force Meeting
March 29, 2012, 7:30 pm— Public Services Building
Present: Michelle Ciccolo, John Livsey, Manny Ferro, Ben Moroze, Keith Hoyle, Sandra
Trach, Bill Hadley, Judy Crocker, Richard Larrabee, Ed LoTurco, Tom Peterson, Pat
Goddard, Mary Ann Stewart, Gary Ainslie (DiNisco Design).
Call to order: 7:34 p.m.
No corrections on minutes from January 11, 2012. John Livsey made a motion to accept
the minutes; Ed LoTurco seconded. Unanimously approved.
No corrections on minutes from February 1, 2012. Bill Hadley made a motion to accept
the minutes; Tom Peterson seconded. Unanimously approved.
Agenda was to go over the approved site plan and review what that meant for circulation
and queuing. DiNisco felt that the site plan meets the goals of handling overflow of cars
to keep traffic off Grove St. as well as providing a circular turnaround off Robinson Rd.
DiNisco tried to get more curbside space closer to the building entry, and reconfigured
the elliptical turnaround. This added almost 100 LF of queuing space. Also, will
maintain three full lanes around the whole driveway (32 ft). This gives 860 LF of
queuing on the site plan.
In meeting with Police Chief, the Chief's main goal was to make sure the queue was
flexible enough to work out the operational kinks. One way was to make parking lot
wide enough to allow two -way traffic for queue overflow. Other options include adding
240 LF of curb space for 1100 LF on site. This approaches the maximum Beta predicted
could be needed.
Also have a 60' turnaround at the back off Robinson Rd. for 5 -8 cars.
A question was asked if there was a dedicated bus lane designated as part of the queuing
design. The answer was that there are two lanes in the queue where the buses can come
around. A dedicated bus lane was described as partitioned by a metal fence to allow cars
to pass legally when the bus lights were flashing. Department of Public Facilities
indicated that ensuring that a proper bus lane was in place would be part of the detailed
on site design.
A question was asked if it is anticipated that pickup at the rear turnaround would require
school staffing at the end of the day. The answer was that staff may be needed there for
safety, but that the spirit of the rear turnaround was for families in the Turning Mill
neighborhood. The primary pickup /dropoff will still be at the front entrance off Grove
St., and it will be a matter of parent education as to that fact. An audience member asked
about stickering cars as to indicate the right to use the rear turnaround.
Answer: this kind of operation is still two years out for the School Department, and there
are ways to configure queuing to avoid needing general use of the rear turnaround: the
intent is that any Robinson Rd. turnaround use is minor. Also, since Robinson Rd. is a
street, and Public Safety doesn't want queuing on the streets, perhaps that would prevent
an issue. Public Safety indicated that they could petition for "No Standing" rules on
Robinson road but enforcement of that is difficult.
The School Committee indicated that the budget is designed to reduce the bus fees to
Estabrook to increase bus ridership, but that it is up to families to use the bus with the
reduced fees, so as to reduce all car traffic.
DiNisco indicated that the 60' turnaround was sized to allow a truck to use it.
An issue was raised as to how an emergency might be handled with two lanes of stopped
traffic in an overflow queuing situation at the main entrance. Public Safety shares that
concern, and hoped that overflow queuing would utilize the two -way parking lot option.
DPF indicated that the plan is deliberately designed to be flexible if parent behavior
doesn't change. DiNisco pointed out that the key to the whole plan is flexibility and
multiple ways to keep cars off of Grove St. The Chair pointed out that because of the
options, the pavement configuration wouldn't have to change to have choices once there
is some experience with the new site.
The point was raised that there are regular dismissal forms filed with the school office,
and that parents can't constantly change whether they go to the back or the front on a
whim. Also, most of the school staff is involved with pickup at the front of the school so
they can't staff the back as a major location as well. The point is that there are more than
just traffic and streets involved here —there are children, too.
DiNisco mentioned that the school will ultimately manage the traffic.
A question was asked as to how kids would load into cars if the extra queuing space was
needed. The Estabrook Principal reviewed how pickup works today, with child and
queue management, and that perhaps if overflow was needed then a staff member could
be positioned down towards Grove St. to start the overflow queue. Ultimately, the school
staff needs to experience the new design to know what's best.
There were some concerns with how Kindergarten drop off and pickup would be handled
with the site design. The hope was expressed that increased bus ridership would help
with this issue. Also, buses could use the perimeter road with kids entering and leaving
from the cafeteria which would be along that road.
A question was asked as to whether there would be a sidewalk to the back turnaround.
The answer was yes.
A question was asked if buses were to use the perimeter road, would they then use
Robinson Rd. to enter or exit? It is hard to know now what would happen.
An audience member indicated that it wouldn't be safe for buses to use Robinson Rd. as
the site lines at Robinson and Grove are terrible. Others pointed out that buses use that
intersection today.
The School Committee indicated that the MSBA approved the plan, so that the next step
is the Special Town Meeting approval of the building funding on Monday, April 2"
DPF indicated that everything is on schedule so far to begin this summer.
The DPW indicated that they are requesting $170,000 for the engineering design of off
site street improvements, including rebuilding Robinson Rd. to a uniform 18' width, with
a sidewalk on one side of the street from Turning Mill Rd. up. Other things the DPW is
looking into off site include sight line improvements at Grove St. and the Estabrook
driveway, and Grove St. and Robinson Rd.
Also, the Town is still considering signalizing the Estabrook entrance at Grove St. but
currently leaning away from that option. Indications today suggest there will probably be
a formal pedestrian crossing but not a traffic light.
The DPW will likely begin design in early May, assuming appropriate of the funds at
Town Meeting. They would start with ideas and concepts as to where sidewalks would
go, where sight lines would be improved. There would be workshops with the abutters,
where they would present plans and get feedback. This would be in the early fall time
frame. Then, they would finalize the designs and begin permitting. DPW would need to
obtain Conservation approvals, and Mass DOT review because of work near the bridge
on Grove St. There could be a MEPA environmental process due to removing walls or
shade trees. That could take 3 -6 months.
DPW indicated that the most time sensitive work would be the improvements to the
Estabrook entrance at Grove St. because they need to do any work there when school is
out of session. They also don't want to do that work when trucks would be delivering
materials at the beginning of construction or at the end, when demolition of the old
building would be occurring.
DPW indicated that sidewalk easements from abutters may be necessary, and that there
will be standard language in the appropriation request at Town Meeting to cover all the
bases and give the Selectmen options.
The audience asked if the DPW had a certain side of Robinson Rd. in mind for the
sidewalk. Answer: prior to having it surveyed they're leaning toward the south (higher)
side of the road. But the survey may show differently. DPW hasn't surveyed the
Turning Mill sidewalk yet.
DPW indicated that abutters would be notified via the notice in the newspaper, and
mailings to direct abutters and some set of owners beyond that.
It was suggested that the neighborhood might want to appoint one point of contact to
communicate with the DPW through the process.
A question was asked what it means to make Robinson Rd. "rebuilt" to 18', would that
mean that the entire street would be rebuilt. The answer is yes.
DPW explained that if they thought they were going to need a traffic light at the
Estabrook entrance to Grove St. that they would have pushed for the money at the 2012
Town Meeting, because it is a slow process to get the equipment. The light is not off the
table, but they don't think they'll need it. If they did have a light, they wouldn't need to
do as much sight line improvement on Grove St. (which means lowering the crest of the
hill on Grove St. to the left of the Estabrook entrance as one exits).
The first meeting with abutters on the Grove St. work would be early fall to get feedback.
DPW indicated that any work on the actual Estabrook driveway is part of the on site plan
rather than this off site engineering appropriation.
Public Safety indicated that they are encouraged by the widening of the parking lot to
accommodate overflow queuing, because they have concerns about the double lane
overflow queuing on the road itself. They also indicated that they would plan and work
out how to get emergency equipment in and cars out of the way no matter where the
overflow queue ended up.
A question was asked about what the primary use of the meandering road around the
school was for. The answer was for Public Safety / fire apparatus.
A question was asked as to whether the DPW Town Meeting $170,000 appropriation
article was for design or for the actual work. The answer was for design and engineering.
The Chair indicated that the task force should send a final report or letter as its work is
wrapped up, and that the task force did not make a recommendation on the traffic light.
There is a chance that another meeting may be needed to consider the traffic light.
Another member brought up bus lane design as a possible reason for an additional