HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-18-GCC-minDRAFT MINUTES Greenways Corridor Committee Meeting November 18, 2011, 8:OOam Room G -15, Town Office Bldg Members Present Rick Abrams, Alex Dohan, Peggy Enders, Eileen Entin (new member), Bob Hausslein, Stew Kennedy, Deb Mauger (Selectboard Liaison), Keith Ohmart, Howie Vogel (Recreation Committee Liaison) Members absent Duke Bitsko (Conservation Commission Liaison), Michelle Ciccolo (Planning Board Liaison), Paul Knight, Mike Tabaczynski Other Attendees none 1. Votes: October meeting minutes unavailable — no vote taken 2. Current Business: a: Revised West Lexington Greemvay policy statement -Approved unanimously b: Massachusetts Trail Conference report and OPDMD (Peggy, Stew, Keith) is Conference -Covered rail trails as well as single track projects -All about making trail connections across state -Many towns represented, good energy for projects like ours -Session on economics of trails & networks -Growing importance of trails systems — tourists, "silver tsunami ", trail runners -We are in good spot for Lex 300 race — involve Shire? Running Store? -Recreation Comm looking at strategic planning, future, diversity ii: OPDMD (Other Power -Driven Mobility Devices) -We need to consider use of motorized wheelchairs, etc. on trails -Not simply accessibility or permission issue -Responsibility of property owner (Town) to provide public information statement -Need assessments on which to base statement -Assessments a lot of work — should GCC take on project? •MassAudubon has statement — use as guideline? -Peggy has done draft work • Action Item — Deb — will take info to Town Counsel for advice Update on mapping connection routes (Rick, Alex) -Good reviews of Wellesley system from those who sampled it -Portland, OR, also has good system, w/ guide book -Lexington map displayed w/ hand - marked route suggestions — general approval -Town staff time available to create GIS layer? Deb will check -Pattern of wheel w/ spokes & rim, routes reaching into abutting towns -Bikeway is East -West spine, need North -South spine -Mike will do route marking system -Money for project? Mattie Rice /CPC, Dawn McKenna /Tourism *Presentation to Recreation Comm. Dec. 14 — Rick will do •LWV First Friday Transportation mtng in Feb. -Would also be good to present to Board of Selectmen, Conservation Comm, Bike Comm, PlanningBoard • Action Item — Rick — Create presentation on route system planning to date • Action Item — Mike — Develop Route Marking System • Action Item — Deb — Check on town staff for mapping d: Lexington 300 Committee activity (Rick) -Rick & Stew met with Tanya Morrisett and Jessie Steigerwald — Stew will lead a guided historical bike ride on opening weekend of Lexington 300 -We could also do something along Old Shade St & Hayden Woods e: Trail maintenance on non - Conservation town land (Deb) -No answer yet, due to work pressure brought on by late October storm. 3. New Business: a: GCC Annual Committee Report for Town Annual Report • Action Item — Keith — draft annual report b: Pelham Rd connecting trail (Bob) -Pelham Rd trail — paper road *What sort of agreement or easement is needed to make real trail? -check with Norm Cohen — as per Deb • Action Item — Bob — speak with Norm Cohen NEXT MEETING: December 16, 2011, 8:00am, Room G -15 Town Office Bldg Meeting Adjourned 9:30am Action Items: Deb — will take info to Town Counsel for advice Rick — create presentation on route system planning to date Keith — draft annual report Mike — develop Route Marking System Deb — Check on town staff for mapping Bob — speak with Norm Cohen Respectfully Submitted, Alexandra Dohan, Secretary