HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-19-GCC-minDraft Minutes — Greenways Corridor Committee 19 September 2011 Ellen Stone Room, Cary Hall Members present Rick Abrams, Michelle Ciccolo (Planning Board Liaison), Alex Dohan, Bob Hausslein, Stew Kennedy, Paul Knight, Deb Mauger (Selectmen's Liaison), Howard Vogel Members absent Duke Bitsko (Conservation Commission Liaison), Peggy Enders, Keith Ohmart, Mike Tabaczynski Other Attendees Richard Canale Stew chaired the meeting in Keith's absence. Alex agreed to take over from Paul as secretary following this meeting. 1. Votes: Minutes of July 18 meeting approved. 2. Reports: Fifer Lane Grove Street trail (Alex): • Alex spoke with Estabrook PTA president — PTA not interested in fundraising; next Estabrook newsletter will include message seeking support for a Fifer Lane -to -Grove St. connection w/ Alex as contact for interested parties. Drummer Boy community organization not likely to provide financial support (as per former member). • Howard suggests adding something to the Drummer Boy quarterly newsletter. Stew to check with Joyce Miller. • Trail not just for school access, should broaden public notice. • Action Item — Stew — consult Joyce Miller re: Drummer Boy newsletter Walking /RunningBiking routes (Rick): -Some good responses, will send email again to get further input, will compile responses for next meeting. • Action Item — Rick — compile list of routes West Lexington Greenway Master Plan (Stew): • 25% design phase material has not yet been received in a final form. Lexington received 10 of the contractually required copies of the Master Plan document, and Stew provided several copies for the Committee. DCR Grants (Stew): • Paint Mine project has been awarded a state grant for boardwalks and bridges. Stewards will organize work to begin this fall. Work will continue into spring and summer of 2012. • Whipple Hill — Submitting a grant proposal. Deb: Selectmen have signed a letter of support. 3. Old Business: GCC draft Policy Statement (Alex): • will be ready for October meeting • Action Item — Alex — write draft policy statement Katandin Woods- Tophet Swamp connector trail planning : • Richard Canale: Connecting Minuteman Bikeway to Bruce Freeman trail in Concord /Acton Scenic Byway grant proposal was not successful. A Springfield proposal for bikeway design was awarded. Might mean we could get SB funds in future, though the future of theScenic Byway committee, and thus funding, is unclear. • If decision is to not build an accessible path, then it may not qualify for funding from state or federal sources. • Discussion of potential accessibility, or lack thereof, at Wood St. end of Katandin Woods segment of trail. May have multiple switchbacks on trail and /or alternate access from Conestoga ? /Holton ?/Patterson? Road. • Need to look into ADA/Architectural Board waivers. What accommodations are necessary for trails? • Action Item — Stew/Keith? — check into waiver process Lincoln Lab grant request (Jay Sklar): no update Lexington 300 Committee plans (Rick): • There will be a planning meeting for Lexington 300 next week (9/26). Preliminary calendar of events for the celebration exists. By general agreement, Rick will submit form for GCC walks as part of celebration. • Action Item — Rick — will turn in activity form Lexington practice on trails @ cemeteries (Stew): no update Report for CPC on WLG (Stew): • Too late to apply for CPC funds this year; will apply for next cycle. • In the meantime, will consider areas along WLG for interpretive signage — local history, natural history, etc. GCC meeting time: • Changing meeting time to Friday morning — 8:OOam third Friday 4. New Business: Trail maintenance — • Question regarding work by Stewards or individuals who are not Town employees on town land beyond conservation land, and on bikeway. • Deb will talk with Dave Pinsonneault to see if there is any issue with trail maintenance activities in such areas. • Action Item — Deb — consult Dave Pinsonneault on town property work • Stew discussed additional GCC members. Eileen Entin will submit application. • Bob: procedure for creating trails on paper roads? — Pelham • Stew: North St. conservation — need survey — question of how to fund it. Next meeting — Friday, October 21, 8:00 AM. Note new time. Meeting closed 5:50 Action Items: Stew — consult Joyce Miller re: Drummer Boy newsletter Rick — compile list of routes Alex — write draft policy statement Stew/Keith? — check into waiver process Rick — will turn in activity form Deb — consult Dave Pinsonneault on town property work Respectfully Submitted, Paul Knight, outgoing secretary Alexandra Dohan, incoming secretary