HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-03-18-STM-CEC-rpt (corrected) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE REPORT TO 2013 STM(Mar 18th)[corrected]
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2013 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING (STM), March 18, 2013
[with corrected Pages 1 & 2]
Released March 15, 2013
Submitted by:
Charles Lamb, Chair
Beth Masterman, Vice-Chair
Jill I Hai
Bill Hurley
David G Kanter
Warrant Article Analysis and Recommendations
CPF =Lexington's Community Preservation Fund, GF = General Fund
Authorization Funding Source Committee Recommends
STM Article 2:Land
Purchase off Marrett $7,390,000 CPF
Road $10,950,000 + (Debt) + $3,560,000
$262,500 (for GF (Cash)+ Approve (5-0)
ancillary costs) $262,500 CPF
"The Scottish Rite property at 33 Marrett Road is currently being evaluated for its suitability for
municipal purposes Depending on a number of factors, a significant portion of the acquisition cost of the
property could be eligible for financing with CPA funds If a purchase price can be agreed upon, Town
Meeting will be asked to approve the purchase at the Special Town Meeting on March 18th "
["Town of Lexington Fiscal Year 2014 Recommended Budget & Financing Plan", March 1, 2013" (the
"Brown Book"),Page XI-22]
"We are the Board of Selectmen's negotiating team that has been working on the purchase of
approximately 10 acres of property at 33 Marrett Road owned by the Scottish Rite This property includes
the historic mansion with adjoining annex and the carriage house,but excludes the museum and the single
family residence on Marrett Road" [Negotiating Team letter to the Town Meeting Member Association
E-Mail List, March 12, 2013]
Proposed Purchase of Land at
33 Marrett Road (just under 10 acres)
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For several years, Lexington has searched for a suitable site for a Community Center ("Center") and the
Scottish Rite property at 33 Marrett Road appears to satisfy many of the requirements for such a Center
While this Committee will not comment on the policy questions of(1) the need for a Community Center,
(2)whether this is a suitable location, or (3)whether it is a "fair price" being offered, however, as
advisors to Town Meeting, we offer the following thoughts regarding the proposed financing
As shown above, a $7,390,000 portion of the purchase is proposed to be funded with CPF debt and
$262,500 of CPF cash for the ancillary costs
Those ancillary costs, based on initial estimates, include formal surveying and, if needed,
additional division of the lot ($15,000), legal expenses, including documenting the property restrictions
required by the Community Preservation Act (CPA) and paying a 3rd party (likely the Citizens for
Lexington Conservation) to hold that restriction($120,000), the site assessment, as needed($12,500), and
the first-year's debt service and issuance costs on a Bond Anticipation Note [BAN] ($115,000)
Not included in this Article's request is a current estimate of$100,000 for Design&Engineering
(D&E) of the code-compliance actions required for initial occupancy and for schematic-level drawings
for long-term building improvements to expand the functions available at the Center as that D&E is
considered as outside of the scope of this Article Instead, those funds will be requested at the concurrent
2013 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) under Article 14(n), Public Facilities Bid Documents, where the
previously contemplated request of$75,000 GF cash will now be supplemented with $100,000 of CPF
cash Also not included in any request to either of these Town Meetings would be the funding to
implement work required for initial occupancy, subsequent code-compliance actions, or any of the full
D&E and implementation funding for the long-term building improvements to expand the functionality
All those would be addressed at one or more subsequent Town Meetings
This level of funding most likely commits the CPF to significantly longer-term bonding than has
previously been used Since our acceptance of the CPA in March 2006, CPF debt financing was issued for
four land purchases Busa Farm, Leary Land, Cotton Farm, and Wright Farm—the first three of which
were funded over an aggressive 3-year term and are now paid off Regarding the Wright Farm funding, as
the possibility of purchasing the Scottish Rite property was known prior to the issuance of the debt for
Wright Farm, its purchase has been initially funded using a BAN which will come due next February
when the Town issues bonds By deferring the bonding, the Town has more flexibility for the bond terms
for this and other potential CPF-funded projects like major upgrades to the Cary Memorial Building and
the Irving H Mabee Pool Complex ("Pool Complex"), to cite just two If all three of these projects—
those two and a new Center—come to fruition, then they will all most likely require 10-year bonding in
order to fit the debt service into the estimated CPF revenues and still leave some funding available for
other projects
The Town Manager and staff have presented a multi-year, pro-forma model (see the Appendix) showing
the claims against the CPF including this purchase and the other projects (except for the last phase of
upgrades as the Senior Center in the Muzzey Condominiums), debt service, and the Administrative
Budget amounts that the Community Preservation Committee is recommending to the 2013 ATM
Several other major out-year claims will, or are likely to, compete for funding by the CPF Those other
claims are for the balance of the Wright Farm debt service, additional D&E through formal bid
documents for the build-out of the Center, completion of the Center's build-out, completion of the Cary
Memorial Building upgrades, the Pool Complex upgrade, and a Center Track project The model
demonstrates a potential CPF funding scenario using 10-year-term bonds that still leaves the CPF with a
positive balance and adequate yearly projected revenue to cover all those claims while still leaving some
revenue available to cover currently unknown, albeit modest,projects
This Committee views that model as having important caveats associated with it
On the negative
• It assumes that the CPA State match is maintained at the current 27% level While it is
unlikely that the match will drop to 0%, reductions are possible due to more communities adopting the
CPA and/or reductions in Registries of Deeds collections of surcharges on the filings We cannot predict
where the match level will go in the future, but we need to be cognizant that if it does drop enough to
jeopardize an acceptable year-end balance in the fund, it would necessarily mean that we have to make up
the lost revenue by other means—most likely reducing the scope of other projects or their timing
• Capital project costs could increase beyond the currently contemplated amounts, even
adjusting for inflation
On the upside, the model has several conservative features A few are
• The CPA State match does not presume an increase resulting from any State surplus being
directed to the State's Community Preservation Trust fund as will apply at least for the distribution in
FY2014 (That increase would be up to $25,000,000 to the extent the State surplus for FY2013 allows)
• The assumed bond interest rate is 4% and the Town has been experiencing much-lower
effective rates, especially when bond premiums are realized by the Town
• There are cushions in the mandatory "set-aside buckets" for projects involving Open Space,
Community Housing, and Historic Resources Although the debt service for the proposed purchase can
rely on funds separately accounted for in the set-aside buckets (thereby significantly reducing what is
currently a potential double claim against the CPF), there is no assurance the projects in the future will be
aligned with the availability of funding in those"buckets"
• With the purchase of the property for a new Center, the planned upgrades to the Senior
Center at the Muzzey Condominiums may not be necessary While the model has already presumed
eliminating the proposed $526,818 appropriation from the CPF at this year's ATM, there is also the
$561,518 appropriated from the CPF at last-year's ATM Those funds have not been spent and would be a
candidate for release back to the CPF
• The years in which the bonds are issued could potentially be moved later than currently
shown in the model
Following the Cotton Farm acquisition,there were discussions among the financial committees, CPC, and
Town staff about appropriate level of reserves to maintain in the CPF, but no formal policy was ever
adopted If the Town embarks on all three of the potential projects named above and we consider the
current model, it will be difficult to continue to maintain a substantial reserve (It is understood that the
model is a snapshot in time and should be updated to reflect both actual events and any assumptions that
warrant change) Additionally, since there will be fewer CPA funds available after the committed debt
service is appropriated, it necessarily means that these projects will "crowd" out some other potential
projects, although that is not to say all of those other projects would be judged to be more important to the
Town One significant "big ticket" project that our Committee believes would be judged more important
to the Town and that, if renovated in its current building would likely have some portion of the work
eligible for funding from the CPF, is the Lexington Police Department Headquarters, even though the
timing of this project and its location are still under discussion
Also as shown above, the $3,560,000 balance of the purchase will be GF (cash) as not every aspect of the
purchase is eligible under the CPA That balance will be funded by using most of the remaining
unallocated revenue that was being considered for several capital projects and would have been
appropriated at the 2013 Fall Special Town Meeting The most significant among them was to use cash
funding for the Lexington High School modular classrooms,which will now need to be debt funded (See
the Brown Book,page XI-9, for the plan that would precede the purchase)
While it is possible to reduce the CPF portion (and thereby increase the GF portion), this Committee
believes that as much as possible should be funded using CPF because GF dollars are generally more
flexible for future projects (e g,roads)
We understand the Town's offer to the seller will include that the Town be given a right-of-first-refusal
when the lot with their Commander's House—which is not part of this proposed purchase—is up for sale
After considering financial issues raised by the proposed funding—some of which have been discussed
above—this Committee believes that it is an appropriate financing approach
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