HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-11-15-LBAC-min,S US Mop pQ` 1 775 ` �(3 APRIL 11- k /NG'V APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: November 15, 2012, 7 pm, Town Office Building Members Present: Peggy Enders, (Chair), Stew Kennedy, John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Bob Hausslein (FoLB Chair), George Gagliardi, Mike Tabaczynski, Patria Lanfranchi, Richard Canale (Planning Board Liaison), Member Absent: Bob Dangel Others Present: Richard Spencer, Laurel Carpenter, David Ripplinger, Sgt. Paul Callahan Minutes: The October 2012 minutes were accepted as submitted. Winter Plowing 2012 -13: We have an agreement with James McLaughlin and the Town Manager, which will be reviewed by the Selectmen. Peggy and Bob will meet with McLaughlin to iron out details. Mass. Ave. Corridor Workshop: The DPW held a public hearing on proposals for the Mass Ave corridor between Marrett Road and Pleasant Street. Three roundabouts or signalized intersections were presented and discussed as options. Bike lanes are proposed for either option. The options are available for viewing at the DPW website as well as on easels in the DPW building. Moving Together Conference: In October MassDOT announced the goal of tripling the share of travel in Massachusetts by bicycling, transit and walking. Moving Together is the annual statewide walking and bicycling conference, and this year's theme was "Mode Shift to a Healthier State." Laurel Carpenter attended and reported this year's conference was especially useful and energized by the recent announcement. It was well- attended by city and town planners, engineers, and DPW representatives from area towns. We hope to encourage more Lexington representation for the 2013 conference. Laurel attended workshops on "Shifting Modes with Complete Streets," "Making Mode Shift Safer with Innovation," and "Current Bicycle Design Guidance." Most of the conference workshops are posted online on this page: http: / /baystateroads. eot. state. ma. us /m ovingtogether /workshops. htm I ,S US Mop pQ` 1 775 ` �(3 APRIL 11- k /NG'V One conference highlight was a Complete Streets design presentation by the Boston Director of Policy and Planning, reflected in the following webpage: http Wood Street Bicycle Safety: David Ripplinger, representing the Lincoln Labs bicycling community, sought our advice on how to improve the section of Wood Street from the Lincoln Lab entrance gate to Hartwell Avenue. He said that this area has poor sight lines, overgrown vegetation and a 35 mph speed limit. Richard Canale described the proposal to install bike lanes or sharrows on the whole length on Wood Street as part of the larger TMOD involving Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street. They would also like to ban trucks, he said; however the bridge over Kilnbrook on Hartwell will not support heavy vehicles. The ideal proposal is to lower the speed limit from 35 to 25 mph; however this would require a traffic study. A better approach would be to introduce traffic calming measures. Richard advised David to approach the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee with his concerns and some proposed solutions. Bike -Walk -Bus Week: Peggy said that she has proposed to the town that Lexington host some sort of week that encourages more alternative and healthy ways to get around town and to work. Newton hosted a week -long Bike -Walk week in September and is a good model. The bike committee unanimously supports the idea of having a similar event in Lexington in May with the stipulation that many other individuals and groups help organize and furnish volunteers. Peggy said that Jeanette Rebecchi and others on the town staff have already indicated their enthusiasm. Others to involve include Judy Crocker (Safe Routes to Schools), an enthusiastic student at LHS, Scouts, and town officials. Patria said she would offer space for safety training at Ride Studio Cafe. Bike Map Status: The work on the front of the map continues. Other Business: Richard Canale said that the Boston Region Metropolitan Planning Organization and MAPC are offering technical assistance to cities and towns to improve difficult intersections. We will make John Livsey aware of this offer, particularly for the Hancock Street -Bike path intersection. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 pm. Record of the Discussion of Friends of Lexington Bikeways Treasurer's Report: We had no income or bills for the past month. Garfield Street Bikeway Access Project: There is a great deal of erosion between the bike path and Garfield Street Playground entrance. A 10 - 15 year solution would be to build a boardwalk across the culvert. Bob will consult with ,S US Mop pQ` 1 775 ` �(3 APRIL 11- k /NG'V Karen, Conservation Commission Director, to see if this is feasible without wetland delineation. A more permanent solution would be to replace the culvert. Bikeway Steps to Town Offices: Bill Hadley and others expressed a need for improved access next to the Grant Street bridge. We could do two projects: 1) Build steps for walkers only; and 2) Further down toward Fletcher, build a ramp for cyclists. Both are potential Eagle Scout projects. Patriot's Day Parade: Marita, for the Friends of Lexington Bikeways, in conjunction with Don Grant for the Conservation Stewards submitted a permit to the celebrations committee to march in the parade next April. Many stewards are also bike committee members. We brainstormed on possible vehicles and costumes. Marita will look into T- shirts for the group. December "Meeting ": We decided not to have a meeting in December but instead have a potluck supper to recognize Jerry Van Hook's contributions over the years. Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Peggy Enders house. Date: December 13th. Peggy and Marita will coordinate food. 2013 Meeting Schedule: All meetings in Room G15 at 7 pm January 10 February 14 March 14 April 11 May 9 June 13 July 11 August 8 September 12 October 10 November 14 December 12