HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-01-04-CEC-minMinutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting Date, Place, and Location: January 4, 2013, 12:00 P.M. (noon), Town Office Building, Parker Room (G15) Members Present: Charles Lamb, Chair; Beth Masterman, Vice - Chair; Jill Hai; Bill Hurley; David Kanter Other Attendees: Bob Pressman; Dawn McKenna; and arriving at 1:00 P.M., Mr. Carl Valente, Town Manager, and Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance Documents Presented: • Draft Minutes for the CEC Meetings, December 11 & 19, 2012 • FY2014— FY2018 Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs), all departments Call to Order: At Mr. Lamb's request, Ms. Masterman called the meeting to order at noon and she chaired the meeting. Approval of Minutes: It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes of the CEC Meeting, December 11, 2012, as presented. Vote: 5 -0 It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes of the CEC Meeting, December 19, 2012, as presented. Vote: 4 -0 -1 [Mr. Hurley abstained as he was not at that meeting.] Deliberations on FY2014— FY2018 Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) All the CIPs were discussed and, except as may be reflected in the following comments, there was general support by all the Committee members although individual members often had other comments —most often consistent with those made when the CIP had been presented to the Committee. One global comment was the reiteration that this Committee, as it has requested in the past, expects all out -year funding requests in the CIPs to be in then -year dollars— something that was still seldom the case in this year's set of CIPs. It was also understood that the CIPs represent department -level input to the Town Manager and, following his vetting, the content of the program and proposed funding may well be different —or not appear, at all —in his FY2014 Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan (the "White Book ") that is presented to the Board of Selectmen later this month. The Committee will take formal positions based on the White Book and then the subsequent FY2014 Recommended Budget & Financing Plan (the "Brown Book ") — ultimately to be present in its Report to the 2013 Annual Town Meeting (ATM). Community Development: The $30,000 requested from the Community Preservation Fund for the "5 -Year Open Space and Recreation Plan Update" will be out of the Community Preservation Committee's (CPC's) Administrative Budget —and likely not necessitate an increase to the usual $150,000 request for it. Ms. Hai wants to ensure that the Town also has a plan to address existing deficiencies under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Page 1 of 5 Economic Development: Its one CIP ( "Lexington Center Pocket Park & Alley Design (Phase I of II) ") has not yet been presented to this Committee. The Committee just received the revised CIP in which the scope has been reduced from 3 to 2 locations, the FY2014 Design & Engineering (D &E) request has been slightly reduced, and the FY2015 construction request has been significantly increased. Mr. Kanter heard the presentation to the CPC and has reservations because it's public development on private property. The other members deferred comment until they hear the presentation. Fire: Headquarters Fire Station Replacement: Awaiting the report of the Ad hoc Townwide Facilities Master Planning Committee (AhTFMPC) —which isn't expected until this April. East Lexington Fire Station Physical Fitness Room: The Committee reaffirmed its request that this project be advanced from FY2016 funding to FY2014 funding. Portable Radio Replacement: The Committee is looking for this to be coordinated as a town -wide acquisition. Truck Acquisition Policy — Capital versus Operating: The Fire Department has taken the two forestry trucks (F1 & F2) off their capital schedule, but the Committee has seen that the Department of Public Facilities (DPF) has kept their request for a 2 nd F -350 truck (primary user anticipated to be for the plumber on its staff) on their capital schedule. The Committee wants a better understanding of the truck - acquisition policy that leads to the apparently divergent approaches. Library: The Committee wants to know whether a Radio - Frequency Identification (RFID) conversion program would have any relevance to the Schools libraries and, if so, is there an opportunity do a joint project. The Committee wants any such program to be funded with cash as it is services. MIS: The Committee reiterated that it believes a security /vulnerability audit by an independent (3 rd ) party addressing all of the Town's information systems needs to be a very high priority and urges that it be in the FY2014 budget —most likely the operating budget because of the nature of that service. An outcome of that audit should include policies and procedures manuals that, in turn, become part of a recurring educational program for all the Town's municipal and schools employees. Network Redundancy and Improvement Plan: The Committee needs an update to make sure that the monies are really on target — including prompt funding for implementing the results from the previously funded Public Safety Radio Connectivity Study. The Committee does not believe that implementation is currently in the plan. Police: Mr. Kanter does not believe the correction of the problems which the "Software (Police & Fire /Emergency Medical Service (EMS)" project is to solve are being addressed as promptly as needed. He wishes to know more about this matter from a National perspective, rather than just a State perspective —and earlier than currently proposed FY2017. The issue was deferred until the Police Department makes its scheduled presentation to the Committee at its meeting next Tuesday. Page 2 of 5 Public Facilities: Muzzey Senior Center Upgrade Phase 3: The Committee deferred judgment until the decision is made regarding the purchase of the property at 33 Marrett Road and its intended use(s) is understood. Cary Memorial Building Upgrades: The majority of the Committee wants to see the project move forward with the proposed D &E in FY2014. Public Facilities Second F350 Vehicle: See the Truck Acquisition Policy matter under Fire, above. School Building Flooring Program: As it is a program, the Committee believes it should not be debt funded. School Window Treatments Extraordinary Repair: Mr. Kanter has reservations as the components are generally less than $25,000 each and he believes this should be an operating expense. School Paving Program: As it addresses some ADA- related deficiencies, the earlier stated concern about needing a town -wide plan was reiterated. School Interior Painting Program: While supporting the merits of the program, Mr. Kanter & Mr. Hurley expressed their long -held belief that the nature of this work warrants it being done as an operating expense. Visitor Center: Generally in favor, but awaiting the report of the AhTFMPC and the updated needs assessment. Building Renewal Funding: Generally in favor of the need and expect to elaborate upon it in the Committee's Report to the 2013 ATM. Hastings School Renovation /Replacement: Awaiting the report of the AhTFMPC. Middle School Science and Performing Arts Spaces: With the study being completed this school year, the Committee asked why implementation isn't funded until FY2015. Print Shop Renovation: The Committee acknowledged that, based on a revised plan for execution and reallocation of expenses, the request has been reduced from $430,835 to $312,000 and the Committee is in support of the project. Public Works: Hastings Park Gazebo Repairs: Mr. Kanter reported the CPC is asking whether the proposed $30,000 project is large enough to trigger the need for full ADA compliance. If so, the project cost would be expected to increase substantially. Street Improvements: The Committee questioned whether the proposed level is sufficient to make appropriate progress in improving the Town's average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) as outlined in the Pavement Management Study. (As reported at the Budget Collaboration - Financial Summit 3 on December 19, 2012, updated data has been collected and a report should be available in the near future.) Battle Green Master Plan Phase 3: Ms. McKenna advised that the Board of Selectmen had approved the work that is contemplated under the proposed FY2015 funding. Mr. Kanter commented that he was not aware the Board had done that. Estabrook School Off -Site Street and Access Improvement: No longer applicable as this was funded at the November 2012 Special Town Meeting. Hydrant Replacement Program: The Committee would support a more - accelerated program than the current goal of replacing approximately 40 hydrants per year. In addition to the deficiencies found during the annual inspection and flushing of hydrants, Mr. Kanter Page 3 of 5 reiterated his request that the Fire Department formally report on the number hydrant problems experienced while responding to incidents. Town -wide Signalization Improvements: The Committee has outstanding questions on this item related to what plan has been developed to prioritize the work across all of the Town. Pump Station Upgrades: The Committee wishes to revisit whether the implementation of emergency -power backup, where needed at a station, is proceeding on the expedited basis that the Committee raised as an important matter last year. Hartwell Avenue Infrastructure Improvements: The Committee has concerns that need to be discussed regarding the proposed scope of work and the funding source. CBD (Central Business District) Sidewalks: Mr. Kanter has reservations about this project. Sidewalk Improvement: The Committee is against the $200,000 component of the FY2014 request that is for a portion of the proposed sidewalk or mixed -use path along Hartwell Avenue —with the balance of the funding for it being in the Hartwell Avenue Infrastructure Improvements project cited above. Concord Avenue Sidewalks: While the Committee doesn't challenge that the latest estimate of the required construction funding properly reflects the challenges faced with successfully accomplishing the project because of the complex site conditions along that route, in the light of that cost now being $3 million (including the independent, full -time, oversight and 22% contingency), the Committee wants to see the prioritization from Sidewalk Committee. Recreation: With regard to the "ADA Accessibility Study" —for which a funding request is currently planned for FY2015 —the Committee reiterated its interest in there being a Town -wide plan. Schools: Systemwide Technology Capital Request: The Committee has concerns over the underlying plan. Evaluation of P.A. & Clock & Bell Systems Study: No longer applicable as that will be accomplished under the DPF's "School Building Envelope and Systems Program" (Project 562). 2 -Way Radios for Crisis Team: The Committee does not consider this warrants a capital request. Software Integration Services for School Programs: Since it's services, the Committee does not consider this to be capital. The Committee believes there needs to be an out -year place- keeper CIP for the replacement of major food - service equipment that can't be absorbed by the food - service revolving fund. Selectmen: Leary Property Design: There are no dollar amounts shown anywhere in the 5 -year span of the CIP although there is a commitment to build community (affordable) housing on the property. Although the exact number of units may not yet be established, there has been discussion over the upper bound of the number of units and the expectation that the Lexington Housing Authority Board (LexHAB) will manage the project. The Committee Page 4of5 wants estimates for both the D &E (to the extent applicable) and the construction —after consideration of the extent to which the LexHAB will use either its own available cash or any set -aside funding provided from the Community Preservation Fund. Leary House Demolition: Expected that it would have been withdrawn as it's understood that LexHAB had agreed to accomplish that work and use its own funds. Town Clerk: The Town intends to make the acquisition of an electronic- voting system for Town Meeting and its staffing —if Town Meeting should approve the revision to the Code of Lexington— operating expenses. Non - Town - Department Applications to the Community Preservation Committee for FY2014 Funding from the CPF: As this Committee expects to hear the two applications by the Lexington Historical Commission ( "Merriam Hill Preservation" and "Moon Hill National Register Nomination ") at our meeting next Tuesday (January 8 that leaves just the following to be reviewed by this Committee: ACROSS Lexington — Trails Linkage Initiative (West Lexington Greenway Committee) Buckman Tavern Restoration (Lexington Historical Society) Administrative Budget (CPC): A formal presentation is not required. Wright Farm Debt Service: Expected to be a collaborative recommendation regarding CPF's cash, interest on a Bond Anticipation Note [BAN], and /or debt service on a bond made by the Town [Mr. Valente and Mr. Addelson], the CPC, this Committee, and the Appropriation Committee. Discussion with the Town Manager and the Assistance Town Manager for Finance of the results of the Committee's Deliberations on the FY2014— FY2018 CIPs Mr. Lamb briefed Mr. Valente and Mr. Addelson on the results of our above - reported deliberations and there were supplemental comments made by other Committee members. Mr. Valente provided specific advice regarding the following Committee concerns: ADA Studies: The study that has already been done for the Town excluded the Recreation facilities as including them would have called for a different kind of vendor. Network Redundancy and Improvement Plan (MIS): This is intended primarily to address the Town's Institutional Net; therefore, he said there would need to be a new CIP to provide for the implementation of the results from the on -going Public Safety Radio Connectivity Study. As DPF's "Building Renewal Funding" (Project 869) addresses only a funding issue —and not a specific capital project —it will not be carried forward. The Concord Avenue sidewalks represent fulfillment of a commitment to that neighborhood in the light of the increased commercial activity along Spring Street. The two Schools requests that the Committee had questioned as being capital ( "2- Way Radios for Crisis Team" and "Software Integration Services for School Programs ") have been withdrawn from further consideration as capital. Mr. Hurley left at 1:10 P.M. Adjourn: A Motion was made and seconded at 1:42 P.M. to adjourn. Vote: 4-0 These Minutes were approved by the CEC at its meeting on January 8, 2013 Page 5 of 5