HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-08 CONCOM-min TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES Tuesday, May 8, 2012 7:30 p.m. Room G-15, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Commissioners present: Stew Kennedy, Joyce Miller, Phil Hamilton, David Langseth, and Dick Wolk Commissioners absent: Duke Bitsko Others present: Karen Mullins, Conservation Administrator; Emily Schadler, Conservation Stewardship Coordinator Chair Joyce Miller opened the meeting at 7:32 pm in Room G-15 of the Town Office Building. Hearing – NOI, Banks Avenue, Keith Dorrington 7:33 pm 201-858, BL 816 Construction of new single family dwelling Documentation: NOI application materials Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing at the applicant’s request to 5/22/12 at 7:30 pm, 5-0 in favor. Hearing – Community Garden Policies and Fees 7:35 pm Documentation: Lexington Community Garden Policies, Draft – May 2, 2012 Dunback Meadow Community Garden Registration Emailed Comments Regarding Community Garden Policies – May 8, 2012 Community Garden Fees Ms. Schadler stated that a revised draft of the garden policies has been provided from the Conservation Office, and that a draft policy has been provided from the Dunback Meadow gardens as well. The Commission discussed revisions to the draft policy and requested the following changes to be made: -2c: add “not intended for sale or profit” -1c(ii): change language to “shall turn over additional plots” -Would like to investigate whether access to plots can be limited based on residency. If so, would like to see preference first to go to residents, second to Town employees, and third to non-residents. -2c: remove “at Idylwilde” -2c: change wording to suggest that gardeners keep tall things to a minimum as a courtesy to their neighbors Ms. Miller read 3 options that were provided regarding fees and services at the garden. Alix Bartsch, garden coordinator at Dunback Meadow, commented that the gardeners voted on the fee proposals and that there was agreement on the $15 fee. She presented the rules that the Dunback Meadow gardeners provided. The Commission discussed fees for the Dunback Meadow garden. Bonnie Blair, gardener, requested that the fee not be raised until the following year. Mr. Hamilton suggested that the Dunback Meadow fee be $20 this year and that a higher price be set at the beginning of next year. Motion made and seconded to set the garden fee at Dunback Meadow for $20 for the 2012 gardening season, 5-0 in favor. 8:26 pm Meeting – RDA, 74 Hancock Street, Jim and Sari Luterman DET 12-9 Demolition of part of shed and conversion to pool shed Present for the applicant: Jim Luterman Documentation: RDA application materials Mr. Luterman presented a plan to demolish part of the existing shed and convert remaining portion to a pool house. Ms. Miller read the Engineer’s report into the record. Motion made and seconded to issue a negative determination with standard conditions, 5-0 in favor. 8:28 pm Cont. Hearing – NOI, Marrett Road, Old Reservoir, Engineering Div. DEP# 201-849, BL 807 Water Quality Improvement Present for the applicant: Bernward Hay, Louse Berger Group Documentation: Updated Plan 4: Drainage & Grading Layout – Biofiltration Basin – May 7, 2012 Updated Plan 5: Landscaping Plan: Infiltration Basin – May 7, 2012 Updated Plan 6: Landscaping Plan: Biofiltration Basin – May 7, 2012 New Plan CS-1: Cross-sections – Biofiltration Basin – May 7, 2012 New Plans W-3: Contours and Cross-sections of Detention Basin – May 7, 2012 Letter of Transmittal – May 7, 2012 Mr. Hay pointed out the changes that had been made since the last hearing, including a berm, more trees planted, a visual screen in front of the wall consisting of evergreens, and a cross section that the Commission requested. The Commission discussed the drainage on the site, the removal/disposal of the sediment, and dewatering. Richard Christiano, 468 Marrett Road, requested details about what the street view will look like. Mr. Hay responded that a tree screen will be provided as well as a wooden guardrail between the sidewalk and the bushes. Motion made and seconded to close the hearing, 5-0 in favor. 8:47 pm Hearing – NOI, 43 Sanderson Road, Renuka Srinivasan 201-860, BL 818 Construct a bump out addition to rear of existing single family home Present for the applicant: Renuka Srinivasan Documentation: NOI application materials Mr. Srinivasan presented a plan to build a 10 square foot bump-out on their house. Ms. Miller read the Engineer’s report into the record. Ms. Miller noted that the hearing could not be closed due to an error in payment. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to May 22, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the applicant’s request, 5-0 in favor. 8: 53 pm Hearing - NOI, 71 Hancock Street, Erik Jarnryd, ZEIS Dev., LLC 201-857, BL 815 Demolish existing condemned building, construct new single family dwelling Present for the applicant: Zoltan Juhasz, Uniterra Consulting, LLC Documentation: NOI application materials Mr. Juhasz described the proposal to construct a new 3000 square foot single family home on the site where the former home had been destroyed by fire. He discussed improvements to the site provided by the proposal, including reduction of impervious surface, reduction of mowing of lawn area within the wetland boundary, and stormwater management improvements. Ms. Miller read the Engineer’s report into the record. The Commission discussed DEP regulations prohibiting pervious pavers within 100 feet of the wetland and requested that Mr. Juhasz provide documentation showing that single family homes are not covered by the regulation. The Commission discussed overflow and discharge from the site. The Commission discussed the lawn area within the wetland zone and requested a native planting plan as a part of the conditions. Jim Luterman of 74 Hancock Street asked about the timetable for the project. Motion made and second to close the hearing, 5-0 in favor. 9:26 pm Hearing –NOI, 28 Saddle Club Road, Alexander & Svelana Panasyuk 201-861, BL 819 Construct a two story addition and porch Present for the applicant: Kevin Fleming, Cypress Design Documentation: NOI application materials Mr. Fleming described the project to construct a two story addition and porch, totaling 630 square feet, within the 100- 200 foot buffer of Vine Brook. The Commission discussed the infiltration of the roof run-off and requested that run-off from the existing roof be directed onto the new roof. The Commission requested an alternatives analysis. The Commission requested that a wetlands consultant be present at a site visit to review the wetland line. The Commission requested that the conversion factor for the elevation benchmark be included on the plan. The Commission requested that the brush pile and the shed, be removed from the adjacent Town property and that the lawn thereon stop being maintained as such. Ms. Miller noted that the hearing could not be closed due to an error in payment. Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing to May 22, 2012 at 7:30 pm at the applicant’s request, 5-0 in favor. 9:42 pm Hearing – NOI, 990 Waltham Street, Brookhaven at Lexington 201-856, BL 814 Soil remediation related to lead impacted soils Documentation: NOI application materials Motion made and seconded to continue the hearing at the applicant’s request to 5/22/12 at 7:30 pm, 5-0 in favor. 9:44 pm Pending Matters The Commission discussed tree plantings at 24 Ingleside Road. Bill Martin, homeowner, requested a site visit. The Commission discussed agenda items for the joint Stewards/Conservation Commission meeting on May 15. The Commission discussed sign vandalism at Willard’s Woods. The Commission discussed the Wright Farm presentation for Town Meeting. 10:09 pm Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting, 5-0 in favor. Respectfully submitted, Emily Schadler Conservation Stewardship Coordinator