HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-02-HDC-min Town of Lexington Historic Districts Commission Joseph Welch, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x294 Daniel Griffin Jr. Fax: (781) 861-2780 Scott Kyle Paul Ross Robert Warshawer Minutes of Thursday, August 2, 2012, in Estabrook Hall of the Cary Memorial Building at 7:00PM Commissioners present: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin and Robert Warshawer Associate Commissioners present: Marilyn Fenollosa, Barbara Feldman and Lynn Hopkins Department Clerk: Amy Casparius Absent Commissioner: Paul Ross, Scott Kyle Absent Associate Commissioners: Carl Oldenburg FORMAL HEARINGS 1640-1644 Massachusetts Avenue: Paul Luszcz, Zebra Visuals Signs, representing, Big Picture Custom Framing presented a photograph showing what the bay roof mounted signage and awnings would look like, a cut sheet of the two directory sign panels, and cut sheet of the bay roof mounted sign. A few commissioners were concerned that the style and color of the awning was too contemporary for the building. The applicant stated that the shape of the awnings were necessary to protect the interior framing displays placed in front of the windows. There was also concern that the bay roof mounted sign would look too much like a billboard. The Commission requested that instead of the color version presented for that sign the applicant use the black and gold version used for the directory signage. The Commission felt that black and gold would be much more appropriate for the building. The applicant believed his clients would be fine with using the black and gold version for the bay roof mounted sign. The Commission voted 3-2 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for three signs. One bay roof mounted sign and two directory panel signs. Certificate No 2012C-47. Voting in favor of the Certificate were Commissioners: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin and Robert Warshawer and against were Associate Commissioner: Marilyn Fenollosa, and Lynn Hopkins 846 Massachusetts Avenue : Linda Gong, Signage, in the East Village District did not attend. This hearing will be continued until September 6, 2012. 18-20 Waltham Street : Christopher Rapczynski, representing, Marcus Palmer, Signage and Exterior Color Change in the Battle Green District. Hearing is continued to September 6, 2012 by request of applicant 15 Depot Square: Kevin Latady, Latady Design, presented a photograph of the ally in between 15 Depot Square and 9 Meriam Street and a photograph of a similar conduit. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for a gray conduit to run vertically up the wall facing the ally. Certificate No. 2012C-48 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Marilyn Fenollosa and Lynn Hopkins 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 e-mail acasparius@lexingtonma.gov Minutes for Thursday, August 2, 2012 CONTINUED HEARINGS 1760 Massachusetts Avenue: Paul Dimos, Eye Look Optical, presented a photograph showing the wall sign with the word Optical included, and four different versions of the awning. Each version of the awning had either a vertical or horizontal white stripped accent. The Commission felt that the single horizontal stripe on the edge of the awning was the most appropriate for this building. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness to add the word Optical to wall sign and a purple with white vertical strip awning to the store front. Certificate No. 2012C-49 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Marilyn Fenollosa and Lynn Hopkins 1048 Massachusetts Avenue : Nick Afshartous, presented photographs showing exactly what windows will be replaced and an example of the proposed window. The proposed window was a vinyl clad window; the Commission explained that clad windows lack the details in the trim and mutins that you would see in a wood window. The main reason for not accepting the window, however, is that a vinyl clad window is not appropriate for a house in the historic district. The Commission thanked the applicant for providing the information on exactly which window were being replaced, but continued the hearing again requesting that he research a full wood window. This hearing is continued to September 6, 2012. 2013 and 2027 Massachusetts Avenue: Trisha Kennaley, AB Holdings, Exterior Architectural Change, in the Battle Green District. Luis Perez, construction manager, went over the architectural pieces of the project and Gary Larson, Landscape Architect, went over lighting, parking lot and screening. In order to address The Commission previous concern regarding softening the Massachusetts Avenue parking lot; the color of the asphalt will be gray and more trees have been added to the space. The Commission still feels that one more softening element is needed and will approve the parking lot with that condition. Neighbors spoke against the project saying that the scale of the parking lot will change the entire scope of the neighborhood. Other neighbors were concerned with the new foundation under the Isaac Mullikan House saying that there will be too much foundation showing and it was not appropriate for the house. The Commission voted 4-1 to issue a certificate of appropriateness to 2013 Massachusetts Avenue, for moving the Isaac Mullikan House 18-feet to the East, building a rear addition, and lifting the Barn in order to replace the foundation. At 2027 Massachusetts Avenue raise the porch, install an accessible lift, enclose a screen porch, and build a small rear addition, and changes to doors and windows. Various stone walls, walkways and signage will be added through out the property. The parking lot is approved with the condition that another softening element will be added to the front edge. One member of the Commission voted against the Certificate of Appropriateness based on the Massachusetts Avenue Parking lot. She felt the size and layout of the parking lot was not appropriate for the neighborhood. Certificate No. 2012C- 50 Voting in favor of the Certificate were Commissioners: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioner: Lynn Hopkins and against: Associate Commissioner Marilyn Fenollosa, 1556 Massachusetts Avenue : Luis Melendez, presented drawings of the front and side view of the new barn showing what doors he would like to install. The Commission voted 5-0 to issue a certificate of appropriateness for door choice on the new Barn. Certificate No. 2012C-51 Voting Commissioners were: Chairman, Joseph Welch, Daniel Griffin, and Robert Warshawer and Associate Commissioners: Marilyn Fenollosa and Lynn Hopkins INFORMAL HEARINGS 1960 Massachusetts Avenue : Steve Heim, Exterior Architectural Change (dormer on garage, fence, shed) in the Battle Green District. This hearing was continued until September 6, 2012 by request of applicant 1762 Massachusetts Avenue : Jeffrey Lyons, Lexington Center Realty Trust, presented preliminary drawings of the location of the elevator shaft. He had a question as to what materials should be used brick or siding and The Commission felt brick would be best. These drawings were based on a Certificate of Appropriateness for an elevator back in 2005. Mr. Lyons is ready for a formal. Minutes for Thursday, August 2, 2012 INFORMAL HEARINGS CONT. 1762 Massachusetts Avenue: John Pinsky, One2onebodyscapes, showed some ideas for a projecting sign. One idea was to have a double hanging for both the yoga studio and Bodyscapes. The awning that was approved for Eye Look Optical would completely cover the bottom sign. Two (2) projecting signs would have the same problem with the awning blocking the sign on the left hand side of the door. The Commission thought that two signs side by side MIGHT work, but would have to see the plans. Mr. Pinsky will talk with the Yoga studio some more to work out details. 1688 Massachusetts Avenue: Bernie Osgood, representing, The Higgins Group Realtors, Signage in the Battle Green District was not able to attend the hearing. OTHER BUSINESS Chairman Joseph Welch spoke about the monumental windows at 1475 Massachusetts Avenue. The windows previously approved will not meet building code requirements. The window that will meet code is a three section window. The Bottom section is fixed and tempered glass. The middle section slides open to meet egress requirements and the top section is a fixed Palladian style. The only real difference in look of the window is the center mullion of the middle section is wider than the original. Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted to adjourn the meeting at 10:00PM IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH COMMISSIONER TO VIEW ALL PROPERTIES ON THE AGENDA PRIOR TO THE MEETING.