HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-08-15-REC-minVs Mop iT75 v p 'Fawn of Lexington u A Recreation Committee APPILIr FxI N GZ Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862 -0500 x 262 Howard Vogel, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 862-2747 Wendy Rudner Sandra Shaw Lisah Rhodes RecreationuCommittee Minutes of Meeting of August 15, 2012 Members Present: Lisah Rhodes, Wendy Rudner, Sandra Shaw, Rick DeAngelis and Howard Vogel Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation and Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds Others Present: The Recreation Committee meeting began at 7:00 p.m. The meeting acted on the following items: 1. Citizens and Other Boards: none 2. Meeting Minutes from June 20, 2012: Lisah Rhodes moved and Sandra Shaw seconded acceptance of the Recreation Committee minutes of June 20, 2012. The motion was approved by a vote of 5 — 0. 3. Lincoln Park Update: • Wendy Rudner, liaison to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee (LPSC) informed the Recreation Committee that Brian Keily',s company will put up the dog signs at Lincoln Park. This was brought up in the June Recreation Committee meeting and the LPSC needs to review the signs with the Director of Recreation for proposed signage, including verbiage on the signs and exactly what they signs will look like. Ms. Rudner will remind Brian that he must receive approval prior to putting up signs on town land. Karen Simmons will bring the recommended signs to the Recreation Committee for their approval. Mr. DeAngelis further indicated that the Recreation Committee certainly appreciates and approves of what the LPSC is trying to accomplish, however as the overseeing Town Committee, the Recreation Committee must be informed of the when, what, where, why and how of all such undertakings. A joint meeting of the Recreation Committee and the Lincoln Park Subcommittee will take place on September 19, 2012 at 5:30pm beginning at the main entrance to Lincoln Park on Worthen Road. • Mr. Robert Pressman submitted an application for committee membership on July 31, 2012 and would like to serve as a member of the Lincoln Park Subcommittee. Ms. Shaw made a motion to appoint Mr. Pressman to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee for a 3 year term. Second by Lisah Rhodes. Unanimous vote of 5 -0. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 4. Recreation 5 -Year capital Plan: FY 14 — FY 18 Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, distributed an amended summary dated 8/15112 of the proposed Recreation 5 -Year Capital Plan for FY14 -- FY18. Ms. Simmons reviewed the recommended Recreation 5 year capital plan:A,fter a discussion, the Recreation Committee recommended moving the Athletic Field Lighting Project forward one year and the Center Track Project from FY2017 to FY2018. The Recreation Committee was concerned with 2 large projects in one year and while they believe both are very important; the Irving H. Mabee Pool Complex is a higher priority at this time. Rick DeAngelis moved to approve the Recreation 5- Year Capital Plan as modified on the attached summary. Ms. Shaw seconds the motion. The Committee voted 5 -0 to accept the Recreation 5 -Year Capital Plan as amended. 5. Recreation Report Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation, reported on the following: • The Center Track resurfacing project BIDS were opened on August 9 It is our goal to recommend awarding a contractor to the Town Manager by August 24th. The bituminous work is scheduled to begin the first week of September. It needs 2 weeks to cure before the coating can be applied. After the 300"' Anniversary Country Fair on September 22 °d , the track including the athletic field will be out of use for approximately 2 weeks. Phase two of the Center Drainage Project (football field and .IV baseball field) is moving along. A number of required change orders and rain have created a delay for substantial completion. The sod was scheduled to be installed today 8/15, but due to he heavy rain it has been rescheduled to Monday 8120112. Chris Filadoro has requested that the sod be down for 6-8 weeks before the f'ieldt-is opened for use. We have been working closely with the schools Athletic Director. The Football Field Press box has been vandalized again. This has become a regular occurrence, except this time windows were also broken. For the past 10 years, the press box has only been used during football games. The Public Facilities Department has requested use of one of the conduits on the football field for a security camera that will tie into the high school system. Dave Pinsonneault will work with Public Facilitates. The School Athletic Director has requested the use of temporary athletic lights at Lincoln Park for a two week period while the track athletic field is out of service. The football team has over 90 players and need a place to practice. After a discussion, Mr. DeAngelis moved a motion to approve Lexington High School to provide temporary lighting at Lincoln III for a two week period for the football team to practice while the track athletic field is out of service under the following conditions: o No metal spikes. Players may wear sneakers, turf shoes or plastic molded cleats for synthetic turf. o No Blocking Sleds on the synthetic turf or other machinery o The lights must be turned off by 9:00pm during school nights. o Do not place the portable lights on the synthetic turf. o The vendor may not drive on the synthetic turf to place the portable lights in the appropriate location. o Provide safe storage and handling of fuel. Per the Lexington Fire Department, the units must be off and cool before refueling. o LHS will provide proper supervision. o The lights will be removed when the center track is open for use. The Scottish Rites located at 33 Marrett Road will be selling 10.4 acres of land including 3 buildings. They asked the town if they are interested in purchasing the land and the 2 buildings. The financial boards have. toured the site. Lisah Rhodes, Sandra Shaw and Karen Simmons, Director of Recreation have toured the Mansion and carriage house. Ms. Simmons sees this as a great opportunity for the town and she can envision an intergenerational community center in the larger building. Recreation has limited indoor space she feels that intergenerational programs bring together diverse groups and a true sense of community. Recreation can expand services while maximizing human and financial resources through greater collaboration with Human Services. Programmatically, the summer is winding down and staff is beginning to head back to college. The Old Reservoir will close on August 19 for the season and soon after Phase I and II of the storm water mitigation project should begin. It has been a successful summer. Staff will begin putting performance measurements together and will become available within couple of months. 6. Parks Report Chris Filadoro, Superintendent of Public Grounds updated the Recreation Committee on the following: • Adams Playground equipment has been removed and the contractor will begin installation of the new equipment soon. • Phase 11 of the Center Playfield Drainage Project is 25% laser graded. The sod will go down Monday. The irrigation system has been tested. Football team will practice inside the center track. Sandra Shaw asked Chris when thc,�bikcway between Worthen Road and the Lincoln fields will be complete. Chris will speak with Marc Valente and report back to the committee. The last report was the work would be completed in June. Phase I of the Center Playfields Project has some wet area on the left side of the field & in foul territory. This has been a continued problem. Stantec, the Landscape Architect firm has proposed another drain be installed in that area. The water on the field in that area has been tested and it came back with high Ievels of fluoride. The irrigation system has been pressure tested and it was reported to be fine. The town was asked to reduce the irrigation watering in that area until it dries out. The committee had an extensive discussion about this project and some of the problems. The town engineer is working with the Landscape Architect to rectify the problems. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will take place on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 5:30 p.m. at the Worthen Road entrance of Lincoln Park. The August 15, 2012 meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. The following documents /exhibits distributed or discussed at the meeting are attached: 1. FY2014- FY2018 - Recreation 5 -Year Capital Plan Summary Sheet r. } Respectfully Submitted, Karen Simmons