HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-09-08-WALKS-min Sidewalk Committee Meeting Minutes September 8, 2008 Attended by: Olga Guttag, Francine Stieglitz, Lucy Fletcher-Jones, Wayne Brooks, Suzie Barry, Jeanne Krieger, Meg Lotz, Judy Crocker, Sue Ellen Briggs and Elaine Celi Elaine, the school transportation coordinator, thought the numbers are high for bus riders and that the numbers are the same as last year. (1800 students) The numbers are still fluid along with the routes and stops. From the printed routes in the Lexington Minuteman: LHS 10 buses Clarke 9 buses Diamond 7 buses (100 fewer students than Clarke) Bowman 4 buses Bridge 2 buses Estabrook 2 buses Fiske 4 buses (1 from the new Avalon development in Bowman district) Hastings 2 buses Harrington 3 buses Snow clearing at bus stops has been a problem in the past. In spring of 2007 signs were posted on major roads indicating school bus stop. This was done to show snow plow drivers where not to create snow banks. Then in summer of 2007 a major change was made to bus routes. In October Judy Crocker will meet with the bus company to get the list of bus stops. She will then work with DPW on signs that need to be moved. Large instruments and school projects are still not allowed on the school buses. Elaine will speak with orchestra personnel to see if there is a decrease in the number of cello players in the elementary grades due to this policy. The instrument rental night is September 23, so she will contact them after this date. Wayne reported that Woburn St. is in the hands of engineering. Safe Routes to School reported that they last met in June. This year they will continue with Walking Wednesdays. They are encouraging classrooms to tally how children get to school. The categories include by car, carpool, bus, bike or scooter and walking. The golden sneaker award will be used in more schools. This is an award given to the classroom with the most walkers on the Walking Wednesday. Bookmarks will be given out with safety tips for walkers on one side and this year’s walk dates on the other. The Safe Routes program is looking to create a public service announcement for the local cable station that would promote the program. October 8, 2008 Lexington schools will celebrate international walk to school day. Olga is concerned that there are not enough bike racks at the high school. She would like to know how many are there, where they are and if they are sufficient. She has seen bikes locked to trees. So much effort has been placed on landscaping at the high school she would hate to see the trees damaged. The committee reviewed Jerry’s sidewalk priority list. Suzie felt that the list did not reflect what Estabrook had submitted. She also believes it is better to repair existing sidewalk than to create new. The committee decided to table the discussion of Jerry’s list until next month when he will be present to answer questions. A table was staffed at the Farmer’s Market on August 19. Sue Ellen, Jerry and Meg waited to talk to shoppers about Lexington sidewalks. In conclusion the event was not useful. Respectfully submitted by Sue Ellen Briggs September 16, 2008