HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-15-HFA-min Hanscom Field Advisory Commission Minutes January 15, 2008 Prepared by Massport Staff 1.Minutes: There were no corrections or comments on the December Minutes. 2 Town of Lexington RSA letters: . Hank Manz distributed letters from the Town of Lexington to the Department of Environmental Protection and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding Massport’s Runway Safety Area (RSA) project. The letters include comments from the HATS Environmental Subcommittee. Gordon Feldman noted that the RSA project has been discussed many times, and there was a January 14, 2008 deadline date for comments on this phase of the permitting process. John Williams questioned why the letters were being presented to the commission for discussion without an opportunity for members to review them and/or having received notice that they would be an agenda item for the meeting. H. Manz noted that it was not his intention to surprise the Commission and its attendees with these letters but as he had only learned of them on th Wednesday, January 9 he decided to present them as a courtesy. H. Manz said he would post the letters on the HFAC website. Sara Mattes commented that HATS did not have sufficient time to send comparable letters because such letters must first be approved by the Boards of Selectmen in Bedford, Concord, Lincoln, and Lexington. Gordon Feltman said that the Bedford selectmen accepted the RSA project years ago and would not be likely to support such a letter. 3.HFAC vs. HATS: J. Williams asked for a clarification of the difference between HFAC and HATS. S. Mattes explained: HFAC is a legislatively created body, comprised of aviation and community o representatives, that focuses on airport related issues. HATS was formed by the four Hanscom-area towns as a forum for the towns’ o representatives to address issues of a broader nature, such as area traffic and development issues, and the BRAC process. 4.Community Concerns: It was noted that there had been some questions about a reference to Hanscom on the HFAC website because it didn’t clarify whether the reference was to Hanscom Field or Hanscom Air Force Base. It was generally agreed that it is important to specify one or the other. S. Arnold reiterated that at the December meeting she referred to Massport’s responsibility for maintaining the airfield for Air Force Base operations and noted that Massport owns Hanscom Field (not the Air Force Base). 5.Monthly Noise Report: Sara Arnold presented the monthly noise report. In response to questions, S. Arnold explained that: The graph showing the 12 month interval average is illustrating a moving o average, with each point representing the previous 12 months; Boston Maine Airways reduced flights in December as a result of a pilot o shortage; Hanscom’s enplanement totals include Charters, which report directly to the o FAA. Noise Disturbance Response Forms: With the transition to the new noise monitoring system, there will be some changes related to Massport’s responses to reports of aircraft noise disturbances. The following was explained and there were no follow up comments: An effort will be made to identify the aircraft that generated the complaint for o all complaints, not just those for 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. activity; and There will be a new response form; a draft of which was distributed. o 6. Capital Programs/Planning and Development: In response to questions, Dorothy Steele reported the following: She will get additional information on the status of the recent photo analysis o for the Vegetation Management Program. She noted that photos have been provided in the past. There is no change in the status of Hangar 24. o The Jet Aviation ramp project continues to be on hold. o Massport staff will discuss community concerns when responding to inquiries o about hangar development opportunities. 7. Massport CEO Meeting: There was discussion about Tom Kinton’s desire to meet with HFAC representatives. G. Feltman urged that such a meeting should include serious in-depth discussions about land use planning and ground transportation. He is not interested in having a “social event.” J. Williams suggested that T. Kinton should let the meeting participants know about his strategy for Hanscom. H. Manz asked Commission members to submit questions that might be presented to Mr. Kinton. There was considerable discussion about the Open Meeting Law. It was noted that if Mr. Kinton meets with HFAC or if there is a quorum of HATS members, the meeting must be open to the public and posted. D. Steele said that Tom Kinton has expressed interest in talking to members of the community through his new Community Office Hours initiative but, he hopes to have a more casual, introductory meeting with the commission and members of the Towns’ Boards of Selectmen. Possible meeting dates were discussed. It was noted that Monday nights are Selectmen meeting nights and starting in March, at least Lexington Town Meeting meets on Mondays and Wednesdays. D. Steele agreed that she will explore various options with staff. HANSCOM FIELD ADVISORY COMMISSION DATE: 1/15/08 HFAC MEMBER ATTENDEES CATEGORYNAMEIN ATTENDANCE ********************** Contiguous Towns (4) BedfordGordon FeltmanX Bedford Alt. ConcordAnne Shapiro Concord Alt.Charles Blair LexingtonHank ManzX Lexington Alt.Michael Barrett LincolnSara MattesX Lincoln Alt.Sarah Cannon-Holden Local Citizen Groups (2)********************** So. LexMargaret CoppeX No. LexGraydon Wheaton ********************** Area Wide Organizations (2) LWVMelodee Wagen LWV Alt. VACANT ********************** Other Area Towns (2) CarlisleSteve Lerner WalthamRep. Tom Stanley Waltham Alt.Michael Squillante ********************** Businesses Basing Acft at Hanscom (2) VACANT RaytheonMichael Burke Aviation/Aviation Related Businesses (2)********************** Jet AviationFrank Diglio Signature Flight SupportRick Blaze Signature Alt.Jim Phelps Business Aviation Organization (1)********************** MBAAJohn WilliamsX NBAA (Alt. Org.)Ken Heider ********************** General Aviation Organization (1) Hanscom Pilots AssociationThomas HirschX ********************** Ex-Officio Members MassportSara ArnoldX MassportBarbara Patzner MassportCedric DanielX MassportDorothy SteeleX MassportTom Ennis HAFB FAABarry Morgan MMNHPNancy Nelson