HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-01-30-CEC-min CEC 1/30/06, TOB 111, noon CWL, TE, SS, RB, BH Bill Hartigan, Dr. Paul Ash, Tom Griffiths, Olga Presentation of revised 5 year school capital plan. Several items for elementary schools were removed because < $25K. Strategic planning in elementary schools at $40K for 4 old elem. schools due to redistricting. This is to look at the program space in the remaining elementary schools post-redistricting and to revise the existing program documents for rebuilding/renovating those four schools. This is a statement by the School Committee that we will still have to do something about the remaining four elementary schools, whether rebuild or renovate. Ash: Wants to make sure buildings are right size for enrollment projections and redistricting. Redistricting schedule: report to SC in 10/06, vote new district lines 12/06, implement 9/07. This is for K-8. This $40K appropriation puts them in a position to go forward with D&E in (say) FY08. Gym and Science building roofs: waiting for bids. $493K is consultant's estimate. Ditto Diamond aud. roof at $60K. BH: Is this entire science bldg roof? Olga: part was done during construction project. This may or may not be the entire roof depending on what can be saved. LHS Univents @ $493K: 187 univents are in poor condition. Replace these and steam piping. Spend money on main bldg converting main boiler from steam to how water. Asked Keyspan for possible grants, but no answer yet. They'll replace the vents too. No relationship to auditorium work. No D&E $'s appr'd yet. This will not improve energy management, but will product energy savings. Replacing 50 year old univents units. LHS bldg control system: Satellite LHS buildings have DDC, but main bldg doesn't have one. Pneumatic system doesn't work. If you replace the pipes you have to do DDC also so that $200K + $493K are hand in hand. RB: points out that NStar rebates are available. Diamond: $150K for control system may mean a $75K rebate. DHW Heaters: 2 have patches (> 15 years old). 250-300 gal. ea. Steam heated, gas fired. Will look at alternative fuel sources. Field House Bleachers (and Clarke). They're at the end of their useful life and can't be brought to code. They are not allowed to use them now. They want to add 150 seats to the LHS Field House, but that's not in the $45K request. There's a reasonable contingency built into the estimates for floor replacement, etc. CWL: can you get money from BOLT? Olga: probably not -- they're tapped out. LHS Auditorium: this request has been reworked to a three year program. Year 1 and 2: taking care of safety and statutory needs. BH: 3 year plan is ~1M for patch work. Would we be better off doing a complete re-work of the space at (say) $2M? Olga: this is the most used space in town. What would we do for interim space? Hartigan: auditorium is in near unusable condition. TomG asks if they should investigate this. Unclear. Hartigan: would spend $458K this summer. TE: wants to see this year go forward with a commitment to look at building a new auditorium. CWL: Asks Ash which item he would take off if he had to. Ash: might delay bleachers for a year and cut technology, but doesn't want to lose a year on elementary school reconstruction. Hartigan: discussing elementary schools rebuild vs renovation. Estabrook is a concern and probably the worst of the 4 remaining elem. schools. But it is important to look at the program space (e.g. lighting) when considering rebuild vs renovate. i.e. it's not just a business decision. TomG: previous decisions were guided by PBC so would look to them for guidance. Ash: Rebuild is not necessarily implied by "equity" argument. School committee and admin, and RB leave. CWL: Are we in general addressing the needs with this budget? TE: In general yes. SS: COA $'s is a wild card. Need to look at Munroe very carefully. Adjourn: 2:05PM.