HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-10-11-CEC-min CEC 10/11/05, 4pm, Rm 111 TOB Lamb, Stolz, Edson, Burnell, Hurley, Borghesani, Kanter Motion to approve minutes from 9-14-05 minute passed. Burnell has submitted resignation effective conclusion of November Special Town Meeting. Roger Borghesani will be attending departmental presentations and become CEC immediately following GB's resignation. COA Presentation: Paul Lapointe and Marian Cohen BoS has established a Senior Center Review Committee to review program and space needs. Preliminary report to BoS in January with final report to follow in March. Original $50K appropriation from FY03 is what they've been using. They were permitted to spend $30K of it prior to finding a suitable site. They have spent $15K of that (so they still have $35K). The appropriation was for site planning, program and space needs. They urged CEC to look at current condition of the building and also the program needs of the seniors. The current deed says they can't do anything in the building in the late afternoon, early morning, or weekends. Relationship with the condo association has improved. They are conducting programs in "transit" space which is not layed out well. Sewage backup is the current problem and has happened 3 to 4 times in the past 15 mos. This is a health problem and shuts down programs. GB points out that this is an operating issue and not a capital issue. The town does the maint. on the facility. COA needs to determine whether the problem is a Condo Assoc. or a Town problem. The senior center is essentially a condo in the building. The $15K that they've spent was on a town-wide survey evaluating programs needs, providers, and participants. BoS SC Committee would continue to evaluate the program requirements, sites, recommend one site, and arrive at a first pass of a budget. The final result will be "This is the program, this is the site, and this is the $'s needed." CEC asked what would happen to the rest of the open article from FY03 (the $35K) since COA doesn't expect to spend any more of it. Paul L. said didn't know, either it would be closed out or used as part of the D&E money for the new center. PL wants to get to design development using an FY07 appropriation at the ATM -- this would be 30-40% of the soft money. PL says the estimates for the new center are as high as 30K s.f. (that would include Adult Day Care) and at $225 to $250/s.f. that would be ~ $7.5M. If design is 10-12% of the total cost, and they want to spend 40% of that to get to design development, they are in the ballpark of a $400K - $500K request at ATM with a debt exclusion in FY08 (CY 2007). Adult Day Care on Mill St, Lincoln is popular and is growing. 1700 s.f. currently. Muzzey (current Senior Center facility) is about 8K-10K s.f. GB implores COA to also be carefully about operating costs. Marian C: 3 possible sites are still in play: Harrington, Munroe (existing building), and Muzzey (using the field next to it). Roger B: Asks if they'll also look for grant money [they will]. CPA Presentation: R. Canale, Bob Bicknell, Marily Fenallosa (Historical Commission), Betsey Weiss. Betsey Weiss made CPA's 30 minute presentation. We should expect some ATM warrant articles in the spring. They won't have any matching funds, but they will have some CPA collections in FY07 if CPA passes so they will want the option to spend some of it. Agree to post for 6:30 on Nov 7 and 9 at the STM. Adjourn at 5:30.