HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-24-CEC-min Meeting Date 10/24/01 The corrections were for the spellings of the names of some individuals. The minutes were approved unanimously at the CEC meeting held on 10/31/01. Narain Bhatia ------------------------------------------------- Call to order 7.40 pm. Present: All members of cec and Bill Hadley, Peter Chalpin, Brian Gilbert and David Carboneau from DPW Minutes of the 9/19/01 CEC meeting were approved unanimously. Building Envelope: Bill Hadley updated current building envelope projects, all of them on track and on budget. A new item of 28K for barn structural changes was added mandated by some safety inspection. The 600k per year is based on industry standard of 5% of the value of the buildings -- DPW has no specific projects in mind after 03. DPW was told to include inflation escalator in the projections. DPW Equipment: Bryan reported that the projection were higher than last year because they had taken a closer look. They follow a procedure to review usage, age and condition of each equipment in coming up with the recommended schedule. DPW was asked to see if it was possible to develop some evaluation criteria like comparing to similar towns, unit service costs, outsourcing etc. PeterC said town comparison was not practical because no other town, according to him, does what they do. GIS System: This 95K item was dropped by DPW and may show up as a request from A & F (John Ryan) since it seems to be more connected with computers and MIS. New Reporting Format: DavidCpresented new format of reporting their capital projects in three categories. 1. Public facilities and Equipment: It includes Building Envelope, DPW Equipment, DPW Operations Bldg. and Landfill Closure 2. Highways and Drains: It includes Street Improvements, Storm Sewer Improvements, Traffic Improvements and Sidewalk Improvements. 3. Water & Sewer: It includes Water Distribution Improvements and Sanitary Sewer Improvements DPW Building: BillH reported that a new working group has been formed to study different land uses of the existing and (I believe) the land closure site on Hartwell Ave -- target report date end Nov. CDM was consulted on feasibility of combining senior center and new DPW bldg.at 201 Bedford -- it is feasible considering all issues like safety, parking and operations. The projections 10.3 million for 04 and 05 are for the existing site, Hartwell site will cost more. Land Closure: DavidC said they are winning the war and hope to complete the state requirements under "hazardous waste" rather than "solid waste" regulations. He noted that Lexington is first in this program. Tests so far suggest cost of $1.28 million shall be adequate vs potential cost of $3.2 million under old regulations. Much depends on the land use of the area and hence tied with DPW building and COA decisions. DPW was told about the need to combine override items in 05. Roads: No change in programs, the 07 amount will go down. We will still need $7 million override for four years in addition to $1.1 million (450K from small ticket capital program and 650K from chapter 90). Storm Sewer Improvements: DavidC sited two major problem areas - Winter St and Lake St - and about 15 field complaints that go up in bad rains. They are looking for 125K in 03 for mostly "design" money that includes 25K to get an Umbrella Drainage Maintenance Permit from state so they do not have to go to state for every job as long as they are within the criteria agreed upon and 25K for non-point-discharge program. DPW was told to be proactive and evaluate system- wide deficiencies rather than just respond to crisis. Traffic Improvements: 120K for the center traffics is requested for 03 in response to request from chairs of the two finance committees. PeterC said while he hears many suggestions and complaints, he does not feel additional studies are warranted but they would consider a program of the order of 25K to be more responsive to citizen traffic complaints and improve safety. 500K in 07 is just the place holder. Side walks: DavidC said the issue is very complex as many residents do not want it and for DPW there is too much non-productive time fighting permits and abutter issues. As a start they are requesting 100K per year to be divided 50-50 between constructing new side walks and resurfacing the existing ones. They will initially focus on two schools -- Bowman and Hastings. The program is drop in the bucket. 50K will buy 100 feet of new side walks. Resurfacing is cheaper -- 20' of resurfacing can be done in $50 to $75. Water Distribution: The 800K program includes 50K for planning, 150K base level activity and 200K accelerated activity to coincide with new road program -- these mains may not have been done otherwise. 400K is for cleaning and lining water mains. DPW likes the results of the C&L program so far and would extend it to larger mains. A zero percent interest, ten year loan is available from state for this activity. Sewer Improvements: DavidC said that while the $3 million appropriation of '98 for the I/I program was supposed to self liquidating from savings in water bills, the results so far have been inconclusive so further I/I work cannot be justified. DPW will move away from the comprehensive I/I program and instead focus on system-wide structural/other deficiencies. About half the town has been inspected so far and they will inspect the balance of the town where high capacity lines are involved. General: DPW was asked to provide back ups supporting the one page summary sheet as per the new format. TomG commented on the Peter Meher article on comparing the electricity costs between Concord and Lexington and asked if DPW had any opinion. A very guarded response from PaterC and BillH -- no comments, all questions must be sent to the town manager, DPW is busy in pursuing its assigned mission. CEC discussion after DPW personnel left: TomC invited comments on the elementary school project in light of the issue being taken up by AC as well (as per their meeting agenda). Some need for coordinating CEC and AC on this issue. NarainB commented on the potential reduction in state funding. He cited the state budget shortfall of $1.1B, proposed reduction in state education budget from $50 to $20 million, southward bound economy and potential difficulties of convincing voters may require re-visiting the advisability of constructing two schools at a time. GeorgeB said that he had talked to Jay Kaufman on this subject and according to Jay the re- imbursements percentages will be reduced because less funds will be available. CharlesH commented that second swing space availability will be the clincher and that there is some merit in completing the school reconstruction program as soon as possible -- equity issues for different schools districts and earlier educational benefits of newer space. Adjourned 10.45 PM Respectfully submitted, Narain Bhatia