HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-01-15-CEC-min Town of Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee Draft Meeting Notes January 15, 2003, 6:00 p.m. Lexington High School Library Media Center Committee members present: Bhatia, Burnell, Hornig, Rosenberg, Stolz Meetings Schedule (new items highlighted) Thursday, Jan. 16,CEC 6:30 p.m., Summit IV 7:30, Harrington School gym CEC, 7:00, Special Town Meeting Wednesday, Jan. 22, preparation Lincoln Park; 8:30, Clarke Special Town Meeting, Lincoln Park/Field Renovation Presentation The committee revised its report to the Special Town Meeting on the Lincoln Park fields renovation, which will be mailed tomorrow with reports from Appropriation and Recreation; an attachment will be the April 2002 Special Town Meeting report on the Lincoln Park fields renovation article amended to remove the words “Conservation Commission” since that body did not formally vote to recommend the renovation project; the report as amended will be marked to indicate that it is corrected. Cash-Capital Priorities A couple of items pertaining to cash-capital priorities: •Stolz has heard from the schools administration that the state will qualify for 59% SBA reimbursement the Clarke and Diamond gym floor repairs (Clarke appropriated prior FY, work completed; Diamond under current consideration), and the LHS acoustical modification. If confirmed, the latter item, which is big-ticket, would receive immediate priority for Town borrowing, construction, and qualification for reimbursement. •Bhatia reported on DPW’s priorities, in descending order of importance: —Landfill closure $450k —Building Envelope —Buckman Tavern roof (new item) $60k —Building Envelope update study $100k —Cary Hall retrofit post library $150k —Visitor Center electrical system $100k —ADA work $50k —Town Office Building lighting $300k —Vehicles and equipment —Skyworker $110k —Ford rack dumptruck $50k —Ford dump $40k —GMC utility $35k —Two steel sander units $24k —(Water/sewer enterprise: Chevy 1-ton utility $35k) —Street improvements (Prior override and Ch. 90), $965k —Traffic/safety projects fund $25 k —Sidewalks $105 k (Bowman $55k, Hastings $50k) Based on this information and prior reports by all departments and the committee’s earlier priority-setting exercise, it agreed on the following preliminary cash- capital priorities (which assume the $965,000 of road and street improvements funded in the prior operating override and via Ch. 90 funds). Note that this list excludes big- ticket items like the LHS acoustical modifications; and the committee has recommended that planning and design funding requests (Senior Center, DPW facilities, and next round of elementary schools) be deferred from this year’s Town Meeting. 1.Landfill colosure $450k 2. Diamond gym floor (reimbursable $49%), $125,000 3. Cary Hall $150k 4. Harrington gym floor $65k 5. Fire engine $327 k (Burnell questions on policy grounds, Rosenberg questions on operating budget at-risk list which puts an engine and East Lexigton at risk) 6. Buckman Tavern roof $60k (committee has not yet been briefed) 7. DPW equipment: skyworker, $110k 8. Fire department air compressor unit $35k 9. Remaining DPW equipment/vehicles $149k (enterprise fund item excluded from this list) 10. Building Envelope $100k (Burnell questions) Remaining questions: feedback on school roof repairs? Other vehicles? All other items not funded Meeting adjourned 7:30 p.m. John S. Rosenberg