HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-BOS-min Selectmen’s Meeting June 4, 2012 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 4, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; and Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Cohen and Mr. Manz attended the Douglas House Supportive Living, Inc. event on May 31 and accepted the “Great Neighbor Award” for the Town in recognition of the overwhelming warmth and acceptance shown to the residents of Douglas House since their opening in October 2008. The Town can be proud of what Douglas House is doing. Mr. Manz reported that the Discovery Day event over the weekend was a great success and that downtown was a very busy place over the weekend. Mr. Manz presented a history project done by Brent Goodman, the son of Lexington’s MIS Director Ms. Goodman and a third grade student. The project was the Battle of Lexington done in Legos. Brent explained how long it took to put the project together and some of the detail that went into the project. The Selectmen thought it was an incredible project which deserves an “A” and thought it was the best liaison report ever. Ms. Mauger reported that all the Selectmen attended the Lexington High School graduation on Sunday. They were impressed with all the graduates and enjoyed Rachel Dratch as one of the speakers. Ms. Mauger reported that all the Selectmen attended the Volunteer Reception held at the Senior Center earlier in the day to celebrate all the volunteers who help out at the senior center. Town Manager Report Mr. Valente reported on three items: 1.With the appointment of Chief Wilson and on his recommendation, the Town Manager appointed Lt. Derek Sencabaugh as Captain and Firefighter John Nogler as Lieutenant in the Fire Department. 2.DPW/Engineering has finished work on the Hayden Street/Spring Street traffic light. Funds were provided by State grant and from the Shire TIF funds. 3.He recognized two members of the Planning Board - Michelle Ciccolo, who was elected President of the MAPC, and Richard Canale, who was elected to the Executive Committee of the MAPC. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 4, 2012 Approve Qdoba Mexican Grill Common Victualler License Ms. Mac-Namara DeOliveira, representing Qdoba, plans to open the restaurant on June 11. The hours will be 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. seven days a week. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve a Common Victualler license for Qdoba Mexican Grill, located at 46 Bedford Street, subject to them receiving approval from the Health Department. Bio 2012 Presentation Ms. Tintocalis, Economic Development Director, provided information on the upcoming Bio 2012 Conference being held in Boston June 18-21, 2012. The Economic Development Advisory Committee recommended that the Town participate as an opportunity to market Lexington and particularly the Harwell Avenue area, to real estate brokers who work with biotech firms on location decisions. The Town will also be sponsoring a tour of Shire and Cubist. A brochure has been produced that will be available to brokers and attendees at the conference. Mr. Burnell praised the efforts of Ms. Tintocalis and the Economic Development Advisory Committee. The town is developing a strong reputation in the biotech field and interest has picked up as a result of the rezoning at Hayden Avenue. The Town has received tax revenue that rd will make it possible to do a lot and create job opportunities. Lexington is 3 in the state in the Biotech field and growing, which is a positive sign. Sustainable Lexington Committee – Mass Save Program Mr. Sandeen, Chair of the Sustainable Lexington Committee, provided information for citizens regarding a program being offered by Mass SAVE that can provide up to $2,000 in assistance to replace residential boilers that are over 30 years old. The rebates expire July 31, 2012. For additional information residents should contact Mass SAVE. Additional information is available on the Sustainable Lexington Committee website. Lions Club Annual Carnival Plans and Approvals th Mr. Lucente, representing the Lions Club, presented the final plans of the Annual July 4 Carnival. The carnival will be held at Hastings Park and there will be fewer rides so that it fits on the park. After the carnival the Lions Club will pay for any necessary repairs to the lawn. The proposed plans have been approved by all the necessary staff and departments. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Lions Club th to hold the 2012 annual July 4 Carnival on Tuesday, July 3, 2012, from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.; Wednesday, July 4, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Thursday, July 5, 2012, from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.; Friday, July 6, 2012, from 6:00 pm. to 11:00 p.m.; and Saturday, July 7, 2012, from 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., as presented in the Lions Club letter dated May 30, 2012. Selectmen’s Meeting - June 4, 2012 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Lions Club to have a lighting source on until 11:30 p.m. each night from Monday, July 2 through Saturday, July 7, 2012. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the contingency plan to move the carnival from Hastings Park to the Worthen Road High School parking lot if there is inclement weather predicted. Presentation of Public Works Projects Mr. Hadley, Director of Public Works, reviewed and updated the Board on 34 projects that Public Works is currently involved in. He also presented a map of Lexington showing the areas where the projects work was being done for paving, water, sewer pipe rehabs, manhole rehabs, pipe rehab points, sidewalks, and drainage. Public Works updates information on ongoing projects on the Town webpage and also tries to notify those affected by work in their area. In response to a question from Mr. Burnell, Mr. Hadley responded that the Central Business District Sidewalks Master Plan received funding at the 2012 Annual Town Meeting to begin the design. The next step is to perform a detailed traffic analysis with accompanying model to analyze a number of alternative lane configurations and intersection and turning lane layouts, which will be presented to the Selectmen for approval Plans are in process to close the alley next to Bank of America over the summer. The draft RFP for the Hartwell Avenue Organics Facility was developed and distributed to boards and committees for review and comment. The Town and their Consultant will attend board and committee meetings to discuss the draft RFP, answer questions, and get comments throughout the next few months. The Estabrook School/Robinson Road project will need a public hearing soon. Mr. Livsey, Town Engineer, explained the steps for evaluating the condition of the roads during the paving projects, and the coordination at least daily with the utilities. They also coordinate project work with Lexpress, Liberty Ride, the trash collector and the schools. They also have a QR code available for people with Smartphones that provides the most up-to-date information. Asked about the Massachusetts Avenue potholes in the center and when the street would be repaved, Mr. Hadley reported that a new gas main was to be installed soon and that discussions th are ongoing as to when to repave Massachusetts Avenue taking into consideration the 300 celebration and streetscape issues. Additional discussion on the streetscape cannot be done until after a traffic count and traffic analysis, which is planned for the fall. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 4, 2012 Asked about the status of the street light project, Mr. Hadley responded that out of a total of 2,400 lights, there are 426 new lights not working and 190 new lights that are dimming. He is in contact with the manufacturer regarding a plan to get all the lights working, which are under warranty. Since the new lights have been installed electricity costs have been reduced by $105,000, which is approximately half the cost of previous years. Presentation on Hartwell Avenue Transportation Plans and Funding Mr. Canale, Chair of the Planning Board, called the Planning Board to order. Planning Board members Mr. Hornig and Ms. Ciccolo were in attendance and also Ms. McCall-Taylor, Planning Director and Mr. Kucharsky, Transportation Planner. The Planning Board was last before the Selectmen in September to discuss the plans for Hartwell Avenue. The presentation at this meeting was an update on the proposed plans. Mr. Kucharsky reviewed the Infrastructure Plan details that includes installing a multi-lane modern roundabout at the Route 95/Bedford Street, Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue and Hartwell Avenue/Maguire Road, installing a pedestrian signal at Eldred Street, adding medians, bike lanes and sidewalks, burying utilities, modifying the Winter Street/Bedford Street intersection, installing signal conduit at Hartwell Avenue/Wood Street intersection and adding a sidewalk and bike lanes on Wood Street. Mr. Burnell asked what the public process was to develop the plan. Mr. Canale stated that a consultant was hired, planning staff has done outreach and there has been a public hearing. The Planning Board approved the conceptual plan that was presented. They now want to discuss how to fund and design the project. Mr. Burnell was concerned that the roundabout at Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue would not provide any breaks in the traffic for residents on Winter Street and other side streets to get onto Bedford Street and those will need to be resolved before the project moves forward. He is also concerned about access to and from Eldred Street. He made it clear he did not think the plan would solve all the problems. Mr. Canale stated that the issues have been looked at and vetted, but the project needs to be moved forward in order to get further feedback and have additional studies done. Mass Highway and the Department of Transportation think the proposal is a sound approach and would like to move forward and get all questions answered. The next phase of the project will look at safety for those crossing Bedford Street. Mr. Kelley wants the proposed plan to be reviewed completely and approved by the Board of Selectmen before funding options pursued. He has concerns about the Bedford Street/Route 95 roundabout and wondered if it should be put in at Bedford Street/Eldred Street. He agrees with Mr. Burnell on the issues with Winter Street. He has concerns about bikers/walkers safety at the roundabouts. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 4, 2012 Mr. Canale made it clear that safe access for bike and walking lanes are mandatory if requesting state or federal funding. The consultant will make sure all concerns and safety issues are addressed. In terms of funding, there are a couple of sources and the Town is fortunate that Hartwell Avenue, with full build out in the next several years could cover 10% of the project cost if we are lucky, so funds will be needed from the federal government and at this stage we are talking about 10-20 years. There will be an opportunity to get some funding from the state if they can be convinced to invest in the infrastructure as we fight to keep Hanscom Air Force Base open. Mr. Manz agrees that bicycle and pedestrian accommodations should be incorporated into the roadway plans. Ms. Mauger suggested that Selectmen who have further questions and concerns should discuss them with the Planning Board and staff before the Planning Board and staff returns to a Selectmen Meeting for further discussions. Approve Charge for the Ad Hoc Town Facilities Master Planning Committee (10 min.) The charge for the Ad Hoc Town Facilities Master Planning Committee was revised by adding that the Committee will consider available or prospective sites when considering proposed facility projects. Membership will include two members of the Board of Selectmen, one School Committee member and four members appointed by the Selectmen. The Council on Aging and Community Center Task Force will be asked to provide a liaison to the committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the charge for the Ad Hoc Town Facilities Master Planning Committee, as amended. Appoint Members to the Cary Memorial Building Program Committee and Appoint as Special Municipal Employees Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0-1 (Manz abstained) to appoint Nancy Shepard, representing the Cary Lecture Series; Fred Johnson, representing the Center Committee; Bonnie Brodner, representing the School Committee and Mr. Manz, representing the Board of Selectmen. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to designate members of the Ad Hoc Cary Memorial Building Program Committee as Special Municipal Employees. Liaisons to the Cary Memorial Building Program Committee will be: Bill Hurley, representing the Capital Expenditures Committee; Richard Neumeier, representing the Appropriation Committee; Linda Roemer, representing the Communications Advisory Committee. Michelle Stevens will provide staff assistance to the Committee. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 4, 2012 The Historical Commission will provide a name for membership on this committee after its next meeting. Also the Permanent Building Committee will provide a name to be a liaison to the committee. Resignation – Design Advisory Committee Colin Smith submitted a letter of resignation from the Design Advisory Committee. The Selectmen thanked Mr. Smith for his many years of service on the Design Advisory Committee and for his involvement in the community. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to accept the resignation of Colin Smith from the Design Advisory Committee, effective immediately. Sign Munro Clan Proclamation The Historical Society is hosting a visit from the Clan Munro members on August 11, 2012, including having a wreath ceremony at the grave of William Munroe in the Old Burying Ground. They have requested a proclamation from the Board of Selectmen proclaiming August 11, 2012 as Clan Munro Day. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve and sign a proclamation declaring August 11, 2012 as Clan Munro Day. Town Manager Reappointments Board of Health Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Dr. David Geller to the Board of Health for a 3-year term to expire April 30, 2015. Recreation Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Wendy Rudner to the Recreation Committee for a 3-year term to expire May 31, 2015. Future Meetings The Selectmen will schedule meetings for July 9, 2012, July 30, 2012, August 27, 2012, September 10, 2012 and September 24, 2012. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 4, 2012 Consent Agenda Use of the Battle Green – Annual Flag Day Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the request of the Lexington Elks to use the Battle Green on Thursday, June 14, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. for the annual Flag Day Ceremony. Accept Terms of the Dean/Hughsted Scholarship Fund Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to accept the terms of the Dean/Hughsted Scholarship Fund on behalf of the Trustees of Public Trusts. Approve Lexpress Schedule Insert in June Tax Bill Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to approve inserting the new Lexpress schedule into the June tax bill. Approve Selectmen Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the minutes of May 3, 2012 and corrected minutes of May 7, 2012. Documents Presented 1.Town of Lexington BIO International Convention Update, Melisa Tintocalis, Director of Economic Development, June 4, 2012. 2.Map of Capital Improvements DPW Projects for 2012. 3.Infrastructure Plan for Bedford Street/Hartwell Avenue/Wood Street Transportation Management Plan. 4.How is a Rotary Different from a Roundabout? Washington County Roundabout U. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 by roll call to go into executive session to discuss strategy with respect to potential litigation regarding Shire HGT compliance with Noise Bylaw and Covenant and to reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further the Chairman declared that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 9:40 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting June 5, 2012 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen and School Committee was held on Tuesday, June 5, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. Manz; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Mr. Batt, Town Counsel, were present. ALSO PRESENT: All School Committee Members and Dr. Ash, School Superintendent. Executive Session Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 by roll call to go into executive session at 6:30 p.m. to discuss strategy with respect to the Estabrook PCB litigation and to reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further the Chairman declared that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Town. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0 to adjourn at 7:00 p.m. A true record; Attest: Norman P. Cohen Selectman Selectmen’s Meeting June 18, 2012 A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, June 18, 2012, at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; and Mr. Burnell; Ms. Vine, Deputy Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports Mr. Cohen commended the Elks for the great Flag Day ceremony. Mr. Cohen reported that at the recent PTA Awards night $149,500 was given out for scholarships on a needs basis. He commended the work of the PTA Scholarship Committee. Mr. Cohen noted that the Selectmen attended the reception for the new Veteran’s Officer, Ryan Lennon, and he pointed out to Mr. Ryan that many people in Lexington may not know that they may be eligible for veteran services. Mr. Manz enjoyed the Wilson Farm ribbon cutting for their new addition, especially the tour of the entire facility. Ms. Mauger thanked the Grace Chapel volunteers for their work on the Minuteman Bikeway to remove garlic weed. Town Manager Report Ms. Vine reported on two items: 1.Karen Mullins, Director of Community Development, announced that Gerry Cody, the Health Director was awarded the Dr. Joseph S. Goldfarb Award by Massachusetts Environmental Health Association for his outstanding achievement, leadership and competent professional practice during his career in the field of environmental health and service in Massachusetts. Mr. Cody was recommended for the award by his peers. 2.Karen Simmons, Recreation Director, send a letter to the Minuteman High School thanking them for building and installing the shade pavilion at the Gallagher Tennis Courts. Bond Anticipation Note Sale On June 12, 2012, the Town sold $16,168,900 of bond anticipation notes of which $15,935,900 will come due on February 22, 2013 and $233,000 will come due on July 27, 2012. The Series A notes coming due on July 27, 2012 are comprised of purposes that have been excluded from the limits of Proposition 2 ½ (Bridge/Bowman renovations and Estabrook reconstruction). The Series B notes, coming due on February 22, 2013, are to finance multiple projects to be Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 accounted for in the general fund, the water fund and the sewer fund. The low bidder for the $15,935,900 note sale was Morgan Stanley at a net interest cost of 0.16%. The low bidder for the $233,000 note sale was Century Bank at a net interest cost of 0.30%. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 that we hereby determine, in accordance with G.L. c. 70B, that the amount of the cost of the Estabrook school project authorized by votes of the Town passed on April 9, 2012 (Article 2) and January 24, 2012 (Question No. 2) not being paid by the school facilities grant is at least $26,609,830 and we hereby approve of the issuance of notes and bonds in such amount under said G.L. c. 70B; It was further voted to approve the sale of a $233,000 0.30% percent General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, Series A (the “Series A Note”) of the Town dated June 21, 2012 and payable July 27, 2012, to Century Subsidiary Investments Inc. III at par; It was further voted to approve the sale of $15,935,900 0.50% General Obligation Bond Anticipation Notes, Series B (the “Series B Notes” and together with the Series A Note, the “Notes”) of the Town dated June 21, 2012 and payable February 22, 2013, to Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC at par plus a premium of $36,174.49; It was further voted that in connection with the marketing and sale of the Notes, the preparation and distribution of a Notice of Sale and Preliminary Official Statement dated June 4, 2012 and a final Official Statement dated June 12, 2012, each in such form as may be approved by the Town Treasurer, be and hereby are ratified, confirmed, approved and adopted. It was further voted that the Town Treasurer and the Board of Selectmen be, and hereby are, authorized to execute and deliver a significant events disclosure undertaking in compliance with SEC Rule 15c2-12 in such form as may be approved by bond counsel to the Town, which undertaking shall be incorporated by reference in the Notes for the benefit of the holders of the Notes from time to time. It was further voted that each member of the Board of Selectmen, the Town Clerk and the Town Treasurer be and hereby are, authorized to take any and all such actions, and execute and deliver such certificates, receipts or other documents as may be determined by them, or any of them, to be necessary or convenient to carry into effect the provisions of the foregoing votes. Grant of Location – Nstar Electric – Woburn Street Ms. Crosby, Nstar Electric, requested approval to install conduit to provide new underground service to a new residential development on Woburn Street. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the petition of Nstar Electric to construct, and a location for, a line of conduits and manholes with the necessary wires and cables therein to be located under the surface of Woburn Street northwesterly at Pole 42/38 approximately 325 feet + southwest of Webb Street, a distance of about 41 feet + of conduit. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 Grant of Location – National Grid – Harrington Road Ms. Pheonix and Mr. Santana, National Grid representatives, requested approval to install approximately 250 feet of 6” gas main in Harrington Road from the existing 4” main in Harrington Road at House #5 to Bedford Street for a new gas service. This work will provide service in one of two directions so in case of interruption in service or damage service would be available to customers. Ms. Davidson, representing First Parish, 7 Harrington Road, is concerned because First Parish hosts a series of concerts on Fridays at Noon through October 12. First Parish is requesting that National Grid refrain from loud noisy work between 11:45 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. each Friday. They also request, if possible, that the traffic not be blocked or the flow impeded on Friday between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. If traffic needs to be blocked for any reason they request sufficient notice so they can notify the concert attendees. Mr. Santana stated the intent was to keep both lanes open but if there is a public safety issue the Lexington Police may need to restrict traffic or impede the flow of traffic for a period of time. They provide abutter notification two weeks before work is to be done. Ms. Davidson will make sure Mr. Santana has her contact information for notification purposes. Ms. McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, requested that she be included as an abutter so she receives notification of the work. Ms. McKenna, Tourism Committee Chair, is concerned about the Liberty Ride and tour buses being delayed. The busiest time for them is between now and the second week of August. She requested consideration to have the work completed between August 13 and September 14. The Selectmen will check with engineering to see if any of the above requests can be accommodated. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the petition for Harrington Road for National Grid to install and maintain approximately 250 feet of 4” gas main in Harrington Road, subject to consideration of requests/concerns discussed. Ratify Poll Vote – Common Victualler for Orange Leaf Upon motion duly made ands seconded, it was voted 5-0 to ratify a poll vote to approve a Common Victualler license for Orange Leaf of Lexington, located at 1726 Massachusetts Avenue, subject to their receiving an approved Certificate of Occupancy from the Building Department and necessary approvals from the Health Department. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 School Transportation and Safety Study Committee Ms. Crocker, Chair of the School Transportation and Safety Study Committee, updated the Selectmen on the work of the Committee. The Committee would like to improve school transportation, community education and public safety. School Transportation involves cost, ridership and policy issues. Community Education involves residents, students and parents. Public Safety involves enforcement, education and engineering. Registration for school buses ends on June 15 and the Committee is working hard to get residents to sign up. They are also getting information out to the elementary school children about arrival and dismissal times and the rules for dropping off and picking up children. They are also submitting articles to the Lexington Minute Man on student transportation and safety. The Committee is working with the administration and principals to have the same start and dismissal times for all schools, which will help solve the problem of buses being late for the next school they go to. The bus registration forms are still being counted. One problem that was discovered is that a lot of parents do not sign up for the bus until the middle/end of the summer and the buses have to be ordered now and drivers have to be hired. The Lexpress FlexPass has received 50 additional requests over last year. The Selectmen thanked Ms. Crocker and the Committee for the work they are doing. Proposed Antony Park Ms. McKenna and Ms. Galaitsis, Antony Working Group, presented a revised plan for the Antony Park to be located at Tower Park. The location and area of the proposed park was staked and the Selectmen all had a chance to look at the area. After receiving comments, the Working Group removed the amphitheatre embanked seating from the plan. The Lexington Minute Men Company has indicated they have no conflict with the location. The next step would be design and development of the proposed concept. Mr. Kelley is interested in the design including benches that residents could dedicate to someone. He also requested that any monument be low to the ground and that the Selectmen have an opportunity to review and approve. He had questions about the circle of trees and whether over time the design value would be diminished; he suggested something more informal. Ms. McKenna stated the Committee is still reviewing information on trees and plants. They want something that is low maintenance for the DPW. DPW will be able to mow the grass area very easily. The Committee plans to return to the Selectmen for review of the monument. Mr. Burnell is opposed to the location of the proposed plan and does not support. Mr. Cohen and Mr. Manz support the current proposal which has been scaled back. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-1 (Burnell opposed) to approve the building of Antony Park in Tower Park on the grass bowl area that will meet the existing path at the end of Tower Park that is to the Arlington side of the existing path closest to the hill with a bench (as staked out and visited by the Selectmen). A majority of the Selectmen support the general horseshoe design concept for the French garden and felt it fit the land, but want to review during the design phase. The Antony Working Group’s intent is to not disturb the existing trees, except for a few branches that will need to be removed that hang over the garden area. They want to make sure maintenance and the type of trees and plants used are easy to maintain. They want to continue receiving feedback as the details on materials are discussed. John Frey, a member of the Tree Committee, has been involved with the Antony Working Group. The Working Group will be requesting input from the Garden Club and will be posting information on the Tourism webpage asking for feedback. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4-0-1 (Burnell abstained) to approve the general horseshoe shaped design concept for Antony Park contingent on the Antony Park Working Group returning to the Selectmen at the design/development phase. The Antony Working Group will plan to come back to the Selectmen sometime in August. Request to Remove Traffic Sign – Colony Road Mr. Cohen received a call from a resident of Colony Road who was concerned about a “No Left Turn” sign on Colony Road near the Fiske School. The sign, which is in the Code of the Town of Lexington, was removed when the school was being rebuilt and was recently reinstalled. The Traffic Safety Advisory Committee reviewed the sign location and concluded that the area the sign is located in is a private way and they have no issue if the Selectmen vote to change the Traffic Rules and remove the sign. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to have the existing “No Left Turn” sign removed on Colony Road at Fiske School and adjust the Traffic Rules and Regulations accordingly. BRAC as Relates to Hanscom Air Force Base Ms. Mauger updated the Board about the Hanscom Area Towns (HATS) Committee meeting held on June 6 regarding the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) process. Attorney David Knisely, an expert in the BRAC process attended that meeting and provided helpful information. The upcoming BRAC process is very likely to happen in 2014 or 2015 and the focus will be on air force bases. Hanscom is at risk for closure because it has been on the closure list several times and is currently facing significant cuts. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 The BRAC process includes two local redevelopment authorities (LRA): planning and implementation. The HATS Memorandum of Agreement was amended to allow it to become a planning LRA, but there is no guarantee that HATS would be chosen at the planning LRA. HATS would need to partner with a state entity as the planning LRA. HATS will work with the state delegation for advice on how to proceed. If the base is to be closed and once a planning LRA is recognized by the DOD, it must produce a reuse plan for the base. The planning LRA must also satisfy the requirements of the Homeless Assistance function which is ultimately approved by HUD. Current base housing is privately owned and under a 50 year lease with DOD; it is not clear how the lease is affected by the base closure. All the housing is in Lincoln and DOD contracts with Lincoln to staff the base elementary and middle schools. High school students attend Bedford High School. Base housing can be filled with non-military families. There will be a financial impact on Lincoln if the base closes and the housing becomes available to the general public. Next steps include working on saving the base and planning for the base to be closed at the same time. Mr. Alexander, 66 Baskin Road, is concerned that Hanscom is closing and changes are being made to its functions and feels pressure is needed from Lexington’s local, state and federal delegations to get their attention. Ms. Mauger assured him that it is critical to save the base and actions have and will be taken to keep it open. Mr. Burnell suggested that Mr. Alexander attend the HATS meetings. He feels the decisions have been made and some items have been implemented, but the question is how to retain the key ingredients needed in New England. th 300 Anniversary Celebration Committee – Establish Selectmen’s Gift Account and Approve Expenditures th The 300 Anniversary Committee is fundraising from the community to underwrite some of the th costs of the Town’s 300 anniversary celebrations. The Selectmen were asked to create the gift th account for that purpose and authorize the Town Manager to approve expenditures for 300 Anniversary-related activities from the account. th Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to create a 300 Anniversary Celebrations th Gift Account and authorize the Town Manager to approve expenditures for 300 Anniversary related activities from the account. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 How to Choose Members for the Ad Hoc Town Facilities Master Planning Committee The Selectmen approved the charge for the Town Facilities Master Planning Committee that will include two Selectmen, one School Committee member and four members appointed by the Board. The Board now needs to approve a process to appoint the four members. Ms. Mauger proposed a process where each Selectman will submit nominations to the Chairman. The Chairman will compile the list of nominees and ask each Selectman to vote for four members; she will confirm that the winning nominees are willing to serve on the Committee. The final four nominations of those willing to serve will be appointed to the Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to adopt the proposed membership appointment process for the Town Facilities Master Planning Committee. Appointments/Reappointments/Resignations Cary Memorial Building Program Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to appoint Wendall Kalsow to the Ad Hoc Cary Memorial Building Program Committee, representing the Historical Commission. Gary Lerner will be the Permanent Building Committee Liaison. Executive Clerk Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to reappoint Lynne Pease as the Executive Clerk for a term to expire June 30, 2013. Human Rights Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to appoint Bhumip Khasnabish to the Human Rights Committee to fill the unexpired term of Puran Dang until September 30, 2014. Keeper of the Lockup Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to reappoint Chief Mark Corr as the Keeper of the Lockup. School Transportation and Safety Study Committee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to accept the resignation of Martin Cohen from the School Transportation and Safety Study Committee, representing the Transportation Advisory Committee. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to appoint Elaine Dratch to the School Transportation and Safety Study Committee, representing the Transportation Advisory Committee. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 Town Celebrations Committee and Subcommittee Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to reappoint Suzanne Barry, Richard Crogan, Jo-Anne Granger and Sandra Podgorski to the Town Celebrations Committee for 3-year terms to expire June 30, 2015. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to reappoint Paul Jenkins, Julie Miller, Wayne Miller, William Mix and David Taylor to the town Celebrations Subcommittee for 1-year terms to expire June 30, 2013. Trash and Recycling Collection Task Force Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to dissolve the Trash and Recycling Collection Task Force. Town Manager Appointments – Youth Commission Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s appointment of Jenna Busa to the Youth Commission for a term to expire April 30, 2015. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the Town Manager’s reappointment of Debra Hankins to the Youth Commission for a term to expire April 30, 2015. Bench Location – Hastings Park Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the #1 location, as presented, for a bench to be located in Hastings Park. Consent Agenda Water and Sewer Commitments and Adjustments Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve an adjustment to the water and sewer charges as recommended by Water and Sewer Abatement Board in the amount of $2,841.50. Ratify Poll Vote – One-Day Liquor License – Lexx Restaurant Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to ratify a poll vote to approve and sign a one-day liquor license for Lexx Restaurant to serve beer and wine at a book signing on Monday, June 11, 2012, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Depot Building. One-Day Liquor License – Unidine Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve and sign a one-day liquor license for Unidine to serve beer and wine at the ISPE Business Event Reception on June 21, 2012, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at 200 Shire Way. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 18, 2012 Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the minutes of May 16, 2012, May 21, 2012, May 24, 2012, June 4, 2012 and June 5, 2012. Executive Session Minutes Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to approve the executive session minutes of May 21, 2012, May 24, 2012, June 4, 2012 and June 5, 2012. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to adjourn at 8:56 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Meeting June 20, 2012 A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Wednesday, June 20, 2012, at 11:00 a.m. in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen, Mr. Manz; and Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Also Present: Fire Chief Wilson, Mr. Bliss and Mr. Finley, Fire Safety and Emergency Medical Services Department of Municipal Resources, Inc. Selectmen Announcements Because of the extremely high temperatures expected for the next few days, the Board of Health is suggesting the following precautions: drink plenty of fluids, wear appropriate clothing and sunscreen, stay cool indoors and monitor those at high risk. The Selectmen were invited to attend the Planning Board executive session meeting on Wednesday, June 20, to discuss the anaerobic digester. The Board was reminded the meeting was not posted, but they could attend as long as there is no deliberation. Fire Department Staffing Study Mr. Valente explained that the genesis of this study came about when the FY2012 budget was being reviewed and it included recommendations regarding fire staffing and other changes which the Selectmen had a number of questions on in terms of operations and the current facilities. At that time it was suggested that there was a need for a comprehensive study to review staffing and facilities. An RFP was prepared and this report is the result which included a steering committee that worked with Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI) to provide feedback. The Steering Committee included: Interim Chief Keith Hoyle, Assistant Fire Chief John Fleck, Fire Union President Robert Cunha, Police Chief Corr, Public Works Director Bill Hadley, Board of Health member Sharon MacKenzie, Selectmen Peter Kelley and George Burnell, Deputy Town Manager Linda Vine and Management Intern Michelle Stevens. In addition MRI requested all sorts of information which was pulled together by Fire Chief John Wilson, Fire Prevention Officer Ken Tremblay, Database Administrator Judy Seppala, Planning Board Director Maryann McCall-Taylor, Human Resources Director Denise Casey, Budget Officer Theo Kalivas and Police Capitan Manuel Ferro. Mr. Valente thanked the project team from MRI, who were a pleasure to work with and learned quickly about Lexington. Mr. Bliss and Mr. Finley prepared the report with help from Christopher LeClaire, Fire Chief/Emergency Management Coordinator in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Suzanne Prentiss, Chief of the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services for the New Hampshire Department of Safety. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 20, 2012 Mr. Bliss and Mr. Finley presented:  what MRI was engaged to evaluate;  the methodology used;  standards and best practices to follow;  community risk;  recommendations for Fire/EMS, ICS, Safety and mutual aid;  recommendations for Staffing;  recommendations for fire prevention, inspections and public education;  recommendations for communications and technology;  recommendations for training and professional development;  recommendations for policies and procedures;  recommendations for Apparatus and Equipment;  recommendations for fire department facilities;  recommendations for benchmarking;  recommendations for employee attitudes and issues; and  recommendations to improve business community perceptions. In conclusion, Lexington will face numerous challenges, including: management structure and staffing, policies and procedures, obsolete, inadequate central fire station, capital equipment planning and acquisition, training and performance improvements; and patient care reporting system. New opportunities include: a new leadership team, improving employee attitudes and morale and improving management and labor relations. The Selectmen asked questions and received the following answers: The full-time EMS Coordinator should be a first line supervisory person with a rank of Lieutenant and also be a paramedic who can evaluate and impose recommended changes in performance. In order to protect the performance improvement process within the organization and build it, there has to be an internal formal process (incident reports, evaluation of response time, etc) done by the Assistant Chief and modeled after the EMIS process which is regulated by the State. Training programs, once developed using available canned programs modified to Lexington, will be easier and will not make a big impact. The average training report should take about 10 minutes to complete for all personnel with a training guide to follow. Asked whether to have a mechanic program or to outsource repairs to the equipment, it was suggested that a lot of the routine preventative work can be done in-house less expensively and to have major repairs farmed out. They caution that it is important for the mechanics to be certified. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 20, 2012 Asked what training can be done in-house and what should be done by outside experts, it was suggested that EMS training be a combination of both. There is great value in bringing outside resources in to give different perspectives, but there is no exact science, it depends on the skill set of the training personnel. Every officer should be able to teach basic firefighter skills and every paramedic should be able to teach recertification criteria. Then bring in outside training people for the more advanced training needed. A quint is a piece of apparatus with a combination of 5 pieces of equipment that includes a pump, aerial, ladders, water tank and hoses. Quints are typically smaller vehicles that may be more effective and save some money. A quint would only be considered if a third fire station was needed. There are fewer fires these days, but for fires that occur there is more of a demand on fire personnel because of the technical complexities like hazardous materials and car crashes. That is why it is important to have fire personnel practice on real fires. Asked if a paramilitary organization can work with a unionized environment, it can if you have a command structure and rank. For fire management, style is important. When in the firehouse management needs to get input from employees and use a teambuilding approach. Asked how communication can be kept open and what the Selectmen can do to help with all the recommendations provided in the study, Chief Wilson responded that he is reviewing all recommendations and they will be discussed further during goal setting. The department is already doing some of the recommendations and he will come up with short and long term issues to address. Mr. Kanter, Capital Expenditures Committee, asked about catching up on inspections as quickly as possible and whether some of the work could be contracted out. Further research is needed to see if that would be allowed. Mr. Bliss stated that the most effective way to address a backlog of inspections is by doing high risk occupancies first and do risk assessment and work down the line. Next Steps Chief Wilson will evaluate the operational recommendations and return to the Selectmen with which items to address first. Many of the recommendations are in the process of being implemented and those will be pointed out to the Selectmen. Some recommendations will cross over into policy issues, like how to resolve the issues with the main fire station, and those will take time to review and get back to Selectmen. Selectmen’s Meeting – June 20, 2012 Documents Presented 1.Presentation for Town of Lexington Analysis of Fire Department by Municipal Resources, Inc., dated June 2012 2.Final Report, Town of Lexington Fire Department Staffing Study, June 2012, Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5-0 to adjourn at 12:55 p.m. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk Selectmen’s Goal Setting Meeting June 28, 2012 nd A meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 8:30 a.m. in 2 Floor Conference Room at the Public Services Building, 201 Bedford Street. Chairman Mauger, Mr. Kelley, Mr. Cohen; Mr. Manz and Mr. Burnell; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; Ms. McLaughlin, Assistant to the Town Manager; Ms. Stevens, Management Intern; and Ms. Pease, Executive Clerk, were present. Review Status of FY2012-2013 Goals Mr. Valente reviewed and highlighted some of the important goals accomplished from the FY2012-2013 Goal Setting, including: 1.FY2013 Budget Planning - bargained new health care program which will be implemented on July 1, 2012. The savings from this change still need to be discussed to figure out how to allocate the savings; 2.Infrastructure Maintenance – completed a funding model for road work for a decade; 3.Infrastructure Planning - prioritizing projects is underway, including preparing a facilities master plan; 4.Transportation – a new organization model was completed that has three components: operations are handled by the Police; Human Services is handling transit services and Planning is working on transportation planning, which includes setting up quarterly transportation meetings; 5.Busa Farm – decided to use Busa Farm for a community farm and some affordable housing. Staff is drafting an RFP to present to the Selectmen at the end of July, which will include some policy issues; 6.Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility – draft RFP for anaerobic digestion facility being presented to other boards and committees for feedback; then will be presented to the Selectmen in the fall; and 7.Fire Organization – study of fire organization completed. Chief Wilson will return to a Selectmen’s meeting to suggest how to move forward with the recommendations. Proposed Goals for FY2013-2014 The Board discussed the following proposed goals: 1.Financial and Budget Issues a.conclude FY2012 Revenue Allocation (based on final health insurance budget) and OPEB b.Compensation; c.FY2014 Budget d.Revenue Allocation Model e.Tax Rate f.Human Services Department Budget g.Analyses Goal Setting – June 28, 2012 2.Capital Planning and Projects a.Facilities b.Public Safety Facilities c.Capital-Planning d.Roads e.Recreation f.Capital-Financing 3.Economic Development a.Economic Development Strategy for Hartwell Avenue b.Permitting Process c.Tourism Strategic Plan d.Parking e.Advance economic development through bicycle tourism and implement plan for bikeway amenities 4.Transportation a.School Bus b.Employee Shuttles c.Hartwell Avenue Transportation District d.Transportation Governance e.Complete Streets f.Resident Transportation 5.Planning and Land Use a.Busa Community Farm b.Center Streetscape c.Hartwell Avenue Compost Options d.BRAC/HAFB e.Affordable Housing 6.Other a.Fire Department Reorganization and Facility Study b.Town Website c.Community Center Task Force Report d.Stormwater Bylaw e.Roles and Responsibilities of Selectmen Liaisons f.Emergency Resources for Water g.Remote Participation h.Organizational Culture See the attached list of proposed goals and ongoing items for FY 2013-2014. Discussion of Proposed Goals Financial/Budget Issues 1.Conclude FY2013 Revenue Allocation and OPEB - Ms. Mauger will put together a Working Group to bring forward recommendations for an OPEB policy. Selectmen’s Goal Setting – June 28, 2011 2.Compensation – Mr. Burnell will work on making sure the comparable communities data is accurate for compensation purposes. Ms. Mauger and Mr. Burnell will work on compensation strategies for schools and municipal employees. An executive session will be scheduled in the fall with the School Committee to discuss compensation. 3.FY2014 Budget – Wait for actual health insurance savings number and the recommendations from the Townwide Facilities Master Planning Committee; continue discussing the budget process. All Selectmen will work on this item. Capital Planning and Projects 4.Facilities – White House should be reviewed by the Townwide Facilities Master Planning Committee. Mr. Manz and Mr. Valente will work on a use for the White House. 5.Public Safety Facilities – Public safety buildings will be reviewed by the Townwide Facilities Master Planning Committee. 6.Capital – Planning and Financing/Roads - The Board should work with the finance department and committees on the Capital Expenditures recommended goals. 7.Recreation – The Selectmen feel the need for additional fields is extremely important and would like to start a strategic review process. Recreation is currently drafting an RFP to bid over summer to hire the consultant. Mr. Manz will be the Selectmen Liaison on this project. Economic Development 8.Economic Development Strategy for Hartwell Avenue – Goal is to have a vision and consensus. It is important to make available amenities connectivity that tenants want on Hartwell Avenue, currently rules are too restrictive. Selectmen would like the Planning Board, Economic Development Director and the Economic Development Advisory Committee to work on; Mr. Kelley and Mr. Burnell will support. 9.Permitting Process – new electronic permitting process will start to be phased in in the fall and will take at least a year to implement. Selectmen concern is making the process easier for residents/business owners. Need better education and training for staff. Wait to see how new permitting system works but be thinking about better way to improve the permitting process for residents/business owners. 10.Tourism Strategic Plan – Tourism Committee has a strategic plan. Mr. Burnell will shepard the project to remodel the visitor center to make sure all stakeholders are included in the process. He will also review tourism in Lexington to make sure the focus is in the right place. 11.Parking – The Economic Development Director is working with a working group and consultant on next steps and how to move forward; they will return to the Selectmen with information. 12.Advance Economic Development through the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) and the Tourism Committee to Implement Plans for Bikeway Amenities – Selectmen should continue to get recommendations from the BAC and Tourism Committee. Selectmen’s Goal Setting – June 28, 2011 Transportation 13.School Bus – The Committee should continue to work to get kids on the bus and the Selectmen will support. Goal is to work with the School Committee to increase ridership. Ms. Mauger will continue to work with School Committee 14.Employee Shuttles – Selectmen support the concept of a shuttle service and would like staff to investigate options. Mr. Valente will get back to the Selectmen about whether staff (EDO and Transportation Coordinator) have time to work together on either a private shuttle service or tying in with the Lexpress service. Selectmen Liaisons to EDAC and TAC will lead. 15.Hartwell Avenue Transportation District – Selectmen will receive updates from Mr. Kelley and Mr. Burnell. They have scheduled meeting with Engineering who is trying to get on the state’s agenda. There needs to be a public process and the Planning Board will need to be involved as move forward. 16.Transportation Governance – Continue the review of all transportation issues. Mr. Manz will continue as the Selectmen champion. 17.Complete Streets – The Board needs to be educated by staff on what livable streets are. 18.Resident Transportation – Mr. Manz will be the transportation champion. Planning and Land Use 19.Busa Community Farm – There are policy issues that the Board needs to address and some public process for the RFP. Mr. Kelley suggests contenders should be part of the process for an RFP. Mr. Valente asked if the RFP should go out before we receive input from contenders or have it be part of the RFP so bidders can raise issues and then send out an addendum? The RFP has to include the details on the property so the Board needs to decide the delineation of the property before the RFP can go out. 20.Center Streetscape - The Selectmen previously voted to have 2 travel lanes on each side on Mass. Avenue. Engineering is currently doing additional work to resolve Selectmen issues on the third lane in front of the Post Office and the intersection of Mass. Avenue and Woburn Street before a traffic study can be done. 21.Hartwell Avenue Compost Facility – Ms. Mauger and Mr. Kelley will come up with a plan and start the public process, including public hearing after Labor Day. Need to make clear that this facility is not a done deal. EDAC is concerned the facility will put at risk the development plans for Hartwell Avenue;. Mr. Burnell will be included in the process. 22.BRAC/HAFB – Ms. Mauger will continue to work with the Town Manager and staff to keep Selectmen informed on Hanscom issues. The Base is important and should be saved. Legislators should know where Lexington stands. Mr. Valente clarified there is not a BRAC process at this time, but need to be prepared. Selectmen’s Goal Setting – June 28, 2011 23.Affordable Housing – Important to continue to keep the affordable housing stock over 10 percent so do not lose local control of future development. Selectmen need to decide how much land to use for housing on the Busa property and how many units to build. Also need to finalize housing for the Leary land. Projects should be turned over to LexHAB to complete. The Board should consider options for senior affordable housing. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Cohen will work on senior housing; Ms. Mauger will take charge of moving forward on Busa and Leary housing decisions; Mr. Cohen and Mr. Manz will look at policy with respect to production of housing. Other 24.Fire Department Reorganization and Facility Study – Staff will identify recommendations that have policy implications, discuss options and decide course of action; they will also review and respond to the operational recommendations and present a plan and recommendations to the Town Manager and Selectmen for addressing the issues. Mr. Kelley and Mr. Burnell will continue to be the Selectmen lead on this goal. 25.Town Web Site – Policy question is how much access should the public have. The Selectmen will wait for the new webmaster to be hired. Staff will review what the implications would be having more information on the web. 26.Community Center Task Force Report – Task Force will have a liaison on Townwide Facilities Master Planning Committee. Mr. Burnell suggests that the committee evaluate need rather than desire. Report should include analysis on need of the community and right way to deliver and the role of government versus private sector. 27.Stormwater Bylaw – The Planning Board and Conservation Commission have talked with the Sustainable Lexington Committee, who is doing outreach. There needs to be a public hearing on the proposed regulations before they can be adopted. Mr. Hadley is working on scheduling that hearing. 28.Roles and Responsibilities of Selectmen Liaisons – Ms. Mauger will work on what the roles and responsibilities of liaisons should be. 29.Emergency Resources for Water – Sustainable Lexington is doing research on options for water. Mr. Burnell is the Selectmen liaison and the Board should wait for them to complete the research. 30.Remote Participation – There needs to be a regulation and need to make sure the meeting rooms have the proper equipment available before remote participation can be approved. The new telephone system will allow teleconferencing. Mr. Cohen will help on writing the regulation if it is decided to move forward. The Communications Advisory Committee and LexMedia should be included. Mr. Kelley has reservations about adopting the remote participation law, which will add to the current challenges of committees. Ms. Mauger will put remote participation on a future agenda for discussion. 31.Organizational Culture – Mr. Burnell requested that the Selectmen be better informed earlier in the process on town projects. Selectmen and staff should suggest when an update is needed for a Selectmen agenda. Selectmen’s Goal Setting – June 28, 2011 Documents Presented 1.Status of Board of Selectmen Goals for FY2011-2012; 2.Suggested Board of Selectmen Goal Areas for FY2012-2013; 3.Input from Boards and Committees to the Selectmen’s Annual Goal Setting Meeting; 4.Input from Senior Management Team for Selectmen’s Annual Goal Setting Meeting; Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted to adjourn at 12:00 noon. A true record; Attest: Lynne A. Pease Executive Clerk