HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-13-LBAC-min MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: March 13, 2008; 7:00 pm; Rm 111 Members Present: Harvey Bingham, Peg Enders, John Frey, George Gagliardi, Stew Kennedy (BAC chair), Abe Shenker (FoLB Chair), Mike Tabaczynski,Jerry VanHook Others Present: Carolyn Siccama, Bob Dangel, Rich Spencer Members Absent: Richard Canale (Planning), Marita Hartshorn, Hank Manz (Selectmen), Sandra Shaw (Recreation) Record of Votes taken and issues discussed. Minutes from the February meeting were reviewed and approved as submitted. North – South Bike Route: Abe and Peggy have not met since the last meeting. In Burlington, Jim Nevins and Mildred Nash are knowledgeable about Burlington paths, and should be contacted. We discussed a general approach to identify a route and then suggest improvements for a longer-term. It was pointed out that the Planning Board has actively shown interest in and promoted cycling and pedestrian activity in the past. The Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, produced by the Planning Board in 2003, may have ideas for possible N-S routes. Tri-Town Meeting: Marita reported (in absentia) that she has action items from the last Tri-Town meeting to do after she returns from vacation. TM Warrant Articles: We discussed Town Meeting Article 59, regarding proposed zoning changes for office building parking, and whether we should take a position on it. It was suggested that some of the wording on bicycle parking is unclear and needs to be improved. Given that this article’s main effect is to change the required number of motor vehicle parking spaces, we also discussed if we should instead put forth (in a future town meeting) an article of the position of the BAC regarding bike parking specifically. Approved Motion: Should the opportunity come up at this town meeting to comment on bike parking or access, the bike committee would comment that we'd like to see bike planning and parking be part of all appropriate zoning laws and development plans in Lexington. Stew then reviewed the warrant articles that deal with parcels potentially to be purchased for conservation. 2008 Trail Project Plans: Mike distributed a schedule for trail building days this year. Other items: ?? The Minuteman Bikeway has been selected by the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy for induction into its Hall of Fame. It will be the fifth trail receiving this recognition. This will mean special award signage, media outreach, distinction on the Rails-to-Trails website, and a story in the Rails-to-Trails magazine for the Minuteman. We’re told we’ll hear more about this in the coming months. ?? George reported he sent a letter to the Concord Journal as an abutter to the Minuteman, supporting the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail. ?? George commented on the status of project to have signs placed on the Rte 95 overpass of the Bikeway. The job will be expensive due to installation costs, as the highway right lane will need to be closed during installation. He is working on a cost estimate. Meeting adjourned. Record of Friends of Lexington Bikeways votes and discussions. Treasurer’s Report: Rich reported $2078.75 in the treasury. MAPC Bike Racks: Post office approved the racks via email. DPW requested it in writing. A bike rack is in the process of being installed in the parking lot behind the electric building. This rack is one-sided to allow room for wheelchairs and avoid snow plow damage. Clarke Bridge project: Peg reported she had talked to Steve Flynn and learned the target is to have a bridge completed by the end of the spring. Farmers’ Market: Carolyn described a concept floated in town committees for a regular Green transportation day in Lexington. As parking is a big issue at the Farmer's market, that committee hopes to promote clean transportation (walking, biking, etc.) on Tuesdays – Farmers’ Market days. Thus Bike to the Market could become a regular feature. See cambridgegreeninitiative web site for ideas. Annual Bikeway Cleanup and Trail Count: As the MPO selected May 3 for the first trail count day – the same day we’re doing the Bikeway cleanup, we decided both activities could be supported on the same day: they are not conflicting and even could get double duty from some volunteers. We agreed to ask the DPW to sweep the path as soon as the remaining ice clears as there is a lot of debris on the path. Other business: Stew described the program Marjorie Nickels has initiated to have Lexington’s Stop & Shop sell portable, personal shopping carts for people to bring with them to the market. This will be one more step in making it easier for people to leave their cars at home. Meeting adjourned Information Distributed: Draft minutes for February 2008 meeting Email message from MPO with details on 2008 Trail Count plans Ltr from K. O’Brien, Arlington PB Director, on R-t-T Hall of Fame Lexington OSRP Forum announcement Recorder(s): Abe Shenker; Stew Kennedy (editor) Next Meeting: April 10, 2008, 7PM, Room 111 in Town Office Building