HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-06-LBAC-min MEETING MINUTES Committee Name: Bicycle Advisory Committee Date, Time and Location of Meeting: June 8, 2006; 7:00 pm; Rm 111, Town Office Building Members Present: Stew Kennedy (BAC chair), Harvey Bingham (scribe), John Frey, Marita Hartshorn, Mike Tabaczynski Others Present: Rich Spencer (FOB), George Gagliardi (FOB), Hank Manz (BoS BAC liaison) Members Absent: Erna Greene, Abe Shenker,Jerry VanHook, Jim Wichmann Record of Votes taken and issues discussed. Minutes from the May 11 meeting were reviewed and accepted as corrected. Bikeway signs at Station Way: John reported on requests from the Center Committee for our advice on removing the redundant signage announcing the BW to motorists as they approach the crossing to enter the center parking lot. He outlined their request that large yellow “Bicycle Crossing” warning sign just a few feet from the BW itself be removed. This was voted and unanimously approved. John will relay the decision. Request for approval of September 10 event’s use of Bikeway: Stew described the request forwarded to us through the Town Manager’s office for a low-density ride through town on the Bikeway by a diabetes foundation. Approval was unanimously voted and Stew was authorized to write a reply to Carl Valente, also thanking him for following (and reminding us) of this procedure regarding requests for use of the Bikeway. Broken fences on private property bordering the Bikeway: Stew reported a complaint received from an abutter about the unsightly collapsing fence behind the Liberties parking lot. We also discussed a similar situation behind a house near Fottler Ave. Hank agreed to take a look at the bad spots and then discuss them with the Town Manager to see what action is appropriate. New Life Member: Harvey made the case for adding Angela (Jere) Frick as a life member of the BAC. The committee approved unanimously. Harvey agreed to pursue the request with the Board of Selectmen. Charge of new subcommittee: Discussion was deferred because all three members of the subcommittee were absent. Record of Friends of the Bikeway votes and discussions. Treasurer’s Report : Rich agreed to serve as treasurer for a year. Newsletter: All agreed we’re overdue for putting out a newsletter. Harvey graciously agreed to do the publishing part. Articles suggested include an update on bridges and trails (Mike), new tree planting along the Bikeway (John), Bikes not Bombs good work refurbishing old bikes for the needy (Marita), wildflowers along the Bikeway (Rich), and an article from the FOB chair (Abe). Marita will email the FOB sign-up form to Harvey for inclusion. Dunback Meadow trail project report: Mike summarized project status and plans for completion of the trail work and new boardwalks and bridges being done in Dunback Meadow. Miscellaneous Announcements: 1. The TMG’s rescheduled meeting to discuss what to do to improve safety for bicycling on Hartwell Avenue was announced. 2. The decision was agreed on to cancel our July meeting. Information Distributed: Draft minutes from the May 11, 2006 meeting May 9, 2006 ltr from C. Valente to S. Kennedy regarding The Iacocca Foundation’s request for use of the Bikeway (with enclosures) 5/23/06 Notes from Sustainable Lexington Stakeholder Meeting Recorder Name: Harvey Bingham, scribe; Stew Kennedy, editor