HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-07-ARTS-min Lexington Council for the Arts (LCA) Minutes for Meeting of May 7, 2007 Room 111, Town Office Building Present: Barbara Ciampa, Chair; Louise Cady-Fernandes; Jonathan Cue; Jackie Hawkinson; Jan Goplerud; Bill Janovitz; Zoe Perry-Wood; Janet Post, Secretary; Mary Trometer, Treasurer; George Burnell, Selectman/LCA Liaison Absent: Sirarpi Heghinian Walzer Chair Barbara Ciampa called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Secretary’s Report The secretary’s report for April 2 was accepted. Treasurer’s Report The Treasurer’s Report was distributed by Treasurer Mary Trometer and accepted. The Dimmock Award for “Outstanding Vocalist” will be presented by LCA to graduating senior Timothy Parsons at the LHS Pops Concert on Thursday, May 24. The award is funded with interest earned by the Dimmock Fund. If the interest amounts to less than the full $250 award, LCA makes up the difference and will, therefore, contribute $40 to this year’s award. Tickets to the event can be obtained from Dr. Pavasaris in the LHS Music Department. The treasurer’s final FY 2006-07 report is due at MCC in June. MCC Community In-Put Regarding MCC’s requirement to seek community in-put, Barbara related that their community liaison, Kylie Sullivan, has approved LCA’s participation in Lexington’s Discovery Day on Saturday, May 26th. LCA will join other Lexington nonprofits at Nonprofit Net’s table at a cost of $60, paid from the Patrons Fund. Schedule: 10:00-Noon, Barbara; Noon-2:00, Louise; 2:00- 3:00, Bill; Jacqui’s time undetermined. LCA Brochure Mary distributed the small yellow brochure mock-up. Much discussion ensued over the legitimacy or propriety of our using Lexington’s Minuteman statue holding a guitar as our new logo. George said that the Selectmen will be their office all of this week. Jon will contact Lynne Pease, Secretary for the Selectmen, and tell her what we need. In the meantime, Bill will work on a simpler version of our old logo. Mary will revise the brochure. LCA Grant Information Flier Janet and Mary will prepare a flier in time for Discovery Day which will give advance information on the next MCC grant cycle. In particular, it will emphasize the early application deadline and the need for schools to prioritize multiple requests. Patrons Fund For the purpose of soliciting donations to the Patrons Fund, LCA has received permission from the Town Manager, Carl Valente, to include self-addressed envelopes in a future Town mailing, e.g., property tax bills or water/sewer bills, presently mailed to over 11,600 homes. Janet’s research showed that local printers charge approx. $1,200 for 11,600-12,000 envelopes. Zoe will oversee the production of the envelopes. Old Business/New Business th The June meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, June 18. The agenda will include “house- keeping” items. Janet has suggested that the Secretary’s duties be divided, e.g., recording the minutes, keeping MCC website information current, assisting the Chair, etc. Mary will input current and final treasurer’s reports into MCC website. Jan Goplerud addressed the topic of involving current artists in the community in an LCA event. Barbara explained about the voluminous 10-year-old directory of Lexington artists in Cary Library’s Reference Section. Jan will contact the MCC to see what other councils are doing in regards to an artist directory. She will also contact Kylie Sullivan about listing current artists on Lexington’s MCC/LCC website. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:45. The next meeting will be at 7:00 p.m., June 18, Room 111 of Town Office Building. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Janet Post, Secretary