HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-05-SCAP-min Senior Center Action Plan Committee Meeting December 20, 2005 530 pm Present Shirley Stolz, Mary Lou Touart, Paul Lapointe, Tom Griffiths, Duke Bitsko Lauren MacNeil, Marilyn Campbell, Marian Cohen, Maria Constantimdes Laura Kole, Richard Pagett, John Rossi The town produced a report from the Assessors office stating Munroe has measured square footage of 21,252 sq ft If you subtract 480 sq ft of unfinished basement you get 20,772, or approximately the desired amount of space Richard passed out Summary of Depot Sq parking lot, map of Depot Sq parking lot, Assessors' Report on Munroe School, Dec 13 minutes for review Muzzey Field There are many issues with this site It's very small and tight with no advantages Issues with the condo association are too hard to overcome Paul recommended that we drop Muzzey Field from consideration and instead focus on a location with a greater potential for success We took a vote on whether to drop Muzzey from our list The vote was unanimous to drop Muzzey Field from our list of sites under consideration. Depot Square Parking Lot Richard and John met with Suffolk Construction (they build parking structures)to see what they think will work. For efficient use of the space, it would be harder to design a parking structure for the narrow part of the parking lot, so we should consider building the senior center at that end and the parking structure down at the Meriam St. end. The current lot is zoned RS, the setback required 30' on Meriam, 25' on Oakland St, 15'-20' along the bikepath., 40' height limit (2 1/2 stories) If it changes to CB there would be required 0' setback on Meriam and along the bikepath, 25' on Oakland, 30' height restriction. With a 30' height restriction we can get two whole floors above grade Note we are only allowed to have two stories above grade, town bylaws That much parking would be more than we already have, the entrance to the Senior Center would require going through the parking lot General discussion. If we could solve the long-term parking issue, we would have an easier sell to the Board and Town Meeting. What will it look likes We will certainly have an entrance from Meriam St And will the seniors have trouble using a parking garages And there is an objection that this building will not have presence, the way the COA wants this new, important building have it We want access to the Senior Center without going through the parking garage Paul says he does not see a groundswell of support for a parking structure John is getting to like the idea. Here we could control AIinvtes. 2005-12-05-SC 4P-min the footprint of the building. The current lot generates $125,000 per year in gross revenue Is Depot Sq in or outs Can't decide yet, last discussion will be next week. It would definitely need a group with energy to support and champion this parking structure Meeting adjourned at 7 15 pm Next meeting Tuesday January 2, 2005 at 5 30 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room. AIinvtes. 2005-12-05-SC 4P-min