HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-03-ARTS-min Lexington Council for the Arts (LCA) Minutes for Meeting of the December 3, 2007 Room 111, Town Office Building Present: Barbara Ciampa, Chair; Louise Cady-Fernandes; Mary Trometer, Treasurer; Sirarpi Heghinian Walzser; Zoe Perry- Wood; Myron Rosenblum; Jan Goplerud; Janet Post, Secretary Absent: Bill Janovitz; Jonathan Cue; Jackie Hawkinson Call to Order Chair Barbara Ciampa called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM Secretary's Report The minutes for the November 5th meeting were accepted. Accomplishments of the Lexington Council for the Arts for 2007: -We now have a full committee. -Our first website has been created. -We have acted on grant requests. -Continued representation on the Carey library mural committee. -Disbursement of our new brochure at Discovery Day and Lexington Fine Arts and Crafts show. -Met with consultant Lisa Perry-Wood about fundraising ideas. -Ongoing contact with the town hall signage committee re disposition of the art displays. -Representation on the Arts Walk committee. Treasurer's Report There is a balance of $10,139.82 in the treasury. The treasurer's report was accepted. Grant Business: Subcommittee members Jackie, Janet, Sirarpi and Mary met to review applications and presented a report on their final recommendations for the disbursement of this year's MCC grant money. The council accepted their recommendations. New Business: -It was agreed that we will continue to meet on the first Monday night of each month at 7PM. -Chairperson requested backup to officer positions for division of responsibilities. -A new grant subcommittee will be established in the spring of '08. Business for Next Meeting: Two visitors will be asked to report. Kerri Brandin from the library mural committee and a representative from the signage committee. Discussion about the organization of the art on the town office walls will continue. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm. The next meeting will be January 7th at 7:00 pm in Room 111 of the town Office Building. Respectfully submitted /s/ Louise Cady-Fernandes Recording Secretary