HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-14-TREE-min Minutes-Lexington Tree Committee Meeting of December 14, 2006 1. Jim Wood was appointed scribe. Minutes of Nov. 9, 2006 were approved with amendments. 2. Tree Committee Annual Report Photo taken at Tower Park by Nell Walker 3. Attending the Tree Committee Meeting. David Pinsonneault, Anne Senning, Nell Walker, Gerry Paul, Sue Solomon, John Frey, Chair, Karen Longeteig, Markus Pinney. Citizens Attending: Jane Beswick, Minona Heaviland 4. By-Law Report-David Pinsonneault 4.1 476 total sites, 326 closed, Total applications for tree removal 565, with 264 removed, Total trees to plant 1343, with 610 planted 4.2 Bike path work- Approximately 15 trees 2 to 3 inches in diameter were removed by the MWRA. They will replant 10 trees. 4.3 Sheraton Hotel Property ~ 80 removed, replanting 50. 4.4 Black Walnut Tree, Buckman Tavern. Tree Committee voted 6-1 to leaving the Black Walnut in place unless it starts to cause damage to the tavern. 4.5 Commorative Tree for Lincoln Park. Tree Committee recommended species were Sugar Maple/Tulip Tree-Dave will talk to the sponsor. 4.6 Tree Nursery-David to file paperwork with the DEP for approval due to stream (wetlands) close by. 4.7 Ailing Hemlocks at 1303 Mass Ave. Wooley adelgids had killed Segal’s trees and he wanted advice on what to replant. The action is for John Frey and Anne Senning to meet with him and make recommendations. 4.8 Bylaw Changes Jeanne Krieger will put place holder in Warrant. David Pinsonneault will get proposed by-Law changes to all of us. 4.9 Definition of Zoning Setback in Tree Bylaw. David P. will supply changes so it complies with Zoning Bylaw 4.10 DPW has submitted a Program Improvement budget request of $24,000 for the purchase and planting of trees. 5. Spraying for Winter Moth-Wellesley plans to treat the Winter Moth invasion aggressively and will spray its public trees with Spinosad. David P. will determine what they are using, cost and what approvals are needed. A check of State rules was also recommended. 6. Tree By-law/Zoning By-Law/Tree Manual changes with respect to better preserving and protecting trees in the Special Permit Land development process. The subcommittee, A. Senning, K. Longeteig, N. Walker. A meeting with Maryann McCall-Taylor of the Planning Board was held after this meeting to determine what the wording should be for the new By-Law. Nell W. had some suggestions regarding how to modify the Manual. They will report to the committee next meeting. Markus volunteered to be on this subcommittee. 7. Lexington Public Tree Inventory completion. Anne Senning prepared an outline for a grant from Mass DCR to fund the work using paid interns. We will partner with the Urban Forestry Institute (Sherri Brokopp) in this grant. Tree Committee voted 7-0 to proceed with the grant application. 8. Commemorative Tree Program 8.1 Commemorative Tree Program Brochure: Karen L. will make changes regarding “in perpetuity” and substitute “Commemorative” for “Memorial”. 8.2 Commemorative Tree Trust fund: It was decided to set aside $500 of each $1500 Commemorative Tree donation for the purpose of replacing any commemorative tree that dies before its time. After donations for 10 trees have been received, we will shift $5000 to a Commemorative Tree Trust Fund account managed by the Lexington Trustees of Public Trusts. Subsequent to this, $500 of each and every $1500 Commemorative Tree donation will go directly into the Trust fund and the difference into the Tree Revolving Fund. Thus the donor would make two separate payments to the Town of Lexington: $500 for the Commemorative Tree Trust Fund account and $1000 for the Tree Revolving Fund account. Payments are due on the tree planting date. 8.3 Karen will work with a graphic designer to come up with some logo’s suitable for the tree committee. The Logo must fit on an envelope as a return address. 9. Tree Farm Status-David P. reported that all town approvals are in place and he will apply to DEP for their permit since the area is close to a wetlands. Jim W. requested two catalogs of bare root plants for the committee to select from. Current Tree Revolving Fund balance is $6383.09. 10. Status of Videotaping of Tree Lecture Series. Gerry Paul brought in the master copies of all the Tree Lectures. Karen L. will make title pages. Gerry and Karen will try to get the DVDs duplicated at cost. (Post our meeting, Gerry Paul set up April 5, 2007 as a ‘Friends of Trees” introduction to the Town in the Cary Library’s meeting room. 11. Tree Talk Articles-Karen L. reported that the Winter Moth article had been published. Further, Karen noted that several of us were behind on our Tree Talk articles. She said the guilty knew who they were. After a pause and looking over the group she must have concluded we did not look very guilty, as she identified the guilty by name and topic. Markus P. volunteered to write an article soon. 12. Tree Committee Report for the Town’s Annual Report. John Frey will put together a draft and send it out to all of us via email. It will include reference to all the Tree Talk articles to date. Anne S. will provide a write-up on the Tree inventory work. 13. Jim W. raised the question as to what the Tree Committee’s position should be on the new DPW facility if they do not have a funded “Tree Management Plan” as part of the overall plan. Jeanne K. will look into what is planned and John Frey will send a letter to the Permanent Building Committee asking for copies of the present “Landscape Plan” and Tree Management Plan. Respectfully Submitted, Jim Wood