HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-12-08-TREE-min Tree Committee Minutes of December 8, 2005 1. Jim Wood appointed scribe. 2. Minutes of November 15 were approved as corrected. 3. Attending: Jeanne Krieger, Dave Pinsonneault, Gerry Paul, Anne Senning, Karen Longeteig, Jim Jones, John Frey, Sue Solomon (emerita), Nell Walker and Jim Wood 4. Dave Pinsonneault (Tree Warden) reports: 1.Tree Bylaw actions- From 10/01/01 to date: 418 sites visited, 289 closed, 479 trees approved for removal of which 212 have been removed, a total of 1115 trees required to be planted of which 486 have been planted. 2. Forestry Department Report-Report update still in progress, data remains the same as th the November 15 report based on the period 1/1/05 – 10/31/05: 150 pruned, 23 treated for pests and disease, 119 removed and 43 planted. 3. The FY 2007 budget requests $5000.00 for planting. The Tree Warden is requesting an additional $25,000.00 in the FY 2007 needs budget. 5. Tower Hill Symposium: Anne Senning attended. Mass wants to put the Davey Resources Group Tree Keeping System in 45 cities and towns. Anne sold 16 copies of the Lexington Tree Manual for $4.00 each. Motion made and approved to increase the Tree Manual cost to $5.00. Tree Committee revolving tree fund is at approximately $400.00. 6. Report on Meeting with Carl Valente, Town Manager: Anne Senning, Karen Longeteig and John Frey met with Valente where Karen gave her 8-minute PowerPoint presentation (That was previously given to Town Meeting). Valente noted that his previous town had a Tree Nursery. He was also given a copy of Karen’s Street Tree Inventory Management and Design Implications report for the center of Lexington. Tree Committee members noted it was important to get GIS truly implemented into the Towns systems. 7. Gerry Paul reported that video taping of Karen’s PowerPoint presentation is still in progress. 8. Planning and Education Grant Progress: 1. Mailer-Jim Wood suggested content should consist of; lecture series, memorial tree program. Fund raiser, tree manual excerpt, inventory data. Dave Pinsonneault will provide 10-year tree planting and removal history for use in the inventory section. 2. Lecture Series-Valente recommended broadcasting the series on LCTV. Gerry to contact LCTV and those giving the lectures. 3. Inventory-Anne, Karen and Dave are selecting the next areas to be done. Looking at the North and South sections of the Center. Working with Dave Bordenca to integrate inventory data and work order issuing on tree related efforts. 9. Tree Committee report for the Town of Lexington’s annual report draft was reviewed and corrected. Final text due to the town by 21 Dec 05. 10. Tree Committee photo was taken by David Tabeling in front of the Sugar Maple planted in memory of Jack Eddison. 11. Karen & Anne said they were cleaning up the data on Phase Two which was completed on November 18,2005. 12. Anne & Karen reported on the Davey Tree/Springfield/Worcester meeting held on th December 7 at Green Hill Park in Worcester. MA presented for 6 hours on an internet system for tracking tree data, providing it free for 3 years and then charging $2500.00 per year after that. There will be another meeting in March. Anne was concerned with how Lexington’s current data could be inputted into this system, privacy of Lexington’s data and what controls will be available and implemented. 13. Status of the Lexington Tree Committee Articles: Karen’s Memorial Tree article may run this week. Jim Jones is completing his article for January and Anne will do an Inventory article for February. Respectfully Submitted, somewhat late, Jim Wood