HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-10-TREE-min Lexington Town Tree Committee Lexington, Massachusetts, March 10, 2005 Minutes of the Meeting Perfect Attendance Meeting opened at 7:30 a.m. : John Frey, Jim Jones, Anne Senning, Nell Walker, Susan Solomon, Jim Wood, Dave Pinsonneault, Jeanne Krieger, and Karen Longeteig. 1. Scribe and Minutes: Karen appointed to take minutes. Minutes of Feb. 10, 2005, reviewed and approved with three minor changes. John will post in Town archives. 2. Tree removal applications and activity: Dave reported that since 10/01/01, there have been 267 sites examined, of which 175 files are closed. 876 trees to be planted, of which 375 done. 386 trees approved for removal, of which 165 removed. During February, Forestry pruned 6 and removed 6. Grant Received: Dave reported receiving $4,420 from the DCR (the state Department of Conservation and Recreation) for planting 26 trees along the Bikeway. Trees must be planted by June 30. DCR funded 25 of 29 applications. Storm: During last week’s storm, 7 trees came down into the Right Of Way. Forestry’s policy: the DPW will clear downed trees out of the ROW as soon as possible. If a public tree, it will be completely removed as time allows, but if a private tree, the owner is responsible. Of the seven windfalls, three were White Pines. 3. Appropriation Committee news: Jeanne reports that the Committee’s request for $15,000 may be favorably treated after all, due to changed budgetary circumstances. Dave said it should go into the DPW line item: “Forestry: Contractual Services.” If the line item is set, John will withdraw Warrant Article 17 4. Changes in Warrant Article 16: Done. 5. Insert words in Warrant Article 18: Done. 6. Draft for ‘Trustee’ tree fund: Jim Wood will proceed with Allen Fields, of the Town Trustees, on this initiative. 7. Progress on Tree Inventory: Anne reported we have entered 350 out of 445 trees. Anne, Karen, Jim Jones, John, and Nell have been trained and are continuing work. We have a print-out showing the trees already entered; it makes all the hard work visible. The Community Forest Partnership director, Sherri Brokopp, has informed us that she has applied to ESRI for a grant for 6 ArcPad software licenses for Lexington. After data entry is complete, the file can be exported to Access software for search, reports, and tie-in to the Town-wide work order system. Dave has identified certain fields of data as “triggers” so hazard trees can be evaluated. The Committee should identify any changes thought necessary to the software, and give them to David Bordenca of MIS, who will send to contract programmer Denise Castronovo. She will evaluate what time and money it might take; any money needs to back to Dave P. Dave noted that he expects the update of this “continuous, complete” inventory will be done by his office staff. The Committee offered the possibility of volunteer help if office staff is over-burdened. Anne also reported the existence of Pictometry of the whole town of Lexington – aerial, standardized photographs showing great detail, down to most of the trees. A “Pictograph” of sites would help us place trees more accurately. We need to figure out how to do this. 8. Selectmen’s committee meeting 3/1/05: John reported on information given out at this breakfast meeting. (1) There will be a Community Calendar on the website. (2) Mail committee agendas to Lynne Pease before a meeting (John noted). (3) Post the minutes with Marie MacDonald x 276 and the Town Clerk. (John will e-mail them as approved.) (4) Any printed materials that the committee wishes to present to Town Meeting members should be approved first by Marie and then printed at Wales Copy. Publicity/promotion materials to be produced for Town Meeting: Jim Wood and Anne will work with John to prepare handouts for TM Members; Nell will edit. Materials: John’s recent testimony, the color inventory map, and possibly other. Karen will do an easel display for the Cary Hall lobby, including the Memorial Tree Brochure which we can’t hand out yet as it hasn’t been formally approved. th Deadline: March 28. 9. Tree Spacing standards for the Town: A conversation was begun on developing tree spacing standards for the Town. Some ‘typical municipal setbacks’, were presented, which Karen will e-mail to the whole committee. Dave remarked that he doesn’t like to plant in a tree lawn (berm) less than 3 feet in width. Others feared this would mean no trees where sorely needed. When standards are agreed, we will give them to the Planning Board for use in development and re-development. 10. Structural Soils: Again, the beginning of a conversation. Materials were handed out. 11. Tree-Funding Ideas: (1) The Committee liked the idea of a “check-off” box on the tax bills, adding a dollar for tree planting. It must go into the Lexington Tree Fund, not into Town general funds. (2) Another idea was to undertake a targeted donation campaign among the big businesses on Hartwell Avenue and Route 128. 12. Massachusetts Forest Stewardship Program: This packet not relevant to us; agreed to pass it to the Conservation Committee Chairman. 13. Use of our Tree Manual by Others: Anne e-mailed our Manual’s graphics to the Pioneer Valley group, who will credit both Lexington and the artist, Bruce Walker, and who promised us a completed copy. Karen sent another Manual, upon request, to an Arlington tree activist who will pass it on to their Tree Committee. 14. Tree Stewardship History: Karen gave each member a copy of her 20 page paper detailing tree stewardship as reflected in 90 years of Town Annual Reports. It was developed both for her thesis project at the Arnold Arboretum, and for the use of the Tree Warden and the Committee. 15. Other business: Jeanne will bring up with the new Board of Selectmen, (1) the creation of the Lexington Tree Fund, and (2) approval of the Memorial Tree Brochure. 16. Move for adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Longeteig