HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-12-06-TREE-min MINUTES Lexington Tree Committee, Thursday, December 6,2001, Room G-15 Present: Frey, Griscom, Longeteig, Mazerall, Solomon, Walker, Wood Meeting called to order at 7:40 AM Elections: John Frey will serve as chair Susan Solomon will serve as secretary Both nominated by Walker, seconded by Mazerall Unanimous vote Both will serve through August 31, 2002 Goals and objectives: 1) Complete the manual as mandated by by-law for presentation to Selectmen and possibly to Town. Manuel to include, but not limited to: tree pruning care of roots tree selection definition of construction zone Meeting. Manual will become handout to accompany building permit and possibly a sale item to interested citizens all members have June 2001 draft Action item: All members should read and review and red-line the above. Appoint subcommittee to rework into new format using as a guide the Lewiston,Idaho manual. 2) Tree inventory should be used as a management plan tool It will identify open spaces and locations for more plantings, assess condition of existing trees, and help set up cycle to maintain and replace trees, and so forth. 3) Public education and raising awareness Make the new by-law known and explained. Publicize advantages of avoiding clear-cutting and eliminate misinformation. 4) Consider forming public-private consortium relationship for fund raising (Wood suggestion). Explore funding possibilities. Selectmen tree planting account can accept gifts. Action: Abbot will research and report at next meeting. The town would plant and maintain trees; private sector to provide dollars. 5) Update tree by-law if necessary 6) Warrant articles for 2002 town meeting (John Frey will reserve two spots by December 28) a) define protected tree b) request funding for inventory study ($15,000-20,000 est.) Update on Tree Planting 1) 12-15 sites inspected since October 1 +/- 1 hour at each site plus paper work by Dave Pinsonneault. D.P. will submit list of sites inspected and list of applications at tree committee meetings 2) Contract in place for 40 trees authorized under Article #40 3-inch trees selected, 5 oaks to be planted in the spring 3) Tree By-law Regulations Attorney General's modifications noted, delete 8.3 to conform to these changes 4) Other 1) Arbor Day celebration Friday April 16, 2002 Lexington Field and Garden Club subgroup meeting with selectmen to request Battle Green location this year, in memory of those lost on September 11 2) Tree City application submitted by Dave P. 3) Consider establishing tree memorial program, similar to the bench program Action: Karen L. will research for next meeting 4) Create record book of memorial trees in Lexington The meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM Respectfully submitted Susan S. Solomon 862-7954 sssolomon@RCN.com Meeting dates: The committee will continue to meet on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 AM. A change to a late PM time was discussed and rejected temporarily. January 10 @ 7:30 AM, room G 15, town hall February 14 @ 7:30 AM, room G 15, town hall