HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-10-01-WALKS-min Sidewalk Committee Meeting Minutes October 1, 2007 Present: Olga Guttag, John Davies, Meg Lotz, Judy Crocker, Wayne Brooks, Jerry Van Hook, Sue Ellen Briggs, Jeanne Krieger, Francine Stieglitz, Richard Canale, Dave Pinsonnault, Marianne Lazarus, Lucy Fletcher-Jones The first item was to approve the September Sidewalk Committee Minutes. This was done with a unanimous vote. The next item was to explain how to handle clearing brush, tree limbs or other obstructions from the public sidewalks. First the DPW is notified of a problem area. All are welcome to report obstructions to the DPM by calling 781-862-0500 x252 and leaving a message or by email dpinson@ci.lexington.ma.us . The DPW will investigate the obstruction. If the shrubs are growing from a homeowner’s property they will send a letter to the homeowner asking them to clear the obstruction and outlining the consequences of not getting the work done. If the homeowner doesn’t do the work the DPW will do it and send the bill to the homeowner. After the letter is sent the DPW waits two weeks to see if the work gets done. In the seven years that Dave has been handling these issues only once has the DPW had to do the work. The DPW does send out about 6 letters per year asking residents to clear a path. Francine will send a letter/reminder to the Minuteman about the responsibility we all have to keep our sidewalks clear. Meg reported on the progress of making walking safer to and from Hastings School. The Traffic Safety Officer, Lieutenant Michael O’Connell has approved the request for No Parking signs on Roosevelt Ave. This request has been sent to the Traffic Safety Committee. Wayne reported that there is room on Roosevelt for a sidewalk on the side of the street without fire hydrants and utility poles. He estimates this project to cost $7- 10,000. The next step is to do an official land survey of the area at a cost of $1200. Then the area would be marked off and residents would be informed. Public meetings would be held to discuss the project. Meg reported that Hastings has decided not to move the crossing guard from School St. Hank Manz is looking into a “ghost street” that connects Ellison St. to the Hastings fields. Jerry will contact Hank to find out more details. There was much discussion over the ramp at Fiske. Wayne reported that the proposed Fiske ramp to allow wheeled connection to the school from the Woodland Road path is now planned as an “S” ramp. The straight ramp design was rejected because the Porter Lane neighbors next to the school agreed to the placement of the school if trees would be planted between their property and the school. The straight ramp design would have to remove the trees. The “S” curve design is impossible for the town to plow in the winter with their new snow plows. The school committee negotiated a $500,000 budget from the builder to correct problems at the site. The cost of the ramp should come from this fund, but it is unclear how much of the money is left. Wayne said he would bring the plans to the next meeting for all to review. Olga brought up the low steps from Fiske Commons to the Fiske School grounds. She would like to meet with the town manager to review plans to replace the steps with a ramp. This would involve using land belonging to Fiske Commons to make the gradual slope of a ramp. The path from Wisteria Lane to the Fiske School was discussed next. Richard will see if this is a legal right of way, where it is, and if there is money from the builder to build a path. rd Next Judy reported on the planned SRTS event on Wed Oct. 3. She had posters ready for all of the participating schools and tally sheets for recording Walkers, Bus-Riders and Carpoolers. Both middle schools and Estabrook Elementary school will be participating for the first time in SRTS. They join the elementary schools Bowman, Bridge and Hastings. Olga suggested that the schools compete against each other to encourage walking and build school spirit. Others felt that Lexington is already so competitive and they didn’t want to add to that. Lucy reported on a problem Bowman students and parents have crossing Mass Ave in the morning at the East Lexington Fire Station and Locust St. crosswalk. Signs have been posted alerting drivers to the crosswalk, but they are not stopping to let even a large group of walkers cross. The Lexington Police have not been as supportive as they hoped. Laura Cecere tentatively proposed (by email) supporting at Town Meeting a motion to add funding for school buses. Some questioned if this was within this committee’s jurisdiction. Olga remembered using Kid Taxi for transporting her children to activities. She wondered if this private carpool service is still available. Wayne reported that the sidewalks on Woburn St. will be repaired at the same time as the street next summer and financed by the street repair budget. He suggested that the budget be increased for sidewalks, but there would be no guarantee of getting the money. Laura sent an email about the new Center sidewalk. Marianne spoke about the Walkable Community Workshop on September 26. The purpose of the meeting was to make citizens aware of what could be done to give pedestrians the upper hand. Many statistics on pedestrian accidents were shown as proof that today cars have the advantage. Ideas were presented to slow cars such as narrowing roads at the crosswalk. The Mass Highway Department has a 90 page document on roadway design on line that can be used as a reference. Jeanne presented new business. Shire will be occupying the Patriot Partner site. They will provide $2.6M for infrastructure. This money can be used to improve the Marrett/Spring/Bridge intersection, add sidewalks to Spring St. and Hayden Ave., and to redo the Marrett Rd. and Waltham St. intersection. The meeting adjourned at 1PM. Respectfully submitted by Sue Ellen Briggs 11/1/07