HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-01-08-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes, Jan 8, 2007 The SWC meeting was held in the Estabrook room of Cary Hall, called to order by Chairman Weeks at 11:15 AM. SWC members present were John Davies, Marianne Lazarus, Judy Crocker, Jeanne Krieger, Francine Stieglitz, Sue Ellen Briggs, Lucy Fletcher-Jones, and Jerry Van Hook. Also present were Olga Guttag (SC), Capt. Charles Sargent (LPD), Wayne Brooks (DPW), Gail Wagner (TSAC), Jane Kalinski from the Hastings school district, and Kate Cremons-Basbas, new director of physical education and wellness in Lexington public schools who will also help coordinate the SRTS program. After the annual report photo was taken, Ch. Weeks discussed the day's agenda, then asked for comments/corrections on the Nov and Dec minutes. Marianne L asked that the Dec minutes list those attending. Pending that change, acceptance was MSP. Captain Sargent was asked to comment on LPD efforts to improve traffic conditions near schools. Lucy F-J said that the new crosswalk at Pleasant was appreciated but that some cars did not stop for her, making crossing hazardous, especially for unescorted children. She asked Sargent for more police presence. He countered that they try, but with only 4 squad cars and policemen available for school duty, it was difficult. A question about deputizing crossing guards to allow issuing citations was debated and rejected. Sargent said crossing guards were issued hand-held stop signs but tended not to use them. Someone said that speeding by "parents in a hurry" is often the case. Olga asked whether an officer could be hired to circulate between schools, the citation revenues helping to defray the costs. The need for more effective signs was stated but Gail W reminded members that wholesale replacement of existing signs would be prohibitively expensive. Signs are replaced only when defaced or damaged. Olga warned members that redistricting is scheduled for Jan-Feb 2007 and may change the SRTS plans at schools. She will alert members of critical changes. Turning to the sidewalk repairs, Wayne Brooks pointed out that roadway and sidewalk repairs, although desirable, cannot always be linked for efficiency because of the type and extent of repairs and the type of equipment and personel often do not match. He cited Bow Street as an example where road repairs and sidewalk work were combined and Woburn Street where the same was planned in the coming year. Marianne was critical of work on lower Meriam Street where sidewalk repairs and road work were not coupled in spite of clearly stated SWC priority and known road work schedule. Wayne said the non- completed work on those sidewalks remains "on the list" and will "soon be done" Marianne, unsatisfied by his assurances, questioned why it took so long to coordinate planned work and why projects were not done with greater consultation with the SWC and neighbors, specifically noting the failure to improve pedestrian safety of the Meriam/Somerset/Franklin intersection when the streets were resurfaced. Ch. Weeks asked Wayne to prepare a list of the sidewalk projects completed with this FY budget for inclusion on our website and the Town Report and to furnish members with a second list of those projects not yet completed under that allocation. He noted that another $200K is requested for the next FY and that the work on this should be listed separately. Concerning SRTS programs, Jane Kalinski reported that the Hastings school project was progressing well. She commented that having parents and school personnel standing outside to help with traffic flow within school grounds seemed to be an effective strategy. She had submitted a list of roads and crossings that needed safety measures. Judy C asked if, through Dr. Ash, it might not be possible for elementary school principals to assign staff to oversee traffic control within school grounds instead of the current situation where some traffic control is run by principal and staff and some run by the PTA. Olga stated that the present system seems fine as is. Olga said that Fiske ES is scheduled to open after Feb vacation. She described the new entry and exit arrangements, Marianne said that a new crosswalk on Adams was needed because of new entry and exit conditions and asked why a new crosswalk on Adams St reflecting this was not in place for the Feb occupancy. Olga said they must first determine the new walking patterns before deciding on crosswalk location. She described new vehicle barriers at several locations which can be lowered for authorized vehicles to pass through. Added locations for these barriers were suggested by Marianne The new steps on the path from the school to Woodland Street were discussed. Olga and others were dissatisfied because the stairs prevented stroller and bicycle access . Van Hook commented that the final steep incline previously there had been very hazardous under icy conditions for all users and an invitation for bicycle accidents even in good weather. Most agreed that a ramp for wheeled vehicles combined with a child-safe railing across the platform base at the top of the stairs would satisfy but Olga warned they might not be installed for some time because issues of responsibility for such changes were not easily resolved. Steps from the school to the Fiske Common walkway presented a similar problem needing attention. Lucy F-J asked for submissions for web site inclusion within 2 weeks for her next update. This would include a listing of sidewalk improvements, crosswalks and signs by engineering and TSAC plus info on the 5-year roadway improvement plan. Marianne asked whether projected construction projects could be listed there. Ch. Weeks then asked, as per agenda, for the members divide into work groups and identify in writing the criteria that led to sidewalk prioritization. Due to the late hour these tasks were given as homework assignments with the proviso that email contributions be received promptly (Jan 19th?) for consolidation by the Chm. Meeting was adjourned at 12:30. Next meeting will be on Feb 5 at 11 AM, tentatively in Estabrook Hall in Cary Hall. Jerry Van Hook