HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-03-WALKS-min Sidewalk Committee Minutes 4/3/06 The meeting was called to order shortly after 11AM. The minutes of the March 13, 2006 meeting were accepted. Francine Stieglitz agreed to draft a summary statement explaining who is responsible for crossing guards, painting of crosswalks, signage and safety issues. Ms. Stieglitz sits on the Disability Commission and The Transportation Advisory Committee. The committee believes she is in a an excellent position to pull together the necessary information, given her broad ranging activity within the community. Community members from the Hastings School District attending the meeting to learn about the Sidewalk Committee’s experience in implementing the Safe Routes to Schools program. Sharon Kendall updated the Committee on the Hastings PTA efforts. She commented that there was limited support from parents, especially when asked to consider chaperoning other families’ children to and from school. She raised numerous comments about the potential difficulties related to the structure and layout of existing streets, sidewalks, crosswalks and traffic flow to and from the school. The Committee asked her to prepare a task/wish list which the Committee would forward to the appropriate Town Departments for consideration and action. The Hastings School kickoff walk week is scheduled for May 8-12, 2006. Judy Crocker reported that Estabrook Elementary School was intending to participate in the Safe Routes to Schools program, commencing with a walk week May 1-5,2006. Ms. Crocker also stated that an article was expected to come out in the Colonial Times magazine on the Safe Routes to Schools Program in the April 2006 issue. The Bowman Elementary School PTA group is kicking off the Safe Routes to Schools Program with a walk week May 1-5, 2006. Both Sue Ellen Briggs and Lucy Fletcher- Jones expressed comments similar to the Hastings PTA reps about the lack of sidewalks along heavily trafficked streets and the risks of crossing busy thoroughfares without crossing guards or police traffic control officers. Ms. Fletcher-Jones was also asked to prepare a task/wish list for action by the Town. Ongoing efforts to get Police Department action on enforcement and support of safe walking to schools have been unsuccessful. The Committee was informed that Lt. Manny Ferro is the responsible officer in the Police Department. Continued efforts to get some support will be made. Olga Guttag will make a presentation to the PTA President’s Meeting April 7, 2006 to request support for a townwide Safe Routes to Schools Program and to update that group on the Sidewalk Committee’s continued efforts to improve safe access for walkers and bikers, to reduce car traffic at the schools through car pooling and bussing and to educate students on safe walking and biking practices. Judy Crocker offered to put the Sidewalk Committee poster and inventory map on the Global Warming Action Committee table at Discovery Day April 29, 2006. Lisa Baci proposed presenting a motion at Town Meeting in support of Traffic Mitigation Measures. The Committee voted to support that motion. Both Lisa Baci and John Davies contributed reports to the Committee and proposed presenting comments to the Planning Board regarding pedestrian access to the proposed Starwoods’ development on the Lexington Sheraton Hotel site on Old Massachusetts Ave. and Rt 2A. The Committee accepted their proposed concepts and recommended that they proceed to present those comments to the Planning Board. Current information was presented by John Davies that the materials of construction for the Town Center sidewalk were in flux, as a cut brick material was in consideration as a superior, satisfactory material, albeit at a significantly, yet unknown higher cost. The Committee decided to defer to other town committees’ and departments’ more extensive knowledge of materials of construction, installation costs, and long term maintenance costs for a final selection of town center sidewalk materials. The Committee voted to modify our previously issued materials of construction standard to a performance standard; that being “Sidewalk surfaces shall as nearly as possible meet the criteria of visual appearance consistent with the historic center of Lexington, high durability, and accessibility to the physically and visually impaired. With respect to physical accessibility, the surface texture shall provide substantially the same rolling resistance, vibration, and slip resistance as broom finished concrete.” This proposal was generally well accepted. Relevant comments related to the need for all weather performance, satisfactory ice and snow removal, ease of long-term maintenance and repair were made. The proposed wording was to be revised to incorporate Committee comments for reconsideration at the next Committee meeting. A discussion regarding the status of the recommended appropriation of $300K for fiscal 06-07 sidewalk repair followed. Mr. Weeks was asked to contact the CEC and Appropriations Committee to resolve the potential conflict between a. the Design Advisory Committee’s recommendation for brick only for the town center sidewalk b. the Appropriation Committee’s and Capital Expenditure Committee’s recommendation to only fund $250 K for sidewalk repair and maintenance The Committee’s perspective was that should the appropriation be reduced, that the Committee would propose that no more than 25% of the money be directed to town center work. The meeting was adjourned about 12:30pm. The next meeting was set for May 8, 11AM in the Selectmen’s meeting room. Minutes by Craig Weeks 5/7/06