Minutes, November 8, 2006
This meeting of the Sidewalk Committee (SWC) was a Wednesday evening
event, beginning at 7:30 PM in room G-15 of the Town Office Building.
The time change was arranged by C. Weeks to accommodate members of the
SWC who found it difficult to attend at the regular meeting time of
midday on the first Monday of the month. Lisa Baci served as
chairperson. Also present were Jeanne Krieger, Jerry Van Hook, Lucy
Fletcher-Jones, Sue Ellen Briggs, Marianne Lazarus, Jean Williams, and
John Davies. Others present briefly at the meeting were Hank Manz and
Alan Lazarus
Lisa called for a discussion of the Sept.11 and Oct.10 meeting
minutes. The Sept. minutes, with corrections submitted previously via
email were accepted; the Oct. minutes were accepted with the change of
"Sharen McKenzie" to "Sharon Kendall" as the person reporting on
Hastings school now allowing 4th graders, with parental approval, to
bicycle to school. The contrast with policy on bicycling at Harrington
school was noted, the independence of each school principal facing
different constituencies and school locations being the reason.
The next agenda item was a discussion on the Oct.17 meeting on Center
sidewalks. It was agreed that more engineering and cost data are
needed to decide on newer paving techniques. John Davies urged members
to examine this paving in Cambridge to help decide whether the surface
smoothness justifies the added cost.
Sue Ellen Briggs described a recent conference she had attended on
methods for enhancing pedestrian safety by signage and innovative
roadway/sidewalk changes. This led to a general discussion of the SRTS
programs at the elementary and middle schools in Lexington and how we
might incorporate some of these ideas.
Rebuilding of a wooden bridge across a stream that separates the
building complex from the heavily used play~elds at Clarke MS received
considerable attention. Jerry Van Hook related how Sue Ellen and Lisa
had asked if the Bicycle and Conservation committees might help in this
project, based on their success with boardwalk works throughout town.
Jerry brought this up in a bicycle committee meeting and Mike
Tabaczinsky, our local expert, had agreed to a supervisory role
provided the school raised the funds needed for materials and provided
some volunteers. Abe Schenker whose daughter attends Clarke, agreed to
act as go between. Hank Manz dropped by and was able to explain how
the project might end financial backing and the needed engineering
oversight for the proj ect.
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There was some discussion about the wording of a SWC sponsored flyer in
the next tax bill, raising citizen awareness of the need to keep
sidewalks in residential areas free of obstructions like trash barrels
and overhanging shrubbery as well as snow removal to keep sidewalks
and public paths open for public use. Jeanne,Craig ~Ueeks and Francine
Stieglitz would oversee the wording.
Lucy F-J asked for submissions to the SWC website for inclusion early
in 2007
Concerning future activities/meetings, Lisa and Jeanne both spoke of
the need for better communications between town agencies, DP~U, Traffic
safety, school administrations,etc to smooth and accelerate the
proposed S~UC objectives and to make our committee more aware of the
time needed to get the necessary State approval for these obj ectives.
Meeting adjourned at 9 PM. The next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 4 at
11 AM in the Selectmen's Meeting Room.
Jerry Van Hook
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