HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-07-10-WALKS-min Sidewalk Committee Minutes 7/10/06 The meeting was opened by Chairman Weeks at 11:25 AM. Since a quorum of members was not present, acceptance of the minutes of the June meeting was deferred. As part of the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) in the Bowman school district, a parent from the area near the Pleasant St./Watertown St. intersection asked the committee to consider an off-road pathway for children that would include passage through Bowman Park at the intersection. Such a path might need access through private properties in the Briggs Rd./Green Ln. areas to allow children walking with parents to avoid the busy vehicular intersection. Crosswalks and crossing guards might also be needed. Sue Ellen and Jeanne said they will look into the possibilities. The SRTS program throughout town will need a uniform system for recognizable sign shape, wording and placement. With input from Mr. Weeks and Mrs. Herbert who were involved in the Bridge pilot program, the policy committee will look into various aspects of signage, including availability, cost, and recommendations on positioning at crosswalks and other locations in the school districts. Signage at Oak St. and Charles St. in East Lexington was mentioned as examples of well-engineered, town-installed signs. An arrow indicating the exact location of cross walks was stressed as desirable. Ms Krieger said her policy group will explore state guidelines on signage for both town and state-controlled roadways, the signage on Marrett Rd. crosswalks being an example of the latter. As clarification, of responsibilities of town committees, Ms. Krieger said that the basic responsibility of TSAC was the approval of new signage and cross walks that could be implemented without too much controversy whereas that of the Transportation Mitigation Group (TMG) was to recommend actions of more complex, larger scale and sometimes more controversial projects. As chair of TSAC, Ms. Wagner said she would make the staff in town aware of input from the Bridge ES pilot project to expedite installation of the needed signage.Signage within Bridge School grounds will be worked out separately with administration and PTA approval. Ms. Krieger brought up her recent email to all members where the need exists to 1) prioritize repairs on existing sidewalks, especially in SRTS zones, 2) to make a similar priority listing of new sidewalk needs with particular attention to level of use, safety concerns and connectivity 3) set guidelines for sidewalk materials and construction, 4) do cost analysis and, 5) make recommendations for snow removal policies. Karen Marks and Francine Steigletz will put together an article on sidewalk etiquette including shrub trimming, avoidance of sidewalk obstacles such as toys, bikes, trash barrels and snow removal, especially at driveway entrances. Craig Weeks will contact Dave Cannon to resolve questions the committee has raised about bulk contracts and cost efficiency. Several members agreed to examine streets and contact residents within the six school districts to begin the priority list for future sidewalk construction/repair. Tracy Herbert-Bridge , Sue Ellen and Lucy at Bowman, Sharon McKenzie at Hastings, Judy Crocker at Estabrook and Harrington, and Sue Bruce at Fiske were those volunteering and/or recommended in absentia for this task. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30.. The next meeting of the SWC will be at 11 AM on Monday, September 11, 2006 , no August meeting being planned. Jerry Van Hook, secretary