HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-07-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes of November 7, 2005 Meeting The Lexington¹s Sidewalk Committee meeting was convened by Chairman Craig Weeks at 11:12 AM in the Selectman¹s Meeting Room. Minutes of the September meeting produced by the chairman were accepted without correction. Two issues on term of membership for the Sidewalk Committee were discussed. First was the question of staggered terms for regular members and the second was the status of committee liaison positions when the individual was no longer a member of the group being represented. A stagger mechanism which would call for reelection of one -third of all members each year, given we had agreed to serve 3 years was deemed desirable but it was decided to put this method off for the 3 year start up period and begin to apply it for renewals and/or for new members in the years to follow. Concerning the liaisons, Jeanne suggested that the group being represented could decide to put forward either a sitting member of their group or a member who was not active or elected but was willing to continue as liaison on their behalf. New membership in the Sidewalk Committee by interested citizens is always encouraged but prospective candidates should complete the standard form and attend one or two meetings before nomination by the Selectmen for membership on this committee. A quorum not being present, these recommendations of those present will be voted upon at the next meeting. Judy Crocker reported on meetings with PTA groups to ask whether there was interest in other Lexington schools for developing similar safe routes to school (SRTS) programs as was being done at Bridge ES. Sue-Ellen speaking for Fiske ES, emphasized the need to first contact the principal to get their support before dealing with PTA and citizen groups. Bowman school has shown strong interest in such a program whereas schools like Harrington and Fiske may have issues to deal with before SRTS programs can be started. Lisa Baci said she hoped that the SRTS program could be started at Clarke MS, a sentiment echoed by Laura Cecere. The subcommittee on SRTS thought that the program should start with the elementary schools because they were able to obtain lists of potential volunteers from the completed surveys. Marianne L. said that crosswalks, signage, and recommended routes must be in place before new schools are brought on. Wayne B. said signage and crosswalk painting could be done on short notice if needed. Judy presented the brochure of the Anti-idling committee, asking parked cars, buses, and delivery trucks to shut off engines, particularly near schools, in compliance with MA general law Chap. 9() Sect. 16A which prohibits idling beyond 5 minutes as an educational campaign. She asked for an endorsement from the SWC. Since too few members were present to make a quorum, it was decided to poll the committee by email to obtain the necessary votes for endorsement. Nine voting members (of 20 total) were present- all voted to include the SWC as an endorsing committee on the anti-idling committee brochure. Van Hook said he would ask the LBAC to review and hopefully endorse the brochure at their Nov 10th meeting. Mention was made of Francine’s article on the SWC web site that was published in the Lexington Minuteman newspaper, asking residents and businesses to keep all walkways clear of plantings and other objects that might impede foot traffic. The Bridge ES committee and Snow Removal Committee may ask the DPW for additional sidewalk plowing near that school. Wayne said that six tractors are available townwide and he will try to accommodate Bridge needs within town priorities. Lisa said snow removal in town center, including the role of shop owners and the DPW is up for discussion in this years Town Meeting John Davies, recently in San Francisco, noted that pedestrians crossing streets are being asked to alert drivers of their intentions to cross by making eye contact or other indication as part of a campaign stressing shared roadways. He suggested the SWC have a campaign next Spring reminding residents to do the same. Craig said the number of car drop-off/pickups at Bridge was about 70% of last year’s number. He will try to get something published in the Colonial Times on the SRTS initiative and the SWC¹s work.. Craig also showed a spread sheet of estimated costs of the SRTS pilot program at Bridge. Jeanne said that such estimates would help justify the costs for a town wide program, making people aware that safer and environmentally beneficial programs like this do cost money. Craig emphasized that the estimated $47K annual costs for Bridge was an exercise and not proposed as real expenses. He stated the moving of traffic speed signs every school day by volunteers like himself could become a burden over the long term and that some form of tax break or compensation might be appropriate. The Lexington Planning Department stated that there was perhaps $40-$45K available for sidewalk betterments from the construction going on at 40 Middleby Road, adjacent to the Bike path crossing of Middleby. The speed control platform at that site needs repainting. The snow plowing budget for sidewalks is about $100 K/year based on 56 miles of plowing and an average snow year. Wayne has put $150 K as a budget request in the DPW package, assuming an additional $50 K for sidewalk repairs. There is expected to be some TM opposition to this expenditure, putting at least a part of the proposed expenditure dependent on passage of an override petition for added funds. Susan Bruce sent a letter to Craig for needed improvements in the Fiske district now that these students are taking buses to an alternate school. It was unclear why the parents of these students, as represented by Ms. Bruce, should have grievances now that they are being bussed to another school. Craig suggests her requests and ideas should go through the SWC process. Gail W says bus pick-ups should, if at all possible, should not require kids to cross roads without guards and that the need for same-side drop off of children from the bus complicates bus route planning. Craig suggested the SWC give thought about how much we get involved in traffic management issues on busy commuter roadways which also serve as school routes. . Jeanne thought that this would be a logical concern for the committee. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 AM. The next full committee meeting will be at 12 AM on Monday, December 5th. Subcommittees meet on their own initiative. Scribe pro tempore, Jerry Van Hook