HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-27-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes of June 27, 2005 Meeting The Lexington Sidewalk Committee meeting was convened by Chairman Craig Weeks at 11 AM in the Selectman’s Meeting Room. Of those present there were four guests: John Frey and Karen Longeteig representing the Lex.. Tree Committee, officer Paul Jenkins of LPD, and Mary Jane Bohart from the Lex. Chamber of Commerce. A motion to accept the minutes of the April 14 meeting with corrections was moved seconded and passed. Craig first asked John Frey to outline the interests of the Tree Com. in our project and John talked about his committee agenda on tree plantings along public ways. He discussed bio-barriers which would minimize tree root damage to sidewalks and bikeways. He introduced Karen who showed a map of tree plantings in the Center where tree type and age will be entered in data banks also giving GIS position for access to town planners and citizen groups. Questioned about computer access to the GIS and related data, Karen said it was not yet on the Town web site and would take time and resources to get it there. She described the need for water and air for healthy tree growth and the modern methods used to keep the soil permeable at tree bases to allow this to happen Craig thanked the Tree Committee for the update and asked for continuing close cooperation in making Lexington more walkable. Our committee would hope to generate a similar data base for walkways and bikeways and would benefit from the Tree Committee experience with GIS and other data entry. The Lexington Collaborative Association held a charette on June 11, accepting citizen input on ways to improve the center. John Davies emphasized the importance of improving the walkways between shops on Mass Ave and parking areas on both sides of the avenue. Ideas on beautifying the parking areas, minimizing the loss of vehicular spaces and adding bicycle racks were touched upon.. John Davies gave a report on the Inventory subcommittee. Work sheets are complete on 2 of the 6 inventory areas with progress on the others to be completed hopefully for the next meeting. John emphasized the value of map entry to check on the completeness and accuracy of the work sheet results before submitting the data to computer spread sheets. The focus of different inventory takers varies somewhat since data in the field are taken without access to others, and the map entry which will be done collectively is necessary to produce a cohesive result. He said he would get a map of proper scale and arrange for a map coloring session where all work sheet data would be reconciled and entered. Thereafter, unified work sheet data would be submitted for web site entry. Olga Guttag questioned the value of map entry. She said it would be better to get students and others involved in computer entry from the start and that corrections and/or additions could be made subsequently in a more efficient way. John countered that maps gave a better overall view, both in getting a uniform initial and final results and will be the medium of final choice for decision makers; i.e. that data sheets are a necessary backup for detail but will not be the primary source. Van Hook said that the bicycle committee had found map entry useful in finding inconsistent, incomplete, or incorrect data and that, once entered in computer form, it is not that easy to erase bad information from the public domain. Jean Krieger emphasized the need to get other volunteers involved in the inventory, not to get things hung up in subcommittee. She called for timely resolution of differences and moving on. Lucy Fletcher-Jones said the web site was being updated with input from John on inventory committee objectives and additional (late) responses from the school questionnaire. Craig suggested we begin a spread sheet on citizen comments/complaints, starting with the input from the questionnaire but including letters, emails received by other members, including the comments Sue Ellen had received. Specific requests for walkway repairs should be shared with Wayne and DPW personnel. Sue Ellen gave the report of the focus group. She said that thank you letters and responses will go out to people who gave comments at Discovery Day as well as those who sent comments in other ways. Comments about curb cuts for handicap access were mentioned. An Excel spread sheet will be started with entries of time, place, and problem for each public comment and the dates and times of committee responses. Olga cautioned that public meetings promoting our projects need planning but should not be scheduled during mid-summer because people were away. Better to line up a concentrated campaign for early fall than to spread the effort over the summer. A pilot program for Safe Routes to School has been decided on for Bridge School which showed the strongest response to the school survey, has an active PTA group on school access safety and active support from school administration. Craig suggested subcommittee be set up, including committee members from the Bridge ES district to suggest priorities in implementation at Bridge to the whole committee. Members of the subcommittee are Craig, Olga, Lisa, Sue Ellen, Karyn Marks, and Judy Crocker . Application will be made for Federal grant money to help defray this pilot project. Paul Jenkins of LPD has done grant writing and may help. Olga said distance issues are important but the shortest routes are not necessarily the best. She said further that parents must be involved. Lisa said the existing path from Lincoln Field needs improvement as does the section along the Old Reservoir. A safe crossing site on Marrett Road was also a priority for the new subcommittee. Mary Jane Bohart, representing the Lex. Ch. of Commerce asked that the Sidewalk Committee not forget other sidewalk issues of concern to businesses in town. In particularly she mentioned the Center, Hayden Ave, Concord Ave, and Hartwell Ave. On Hartwell Ave, Van Hook said the Lex. Bicycle Committee and large numbers of commuting workers, particularly at Lincoln Labs, but at other businesses along Hartwell were strongly favoring safer access to places of work by bicycle and walking. Existing and proposed bus service on the avenue generates pedestrian traffic. With current traffic, the situation is unsafe and many who would choose alternatives to vehicles cannot now do so. Although there may be risks associated with assigning pedestrian/bicycle lanes, these risks pale in comparison with the dangers that bicyclists/pedestrians must now take. Olga stated that she wanted to discuss the issues on Hartwell with Van Hook but would prefer to do so after the meeting was over. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM. The next full committee meeting will be at 11 AM on Monday, August 8. Subcommittees will meet on their own initiative. Jerry Van Hook