HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-02-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes of May 2, 2005 Meeting The Lexington Sidewalk Committee meeting was convened by Chairman Craig Weeks at 12 noon in the Selectman’s Meeting Room. A motion was MSP to accept the minutes of the April 14 meeting. COMMITTEE UPDATES: Community focus group: Sue-Ellen Briggs said that the survey results on parent preferences for safe access to Lexington schools were coming in. approximately 100 responses from Bridge Elementary and 112 responses from Bowman Elementary. The provisional results from the latter indicate about 10% of students currently walk, 40% are driven, and 45% are bussed. More than half of the Bowman parents would allow their children to walk/bike if there were improved sidewalks and paths, especially if accompanied by other parents. These are encouraging findings. Sue-Ellen further stated that her focus group was working on a presentation for a series of public meetings in early fall. Olga stated that Rep. Ann Paulson had introduced a Bicycle Bill of Rights legislation at the State House. She also reported that there was an effort afoot in Arlington to exclude bicycling in the Safe Routes to School program because of parental fears for the health and safety of their children. The Hardy School, Arlington notified parents in Nov. 2004 to that effect. Several groups in Arlington including the organization CYCLE KIDS (http://www.cyclekids.org) are trying to reassure parents that safety measures will be introduced. Website development: Lucy Fletcher-Jones presented her preliminary design for a web site. Colors for the web page received favorable comment. It was suggested that the diamond logo include a symbol for in-line skating. Gail Wagner said that the site could be linked to existing websites on ped/bike safety including a site entitled ³How to Become a Smart Tripper². Craig said that these and other possible links should be sent to Lucy for consideration by the Committee. Lisa emphasized these possible links should be on the committee test site and not on our public site until vetted through the committee at large. John Davies said there should be a disclaimer on the public website saying the committee was giving information, not advice. Olga again offered to make available regional information on walk/bicycle to school programs. Gail Wagner said she could provide information on bus routes to schools as well as Lexpress and MBTA routes, for the website. Lucy will send out options that were discussed for the home page title, asking for a vote of preference within a week. Policies of other communities: Lisa Baci reported that her group was looking at sidewalk policies in Lexington working with Wayne Brooks. Her committee was also exploring policies in other nearby towns, the State and Nationally. The focus would be on safety/design criteria Olga again stated that a member of police dept should be involved. Gail Wagner said she would find a representative of public safety in Lexington for further input on this issue. Inventory subcommittee: Group leader John Davies gave a summary of our activities. Following meetings and email discussions, a final ³Sidewalk & Footpath Data Sheet² was agreed to which John showed to those at the meeting. He had also provided large scale Lexington maps to each member doing the inventory. Laura Cecere has joined the subcommittee. She was asked by John to inventory all destination paths within the conservation lands in town, using the CLC Guide and recent Lexington town maps that roughly indicate trails and bikepaths. John reported that Sue Solomon could not carry through on her section for health reasons. Van Hook has subsequently arranged for the Bicycle Advisory Committee to complete her work. Completed inventory sheets will be given to Wayne, through John, for compilation of a master inventory list. Wayne will add his extra information to this list. Lisa asked if crosswalk locations would be included. John felt crosswalks, crossing guards, and related information were too changeable for the inventory and that these items, along with school bus routes and the police accident data would be better recorded separately At the meetings close, Ch Weeks summarized the work we had agreed to complete for the next meeting; 1) the focus group will have presentations in draft form to give schools and community organizations this fall, 2) a website with a completed draft of the Committee Charge, a description of the subcommittees and their functions, meeting minutes and other useful data on sidewalk safety/design as well as a preliminary listing of websites for info on related regional activities, 3) the new school superintendent must be informed about and pass on our plans to promote safe routes to school, Olga and others on PTA to be involved 4) the inventory group will have a report on areas covered to date, and 5) Craig will assign a member to generate some written material and a table position for Discovery Day The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM. The next full committee meeting will be at 11 AM on Monday, June 6. Subcommittees will meet on their own initiative. Jerry Van Hook