HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-04-04-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes of April 4 2005 Meeting The Lexington’s Sidewalk Committee meeting was convened by Chairman Craig Weeks at 11:10 in the Selectman’s Meeting Room.. The first order of business was to discuss the protocol for meetings of all official Lexington committees, ours included, which must follow the open meeting law. Notice must be posted 48 hours in advance of all meetings where policy issues are discussed by a quorum of members and/or votes are taken on matters of public interest. The minutes of these committee meetings must also be made available to the public. Craig stated that the minutes in final form could be made publicly available using the Sidewalk Comm. website being developed which will be linked to the Town website. Olga Guttag suggested that significant subcommittee documents or findings with public impact should also be posted on the web to avoid any suggestion of actions kept from public view. It was agreed through discussion that it would generally not be necessary to post Sidewalk subcommittee meeting times, meeting minutes, or email interactions between members, but that documents and notices of interest to the public would be made accessible, usually at the website. It was agreed that all subcommittees will bring materials to be distributed publicly to the entire committee for approval. This will allow multiple subcommittees to use one joint publication representing all interests. COMMITTEE UPDATES Community focus group: Sue-Ellen Briggs said that her focus team had met and that a survey had been drafted and sent out to parents asking about present practices and future preferences regarding travel to and from school The survey had been submitted to and approved by the superintendent of schools. School principals and the PTA groups had also been contacted before submission for distribution. Olga stated that each school has a School Council organization which should also be informed. She emphasized the importance of top-down informing of relevant officials/groups. Stephanie Mitzenmacher had agreed to work with Lex MM to get notice out to the general public about committee plans and objectives. After developing a presentation, the focus group is planning to have a number of public meetings describing our initiative and soliciting public discussion and feedback Olga stated that the Center Collaborative Comm. was active in looking for improvements for pedestrian facilities in the Center and should be appraised of our efforts. This group is planning a charrette on June 11 and our committee should be involved. Craig will see about a spokesperson from our group for this event. Website development: Lucy Fletcher-Jones is beginning to design a site that will be linked to the Town website. With help from the Chairman and others, the site will include the Selectman’s Charge creating the committee, a general discussion of methods and committee structure, all meeting minutes, and data/ documents from the various subcommittees relevant for public scrutiny. Olga agreed to help make available regional information on walk/bicycle to school programs. Judy Crocker said she could make available for the focus group and the website data and pictures from communities which had taken steps to improve conditions for walking generally, as examples of what might be achieved here. Gail Wagner said she could provide information on bus routes to schools as well as Lexpress and MBTA routes, serving as necessary alternatives to walking/bicycling under adverse weather conditions Policies of other communities: Lisa Baci reported that her group was beginning to look at sidewalk related actions in other towns. On the question of informing Town Meeting, now in progress, it was suggested that we wait until the committee had something substantial to report. Stephanie had suggested that an article describing the committee objectives should be drafted for the Lex MM and presented for committee approval as an agenda item for the May meeting. This group will also start identifying any bylaws, rules and regulations that Lexington has pertaining to sidewalks. Olga stated that a member of police dept should be involved. Gail Wagner will interact with public safety and identify the dept. to supply a representative Inventory subcommittee: Group leader John Davies was out sick and Marianne Lazarus gave a summary of our activities. The group had met once at member Wayne Brooks DPW office, where Wayne showed computer generated views from aerial photography of streetscapes throughout town on the scale of several hundred feet of roadway. These were complimented with screen-size maps of the town showing street patterns too small for street names. It was agreed that intermediate scale maps with more data were needed. Van Hook brought a large map with sidewalks inventoried by the BAC and John Davies brought large scale printed maps for each member to use in the inventory. Discussion centered on data acquisition and how to accomplish this with greatest efficiency. This discussion on what to record in the field has continued by email and will need to be resolved before the inventory begins. Marianne discussed some of the difficult choices our committee was faced with in deciding on what to record. Frank Cavatorta volunteered to join the subcommittee. Laura Cecere has also indicated by email an interest in our task. Davies will contact her. The question of how long the inventory might take was raised by Ch. Weeks. In the absence of John Davies the group leader, Van Hook offered the opinion, based on his involvement with the earlier BAC survey, that the proposed survey could have it’s first mapping by the end of May; i.e., in two months time. At the meetings close, Ch Weeks summarized the work we had agreed to complete for the next meeting; 1) the focus group would have an outline or first draft of the presentation for public outreach , 2) a website would be under way with a completed draft of the Committee Charge and an outline of the groups and their functions, 3) the Policy group will present preliminary findings on similar programs in other towns and will start investigating any bylaws or regulations pertaining to sidewalks in town 4) the inventory group will show the final checklist form for and will have a progress report on areas covered to date, and 5) the (unassigned) task of identifying Town procedures and policies needed to make sidewalk improvements will have something to report, including possible sources for funds, e.g. Chapter 90 or federal money, betterments from citizen assessments, or funds from Town warrant for the project. The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM. The next full committee meeting will be at 12 noon on Monday, May 2. Subcommittees will meet on their own initiative. Jerry Van Hook