HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-14-WALKS-min SIDEWALK COMMITTEE Minutes of March 14, 2005 Meeting The first meeting of Lexington¹s Sidewalk Committee was convened by Selectman Jeanne Krieger at 12 noon on 3/14/05. The Committee was formed pursuant to a Board of Selection resolution at its meeting on 11/29/04, its purpose being to create a committee to advise the Selectmen on policy for sidewalks throughout Town and to develop these recommendations based on broad citizen input. The committee would also draw on the recommendations of the Transportation Element of the 2003 Comprehensive Plan. The overall objective is to encourage pedestrian activity through safe and convenient walkways for recreation, for commuting, and for general use, thereby enhancing the health and well being of all.. The charge to the Committee, if warranted, would be to recommend a plan for sidewalk construction with a suggested priority list and with recommended construction standards. The placement of new sidewalks and upgrading of others would be chosen with help from the School Dept. and the PTA, to enhance safe routes to schools and playfields. Other objectives would be to develop recommendations for sidewalk maintenance, particularly for snow removal, and to recommend methods for financing the proposed plan. The Committee, about 20 in number, consists of four Ex Officio representatives of town offices,seven PTA members, a representative from the DPW , and a cross section of interested citizens from diverse neighborhoods. Length of term is 3 years on a rotating basis Monthly public meetings are planned with sub-committee meetings arranged when needed. Existing Data on Sidewalks Wayne Brooks from Lexington DPW showed a map of the sidewalks currently plowed in winter and described plans to acquire new snow removal equipment for more efficient and possibly expanded operations. He said about one third of the 142 miles of roadway in town are plowed , primarily in areas for school access but also in heavy use areas. Since plowing all sidewalks would be cost-prohibitive, Krieger emphasized the need for cooperation from citizens in snow removal near their homes and businesses and the Committee¹s important role in promoting their help.. On the sidewalks inventory, Jerry Van Hook described how the Bicycle Committee had made a town-wide survey in 2001.These data, combined with DPW records, was used to generate the Transportation Element map of 2003. He mentioned the ongoing volunteer work by the BAC on new boardwalks and other trail upgrades with help from CLC to improve pedestrian/bicycle access to schools via public lands. John Davies noted that condition of all sidewalks should be inventoried as well to identify and prioritize needed repairs.. Krieger suggested this data should be entered on the web in a map format. Craig Weeks said that GPS location of sites needing repair or other attention could be readily tied into map data to facilitate this process. Safety Issues Victoria Buckley, a Disability Commisson member, spoke of the need to enforce no bicycle/skateboard/in-line skater travel on Town Center sidewalks which endangers the disabled and elderly. Better signage is needed to alert citizens to the problem and to warn about the $50 fine for such behavior. Olga Guttag advanced the opinion that pedestrians should not be asked to walk in bicycle lanes created along busy roadways. Others emphasized the need for curb cuts and safe roadway crossing arrangements as a necessary adjunct to sidewalk improvements. Child safety and air quality issues at school drop off and pick up sites, particularly due to large and unweildly SUV¹s, was mentioned by several parents. In contrast, the health benifits and sociability engendered by walking were seen as a boon for all. Several parents said the risks to children walking alone could be avoided by cooperative arrangements among parents of those involved. With older children, some simple rules about walking or bicycling together to schools and playgrounds, coupled with awareness training might further improve conditions. Committee Initiatives Jeanne Krieger suggested that the Committee should begin by organizing around five broad objectives, assigning interested members to one or more of subcommittees, each with an assigned leader. Craig Weeks agreed to serve as chairman of the Sidewalk Committee, approved by unanimous vote... The first task was the formation of a Community Focus Team to promote the benifits of better walking conditions by arranging a series of public meetings designed to promote public involvement and support. The group leader is Sue-Ellen Briggs with six additional members who agreed to help in this effort.. . The second task was to assign a website manager for the project. Lucy Fletcher-Jones agreed to do this task, thus providing the information outlet for public dialog via the internet. The third subcommittee was created to investigate the policies used by other communities to promote safe walking and resolve sidewalk issues. The group leader is Lisa Baci with two others on her committee. Olga offered data on this subject. The fourth subcommittee will be charged with developing a town wide inventory of existing sidewalks and a prioritized list of necessary repairs. Maps will be generated showing current and projected sidewalk plowing, bike paths, and roadway crossings and curb cuts.. John Davies is group leader and has four members to help in this task. The fifth subcommittee will focus on safe routes to schools in Lexington, This subcommittee is not yet assigned members or leader. its task will be to make recommendations about access impriovements to one or more schools based on the information from other subcommittees, coupled with input from the public. Its members will be drawn from the schools, the PTA, and from residents representing different school districts. The meeting was adjourned at 1 PM. The next committee meeting time and place will be set by Chairman Weeks and will take place in approximately one month, depending on scheduling. Subcommittees will meet on their own initiative. Respectively submitted Jerry Van Hook