HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-06-18-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Sandra Shaw Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Wendy Rudner Fax: (781) 861-2747 Robert Boudreau RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING June 18, 2008 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Richard Thuma, Bob Boudreau, Wendy Rudner and Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts, Peter Coleman and David Pinsonneault AGENDA 1. Citizens and other Boards No Citizens or other Boards were present. 2. Recreation Meeting Minutes Rick DeAngelis moved and Bob Boudreau seconded acceptance of the May 21, 2008 Recreation Committee minutes. The minutes of the May 21, 2008 Recreation Committee meeting were accepted by a vote of 3 – 0. 3. Youth Sports Advisory Council Peter Coleman presented an overview of the plan for the Youth Sports Advisory Council, noting proposed changes to the original proposal presented to the Recreation Committee in November 2007. The Proposed changes include: ?? Council will be an advisory council to the Recreation Department. ?? Representatives to the council will be approved by the Recreation Director. ?? Elimination of the community at–large representative. ?? Clarification of the student-athlete qualifications (1 male and 1 female athlete). ?? Two year rather than staggered terms on the council for members. ?? Council will meet quarterly and report to the Recreation Committee annually. Dick Thuma and Rick DeAngelis suggested that the wording of the third sentence of the “Purpose” of the Council be amended to read “The council shall discuss and recommend 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 potential solutions…” Dick Thuma also suggested that “athletic facilities” be included in the list of possible issues that the Youth Sports Advisory Council may address. The Recreation Committee discussed the pros and cons of two year versus staggered terms for Council representatives. Rick DeAngelis recommended that the Council try two-year terms for now, evaluate and recommend changes as needed. Dick Thuma asked if it would be more appropriate for the Recreation Committee to approve membership on the Youth Sports Advisory Council, thus alleviating any pressure brought to bear on the Recreation Director regarding membership. Karen Simmons explained to the Recreation Committee that if they were to appoint or approve membership, the Council would then become a sub-committee of the Recreation Committee, requiring adherence to all public meeting laws. Charge for the Youth Sports Advisory Council Rick DeAngelis moved that the be approved and adopted with the three suggested changes in the wording of the first paragraph. Sandra Shaw seconded the motion. Charge for the Youth Sports The Recreation Committee voted 5 – 0 to adopt the Advisory Council . 4. Recreation Report ?? Karen Simmons distributed copies of the current Five-Year Capital Plan for the Recreation Department. She and Dave Pinsonneault will be meeting to discuss the plan as it exists now and review other potential capital projects to be included. Karen Simmons requested that the Recreation Committee review the current plan between now and the August committee meeting. Dick Thuma inquired about the proper channels to follow in discussing a funding plan for future capital projects. He is concerned that the Recreation Enterprise Fund has limited funds with large projects projected and he would like to get advice from the Town. Karen Simmons recommends inviting the Finance Director to a future meeting. Bob Boudreau asked what was included in the Athletic Lighting items in 2010 and 2012. Karen Simmons explained that the current plan included an upgrade of the Tennis Court and Basketball Court lighting at the Center Recreation Complex in 2010, and an upgrade or replacement of the Center # 1 and Center # 2 field lights. Dick Thuma suggested that a possible addition to the Capital Plan would be a study to assess accessibility issues at the 30 Town Recreation Areas. Rick DeAngelis concurred with this suggestion, indicating that reviewing, prioritizing and addressing infrastructure and accessibility issues might be the most important components of future Five Year Capital plans. ?? Karen Simmons provided the Recreation Committee with a letter from the Town Manager, requesting that the Lexington Town Pool Complex be named in honor of Irving H. Mabee. The Board of Selectmen would like comments from the Recreation Committee. She suggested that the Recreation Committee review the letter and discuss the request at the July Recreation Committee meeting. ?? The Boston Globe Northwest Weekly recently published an article on the Minuteman Bikeway. The Bikeway was “recently named as the fifth inductee to the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy’s Rail-Trail Hall of Fame.” The Globe article 2 continued on to note that the “Minuteman Bikeway is one of the most-used commuter trails across the United States.” To highlight the honor, “the conservancy will provide markers…to line the path of the Bikeway indicating its status as a Hall of Fame Trail.” ?? Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee that beavers are causing flooding nd of the 2 fairway at Pine Meadows. The Health Department has issued a 10-day emergency-trapping permit and the Conservation Commission has issued a 30- day emergency permit to remove the beaver dams. Since the permit was issued, 9 beavers have been trapped. ?? Peter Coleman provided the Recreation Committee with an updated draft of the Open Space and Recreation Plan. He told the Committee that the next public meeting to review the Open Space and Recreation Plan would be Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Cary Hall. 5. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault had no updates to provide. 6. New Business Wendy Rudner, Recreation Committee liaison to the Lincoln Park Sub-committee, distributed copies of meeting minutes from the Lincoln Park Sub-committee and copies of quote sheets the sub-committee had used for determining a contractor to do site work along the fitness path at Lincoln Park. Karen Simmons gave the committee an overview of some of the work that the Lincoln Park Sub-committee is undertaking at Lincoln Park. Bob Boudreau inquired as to how a decision is made on hiring a contractor to do the work. Wendy Rudner noted that the sub-committee obtained at least three quotes for the work, and had chosen the lowest quote – Weston Nursery. Dick Thuma expressed his concern that the Lincoln Park Sub-committee does not comply with public bid laws. While the money for projects is from a trust, the work is being done on Town land, and adherence to public bid laws is required. Wendy Rudner told the committee that she would raise this concern at the next meeting of the sub-committee. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on July 16, 2008, 6:00 P.M., at the Pine Meadows Golf Club. Pizza will be served, followed by a tour of the course. The June 18, 2008 meeting of the Recreation Committee was adjourned at 7:15 P.M. 3