HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-19-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Sandra Shaw Robert Boudreau Wendy Rudner RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING September 19, 2007 Room G15, Town Office Building Members Present: Robert Boudreau, Rick DeAngelis and Dick Thuma Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts, David Pinsonneault, Peter Coleman Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen; Lynne Wilson, David Williams, Jonathan Eddy, Brian Kelly AGENDA: 1. Citizens and Other Boards No Citizens or other boards were present. 2. Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes The minutes of the August 15, 2007 Recreation Committee Meetings were reviewed and accepted by a vote of 3 – 0. 3. Rindge Park The Recreation Committee briefly discussed the proposal to rename Rindge Park in East Lexington in honor of Anthony Moretti, as proposed by resident James Barry at the July Recreation Committee meeting. Rick DeAngelis told the members that he had spoken to Mr. Barry briefly. He also noted that Committee member Wendy Rudner, who was unable to make the September meeting, was continuing to research the subject of Lexington’s fallen veterans. The information she had accumulated to date was passed out to the Committee (attached). Karen Simmons noted that the Board of Selectmen had requested an opinion from the Recreation Committee on renaming the park. The Board of Selectmen will make the final decision. The Recreation Committee deferred further discussion and recommendations to the October meeting when all Recreation Committee members would be present. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 4. Lincoln Park Sub Committee Chairman Rick DeAngelis welcomed Brian Kelly and Jonathan Eddy, nominees to the Lincoln Park Subcommittee. He asked them what prompted them to want to join the Lincoln Park Subcommittee (LPSC). Brian Kelly indicated that he has been, and continues to be very involved in coaching youth sports at Lincoln Park and wants to become more involved in the overall activities of the facility. Jonathan Eddy noted that he lives on Baskin Road, uses the fields a great deal, and is interested in becoming a “steward” to assist with maintaining and promoting the great active and passive resource that is Lincoln Park. Dick Thuma moved that the Recreation Committee appoint Brian Kelly and Jonathan Eddy to the Lincoln Park Sub Committee for a term of three (3) years. Rick DeAngelis seconded the motion and opened the floor to discussion. Dick Thuma asked David Williams, Chair of the LPSC, if he had updated the Lincoln Park Sub Committee charge, and if the subcommittee had discussed “term limits” for members. Mr. Williams responded that the committee had not met recently and therefore no updated committee charge had been discussed or written. He also noted that he was not comfortable with “term limits” for committee members. Dick Thuma clarified his comments regarding “term limits” indicating that he referred to the length of an individual’s appointment to a board or committee (i.e. a term of 3 years), not that an individual would be prohibited from reappointment at the end of a term. The Recreation Committee approved the nomination of Brian Kelly and Jonathan Eddy to the Lincoln Park Sub Committee for a term of three (3) years, by a vote of 3 – 0. Lynne Wilson related to the Recreation Committee that she had recently reviewed some of the old minutes of the Lincoln Park Sub Committee. She provided the Committee with a copy of the “Lincoln Street Fields Development Plans” meeting notes from 1987, as a means of reviewing the history of the sub committee. (Attached). 5. Capital Project Update and FY09 Article Assignments Karen Simmons provided the Recreation Committee with an update on Capital projects. The bid opening for the Valley Tennis Courts ~ Center Basketball Courts project came in much higher than expected. She and Dave Pinsonneault have met with the architect in an attempt to scale down the project. They are waiting for new cost estimates and will rebid the project without compromising the quality. The FY09 capital Plan has been submitted. There will be three articles: ??Old Reservoir Management – requested from CPA funds for reconstruction of the gatehouse/outlet. ??Center Complex Restroom Renovation ??Park Improvements – Athletic fields at Bridge School Karen Simmons asked for volunteers to present the specific articles at Town Meeting. Dick Thuma will present the Old Reservoir Article, Rick DeAngelis will handle the Center Restroom Renovation Article, and Bob Boudreau will present the Park Improvements Capital Article. Dick Thuma also volunteered to present any supplemental requests, as needed, for the Valley Tennis Court/Center Basketball Project. 2/24/2009 2 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons provided the Recreation Committee with an update on ongoing Recreation and Pine Meadows activities and projects. ??The conditions at Pine Meadows are excellent. She has met with Bill Harrison of New England Golf Corporation to discuss the contract, and will be recommending a one-year extension of the contract with New England Golf. th ??The Town has hired a contractor to rebuild the bunkers at the 6 hole. ??The four-year lease on golf carts is up. The Town will be developing an RFP for a new golf cart lease. Currently, the town leases 15 golf carts. Bill Harrison has suggested that 3 or 4 more golf carts are needed during the summer. This may be included in the RFP. The Town may opt to rent 3 golf carts for three months during the peak season. ??Dick Thuma inquired as to the status of the Hydrology Study at Pine Meadows. Dave Pinsonneault will be meeting with the consultants in October. The recommendations should be incorporated into the FY2010 Capital requests. ??The Water Quality Study of the Old Reservoir is going very well. The consultants requested additional testing for the area, which was approved by Karen Simmons. Karen Simmons told the Recreation Committee that once the report is finalized there would be a joint meeting of the Recreation Committee and the Board of Health to review the findings. ??The Pool Facility Audit is ongoing. A report should be issued this fall. Parks Report 7. Dave Pinsonneault provided the Recreation Committee with an update on the following: ??The Parks Department is obtaining price quotes for the Fiske Little League backstop. Dave Pinsonneault is requesting prices for the fencing at the Skate Park at the same time. ??Approval has been received from Town Manager Carl Valente to fix the Fiske Little League field. ??There are no current plans to relocate the Bowman School in possible upcoming school renovation projects; therefore work will begin this fall on renovating the Little League field infield, replacing the backstop and doing some repair and grading work on the outfield area at the Bowman School fields. ??The Center Playfield Drainage Project has been put out for a quote. Dave Pinsonneault hopes to begin work this fall. ??The Recreation Department purchased signs stating “field use is by permit only”. These signs will be installed at the Center Complex, Clarke, Diamond and th Lincoln the week of September 24. 8. New Business th The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on October 17 at 7:30 P.M. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. 2/24/2009 3