HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-15-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Frederick DeAngelis, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Richard Thuma, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Sandra Shaw Robert Boudreau RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 15, 2006 Room G15, Town Office Building Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Robert Boudreau, Rick DeAngelis, Dick Thuma Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts, Peter Coleman Others Present: Hank Manz, Board of Selectmen; Peter Kelley, Board of Selectmen; Tony Porter, LHS Athletic Director; Janet Lopez, LHS Booster Club; David Williams, Lincoln Park Subcommittee; Lynne Wilson, Lincoln Park Subcommittee; Dawn McKenna AGENDA: 1. Citizens and Other Boards There were no citizens or other boards present. 2. Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes th Review and approval of the October 18 Recreation Committee Minutes was postponed until the December meeting. 3.Janet Lopez – Booster Club Football Lights Karen Simmons introduced Janet Lopez of the LHS Booster Club. Ms. Lopez presented the Recreation Committee with an overview of the Booster Club proposal to add lighting and infilled synthetic turf to the Lexington High School football field. The project could also be expanded to include lighting of the Junior Varsity baseball field at the High School, which is also used by the Lexington Babe Ruth League. A copy of Ms. Lopez’s presentation is attached. The Recreation Committee responded positively to the proposal and offered suggestions as to the expansion of the Project Planning Committee, involvement of the Youth Leagues, budgeting, marketing and fundraising, and other steps necessary, such as a geotechnical study, zoning issues, School Committee support, Board of Selectmen approval, etc. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Recreation Committee voted 4 - 0 to support the concept Following the discussion, the of the project. 4. Lincoln Park Restroom Facility ?? Peter Kelley provided the Recreation Committee with an update on the proposed Bathroom Facility at Lincoln Park. He applied for a building permit earlier this year, but the Building Commissioner would not issue a permit until DEP approved the building and the floating slab. The floating slab was recommended and designed by Keith Johnson of Haley & Aldrich. ?? Peter Kelley is working with Bill Hadley, Director of Public Works on the DEP issues. The application and design were submitted some time ago and they expect a response in January. ?? According to Peter Kelley, Lincoln Park Sub-committee, Lexington Youth Lacrosse and Lexington United Soccer Club have made a financial commitment to the project. ?? Peter Kelley will be working through the Lions Club. ?? Peter Kelley is committed to raising the money privately. ?? Dawn McKenna passionately supports the project and feels the bathrooms are an immediate need at the park. She expressed her concern about the funding sources. ?? The Recreation Committee supports the basic design approved at their June 15, 2005 meeting. Once the permitting and funding piece is complete, they requested that Peter Kelley update them on a monthly basis. In addition, they would like to see a complete set of construction documents. ?? On behalf of the Lincoln Park Sub-Committee, Lynne Wilson and David Williams voiced support of the design plan dated May 20, 2005. 5. Recreation Report ?? Karen Simmons began her report by introducing Peter Coleman, Recreation Supervisor, who replaces Cheryl Ozolins. Peter began work in Lexington on rd October 23. Among his many responsibilities will be the organization and facilitation of the Youth Sports Council. ?? The USGA Golf Course Evaluation of Pine Meadows was distributed to Committee members. Rick DeAngelis reported that he had received several complaints this summer and fall about the condition of the greens at Pine Meadows. He also noted that the greens had worsened over the past 12 months. Karen Simmons concurred with the assessment and told the Committee that she and Dave Pinsonneault have consistently voiced their concern and displeasure about course conditions to Bill Harrison of New England Golf Corporation. Rick DeAngelis suggested, and the other members of the Committee concurred, that Bill Harrison be asked to attend the December Recreation Committee meeting. ?? Karen Simmons announced that the Board of Selectmen has appointed Wendy Rudner to the Recreation Committee. Ms. Rudner will take the seat vacated by Pam Varrin. 2/24/2009 2 ?? The Commonwealth has certified the balance in the Recreation Enterprise Fund as of June 20, 2006. The figure of $1,397,122 was listed as the uncertified amount in the Enterprise Fund Appraisal distributed at the October meeting by the Finance Department. ?? Karen Simmons told the Committee that she was meeting with the Capital th Expenditures Committee on Monday, November 20 at 7:30 a.m. to review the Five Year Recreation Capital Plan. She invited Recreation Committee members to attend the meeting in Room 111. She also reviewed the requests for FY08 with the committee and provided an update on the status of all capital articles that are still open. ?? The Recreation Committee discussed and agreed upon the following presenters for the Capital requests at the 2007 Town Meeting: Rick DeAngelis, as Chairman will present the Annual Report and information under Article 2. Bob Boudreau will present the Center Basketball Court reconstruction Project and Dick Thuma will present both the Valley Tennis Court Renovation Project and the Park Improvement Project for the Bowman School field. 6. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault was unable to attend the meeting. Karen Simmons presented his report. A copy of the report is attached. ?? Dick Thuma inquired as to the status of the Hydrology Study at Pine Meadows. Karen Simmons explained that the Purchase Order has only recently been signed. The study will be ongoing throughout the next golf season and a report will be issued at the end of the 2007 summer. ?? Mr. Thuma also asked about the fence renovation at the Skate Park. Karen Simmons explained that the Recreation Department was still waiting for the required three quotes for replacement of the existing fence, or a recommendation to take a contractor from the State Bid list. The contractor who has provided a cost for the work is not under state contract, but another company the Town has done business with is. This company will be contacted in the near future. ?? The Center playground is completed. As soon as the equipment is inspected, th which should be by Monday, November 20, the equipment will be available for public use. ?? The tennis practice boards have been delivered and are currently being stored at 201 Bedford Street. The contractor will be removing the existing structure in the next few weeks and installation of the new practice boards should be completed by the end of December. 7. New Business ?? David Williams, Lincoln Park Subcommittee, reported that the subcommittee was finalizing plans for the reconstruction of the 1989 section of the boardwalk that runs through the park. Karen Simmons thanked the Lincoln Park Subcommittee for their purchase and installation of new barrels and benches at Lincoln Park. ?? Sandra Shaw provided the Recreation Committee members with an overview of the project proposal from the Bicycle Advisory Committee to the Community Preservation Committee. A written description of the project was distributed at 2/24/2009 3 the October meeting. After a brief discussion of the “West Lexington Greenway Corridor Proposal” Rick DeAngelis moved “to support financing the Phase One Master Plan from the Community Preservation Act fund.” Bob Boudreau seconded the motion. The Recreation Committee voted 4 – 0. The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on December 19, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ellen Stone Room in the Cary Memorial Building. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. 2/24/2009 4