HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-18-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard Thuma RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING May 18, 2005 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Rick DeAngelis, Dick Thuma, and Don Chisholm Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Sheila Butts and Dave Pinsonneault AGENDA: 1. Citizens and Other Boards 2. Minutes The minutes of the March 31, 2005 Recreation Committee meeting were approved 4 – 0. 3. Lincoln Park Update ?? The Recreation Committee perused the architectural plans for the Lincoln Park Sub Committee’s proposed Overlook. Karen Simmons reported that the LPSC planned to present the proposal and drawings to the Conservation Committee in the near future. Committee members suggested that the LPSC also attend a future Recreation Committee meeting to discuss the project. ?? In response to a question from Don Chisholm, Dave Pinsonneault reviewed plans to finish the grading and site work at the Little League Field at Lincoln. The Parks Department is going to lay stone dust in the area between the outfield fence and the fence along Lincoln Street, and install a stone dust path. The Parks Department is also investigating ways to prevent vehicles from parking illegally in front of the chain gate emergency/maintenance entrance to the Little League area. ?? Dave Pinsonneault reported that the binder layer was installed on the paths next to fields 1 and 2 at Lincoln. The contractor will pave the two paths within a week, weather permitting. ?? In March a Lacrosse Tournament was held at the park. There was quite a bit of damage done to the grass around the parking area. This occurs particularly when there is a large event at Lincoln, although inspection has shown that visitors to the park tend to make their own parking spaces when the lot is full. Karen Simmons advised the committee that on June 18 and 19, the Massachusetts Youth Soccer Association will hold a tournament 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 at the park. Dave Pinsonneault and Cheryl Ozolins are working to have a plan in place to alleviate this parking situation. Rick DeAngelis and Dick Thuma suggested that future consideration be given to adopting a policy which requires an out-of-town permit holder to post a cash deposit when obtaining a permit for Lincoln. Karen Simmons requested that the Recreation Committee look at the entire fee structure at the August or September meeting. She will bring a fee proposal to the table then, which can include the aforementioned cash deposit. ?? The Recreation Committee briefly discussed the status of the Lincoln Park Toilet Facility. Sandra Shaw will call Selectman Peter Kelley for a status update, and will invite him to attend a future Recreation Committee meeting to discuss the plans. 4. Field Sub Committee Karen Simmons asked the Committee if they would be in favor of developing a Field Sub Committee. The sub committee could be comprised of a Recreation Committee member, Dave Pinsonneault, Cheryl Ozolins, and representatives of the various leagues in the community. The Recreation Committee members voiced approval of this suggestion. Dick Thuma noted that it would be important to have representatives of all Youth and Adult Leagues and the School Department. Karen Simmons said that the Recreation Department would survey other communities regarding Field Sub Committees, their stated mission and make-up, and offer a report at the June Recreation Committee meeting. 5. Future Capital Projects for Pine Meadows Karen Simmons reviewed the future capital project recommendations proposed by Bill Harrison, New England Golf Corporation. (Recommendations attached.) The Recreation Committee discussed the potential costs and the pros and cons of Mr. Harrison’s proposal. The Committee will discuss this further at an upcoming meeting. Dick Thuma offered a tentative proposal for setting up the RFP for the Pine Meadows Hydrology Study, approved at Town Meeting. He will schedule a meeting with a representative of Haley & Aldrich to discuss the study, and will notify Karen Simmons of the date and time. Mr. Thuma will report back to the committee in June as to the outcome of the meeting. 6. Discovery Day th Karen Simmons informed the Committee that May 28 would be the annual Discovery Day. She asked if any Committee members were available to represent the Recreation Department at the booth that day. Don Chisholm indicated that he would be available between 1 and 3 pm. 7. Recreation Report Karen Simmons advised members of the Recreation Committee that the Selectmen have named Carl Valente as the new Town Manager. She did not know when he would be starting, but anticipated that it would be in early July or August. Karen Simmons told the Committee that the Selectmen had recently appointed a Sidewalk Committee to review town pedestrian and bicycle access needs. Representative from the Sidewalk Committee were invited to a future Recreation Committee meeting. In answer to a question from Rick DeAngelis about revenue at the golf course, Karen Simmons reported that revenues were up approximately 12% from this time in May 2004. 2 Don Chisholm told the Recreation Committee that he was approached by the Lexington High School Girls Track Coach Wednesday regarding a proposal from the Girls’ Team to fundraise and purchase a bench for the Center Track area. The bench will be in honor of Terry Croteau, mother of a LHS Girls Track team member, who recently passed away after a lengthy battle with cancer. Dave Pinsonneault told Don that a bench and its installation would cost between $500 and $1000. The Recreation Committee supports this effort by the Girls’ Track Team, and will work cooperatively with them to see this project completed. 8. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reported to the Recreation Committee that the bid opening for the Adams th Tennis Court project would be Thursday, May 19. Karen Simmons noted that 6 companies pulled bid packets. One company has returned the documents. Sandra Shaw asked about the Tennis Practice board, noting that she had received an email from Richard Petrasso. Karen Simmons responded that she, Dave Pinsonneault and Sheila Butts would meet with Mr. Petrasso in the near future. She also explained that the Department might be eligible for a USTA matching funds grant, which could assist in the replacement of the practice board. Dave Pinsonneault reported that the Harrington Softball field project was delayed due to the weather. He anticipates that Waverly Landscaping will be able to complete the renovation of the softball field within two weeks. The Recreation Committee briefly discussed the status of the soccer fields at Harrington. They will revisit this issue at the June meeting. 9. New Business Wednesday, June15 at 7:30 The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on P.M. in Town Hall Room G15. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M. 3