HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-23-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard Thuma RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING June 23, 2004 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Richard Thuma, and Don Chisholm Staff Present: Sheila Butts, David Pinsonneault Others Present: Marshall Derby, LEXHAB, Julie Shapiro, Dawn McKenna AGENDA 1. Citizens and other Boards 2. Recreation Meeting Minutes Don Chisholm moved, and Dick Thuma seconded that the minutes of the May 19, 2004 Recreation Committee be accepted. The minutes were accepted by a vote of 3 – 0. 3. Marshall Derby – LEXHAB Sandra Shaw welcomed Marshall Derby of LEXHAB. Mr. Derby told the Committee that he was at the meeting to provide information to the Recreation Committee about future scenarios for the three lots currently owned by the Housing Authority on North Street. The Recreation Department owns 25 acres of passive recreation space on North Street. Acknowledging that this project is conceptual in nature now, Mr. Derby indicated that LEXHAB hopes to eventually provide housing opportunities on the North Street property to residents over the age of 55 who can no longer afford to live in Lexington. They hope to own and rent a maximum of 10 apartments at the site and work with the Recreation Committee to improve the passive recreation opportunities at North Street. Architectural students have done preliminary drawings that incorporate both housing and passive recreation. Sandra Shaw noted that the Recreation Committee did not have immediate plans for the site. Don Chisholm indicated that the site was well suited for the development of hiking and nature trails. He asked if consideration had been given to developing only the property directly abutting North Street, and if consideration has been given to the narrow road and potential traffic problems that could arise. Marshall Derby noted that LEXHAB is aware of these issues, and reiterated that the Recreation Committee 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 would be involved from the outset in any future discussions by LEXHAB. Dick Thuma noted that this could be the best of both worlds. Future development could provide the resources needed to enhance recreation property and serve another population in the community also. Sandra Shaw thanked Mr. Derby for coming to the Recreation Committee meeting. She indicated that the members look forward to working together with LEXHAB in the future. 4. Julie Shapiro – Rindge Playground Julie Shapiro addressed the Recreation Committee on behalf of the neighbors of the Rindge Playground. She and the neighborhood residents have concerns about the safety of the chain link fence and fence posts that currently surround the area. She provided a packet of information (attached) to committee members, and asked for their assistance in replacement of the fence. Sheila Butts explained to Ms. Shapiro that the Recreation Department did not currently have money in their FY05 budget to replace the fence, however this project could be included in the Town’s Five-Year Capital Plan. Dave Pinsonneault concurred, and also told Ms. Shapiro that he would have DPW crews go to the Rindge Playground and attempt to tighten and temporarily repair the fence. Ms. Shapiro said that she and other neighbors understood that any fence replacement would not be immediate. She indicated that she was grateful that the Recreation Committee and Recreation Department would make an attempt to facilitate replacement in the next few years. Dick Thuma made the following motion: The Recreation Committee recommends consideration of the Rindge Avenue Playground fence replacement in the FY06 Capital Program. The Recreation Committee approved the Sandra Shaw seconded the motion. motion with a vote of 3 – 0 – 2. At the conclusion of the Rindge Playground discussion, Dick Thuma suggested to the other Recreation Committee members present that a future Committee meeting might involve a discussion of expanding the base of interaction between “friends” groups, neighborhood committees, private youth league boards and the Recreation Committee. He suggested that the Recreation Committee should investigate a proper mechanism for formalizing and reaching out to these separate interest groups, rather than waiting for them to come to us as individual entities with a single focus. Don Chisholm and Sandra Shaw indicated that this would be an interesting idea to discuss at a future meeting. 5. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee Sheila Butts reported to the Recreation Committee that construction work would begin on June 24 to install the gas vents at Lincoln Park. The vents will be placed near the front parking lot and off the path near field 2 and the playground. DEP is requiring that the 4 vents be installed to remediate possible methane gas buildup. Dawn McKenna, Selectmen Liaison to the Recreation Committee, asked who the contractor was for this project. Sheila Butts responded that Haley and Aldrich were involved in the design and location of the vents, but that she did not know the name 2 of the contractor. She indicated that the project was being coordinated by the Town Engineering Department, and that she would speak with Dave Carbonneau Thursday morning and would provide Ms. McKenna with the information. Ms. McKenna asked why the little league field at the site had not been completed. She noted that many of the Little Leaguers, including her son, were not given the opportunity to play on the Lincoln Field this season. Don Chisholm responded that he has seen games at the site for several weeks. Dave Pinsonneault noted that the rainfall this past spring had impacted the grading and completion of the field. Ms. McKenna suggested that it was not fair to Lexington Little League to require that they pay for the outfield sod, since it went in so late. Sandra Shaw explained that DPW had originally planned on seeding the outfield. When Little League realized that they would not have access to the field until Spring 2005, they offered to pay for sod to move the project along faster. Although the field took longer to complete than anticipated, it is now up and running and being used nightly by Lexington Little League. 6. Skate Park Update There were no members of the Skate Park Committee present at the meeting. Sheila Butts informed the Recreation Committee that Bob McConnell, Chair of the Skate Park Committee was sent a letter regarding signs for the park. The Skate Park Committee had made a commitment to purchase signs, but to date have not been able to follow through. If the Skate Park Committee is unable to have the signs in place by July 1, the Recreation Department will make the necessary arrangement to have the signs constructed. DPW has made several repairs to the ramps at the park, and have ordered materials to finish needed repairs not completed by SPC, Skate Parks. To date neither the Skate Park Committee nor the Recreation Department has received written inspection certification, cost proposals for repair of vandalized materials, or proposals for design and cost of new events. Tom Noble has been requested to provide the above several times by both the Recreation Department and the Skate Park Committee. Dawn McKenna asked how much money remained in the Skate Park Article. Sheila Butts said she did not have a specific figure available, but estimated that there was approximately $15,000 - $20,000 remaining. She suggested that some money would be needed for the purchase of signs, additional trash barrels and landscaping, as well as emergency repairs and maintenance handled by DPW. Ms McKenna said that the cost of repairs and maintenance by DPW should not come out of the Capital Article, but should have been included in the operating budget. Dave Pinsonneault advised the Committee that trees were planted along the track closest to the Skate Park fence. As the trees grow they will provide some visual and noise screening at the area. The trees had previously been located at Depot Square, and were replanted as part of a Community Service Project. 3 7. Recreation Report Sheila Butts reported to the Recreation Committee that all programs, clinics, camps and swimming lessons would begin on Monday, June 28. Registration for these activities was very good. She informed the Committee that due to construction in the High School Field house and Gym, the Recreation Department relocated some of its programs to Clarke Middle School. Because the programs remaining at the Center Playground, such as Tennis, Sports and Games, Minuteman Sports Clinics, etc., would lack adequate rain space, the Recreation Department changed from five day to four day clinics, with Friday as a rain date, and the Parks Department would install a tent at the Park Drive end of the Center Track. The tent was previously used one summer at Teddy Bear Picnic. Dawn McKenna suggested to the Recreation Committee that the tent was not appropriate for the Center Playground. She asked why the Recreation day camp (Discover the Fun) required more than the four classrooms assigned at LHS. Sheila Butts explained that the tent was an emergency rain space only for participants using the Center fields and tennis courts. The four classrooms at the high school were adequate for the camp participants, but could not accommodate sports programs. Sandra Shaw added that while no one believes the tent is an optimal solution, the Recreation Department must attempt to provide immediate shelter for the program participants. Without shelter programs would have to be cancelled, participants inconvenienced, and money refunded. 8. Parks Report/Capital Update Dave Pinsonneault reported to the Recreation Committee on the status of Capital projects. He noted that a final walk though for Article 31 was scheduled for the week th of June 28. The field at Harrington will be completed at the end of the current softball season. The fence and backstop have been installed. This evening Dave Pinsonneault and Sheila Butts met with neighbors of Kinneens Park to review plans for a new playground structure. The existing wooden equipment will be removed and replaced with a Landscape Structures composite playground st designed for 5 – 12 year olds. The equipment will be ordered after July 1. 9. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on July 21st, 6:00 P.M., at the Pine Meadows Golf Course. Dinner will be served, followed by a tour of the course. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. 4