HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-25-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING February 25, 2004 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Pam Varrin, Rick DeAngelis, and Dick Thuma Staff Present: Karen Simmons and Sheila Butts Others Present: Parker Hirtle, Nell Walker, and David Williams of the Lincoln Park - SubCommittee AGENDA: 1.Citizens and Other Boards No citizens or other boards were present at the start of the meeting. 2Meeting Minutes . The revised minutes of the December 2003 meeting were reviewed. After further discussion of the minutes, the Recreation Committee made additional amendments and voted 4 – 0 for approval as amended. (Attached) The Recreation Committee reviewed and discussed the minutes of the January 2004 meeting. Karen Simmons expressed her concern about the statement made by David Williams, Lincoln Park Sub-Committee, suggesting that the process for design of the bathroom building at Lincoln was flawed. Karen Simmons wanted the Recreation Committee to understand that Lynne Wilson, Vice Chair of the LPSC, was involved from the outset. Some of the modifications made resulted from discussions with and suggestions from the LPSC. Further discussion followed on this subject and the minutes were amended to reflect the discussion. Dick Thuma then requested that the Committee change the words “Tennis Bang Board” to “Back Board” or “Practice Board”. The Committee expressed general satisfaction with this. The January 2004 Recreation Committee minutes, as amended, were approved 4 – 0. (Attached) 3. Skate Park Update There were no members of the Skate Park Committee present. Karen Simmons informed the Committee that skaters had been using the park all winter, despite the park being closed and the gates locked. Unknown parties recently removed the locks. Sheila Butts told the Committee that this afternoon she noticed that the ramp closest to the softball field had graffiti on it. She has contacted DPW asking that the gates be relocked and the graffiti removed. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Karen Simmons reminded the Committee that the Skate Park Committee promised in November to make arrangements for the purchase and installation of benches, signs and landscaping for the park. Sandra Shaw reviewed the Recreation Committee minutes of November 19, 2003 noting that the Committee has told Bob McConnell “that the Recreation Department would purchase the benches and landscaping materials after March 1, 2004, if the Lexington Skate Park Committee cannot confirm that benches have been ordered.” Dick Thuma suggested that the Recreation Department send a letter to the Skate Park Committee reminding them of the commitment, and indicating that the Recreation Department and Recreation Committee wanted all signs, benches and landscaping in place prior to the spring re- opening of the park. Karen Simmons indicated that the Recreation Department would send Mr. McConnell a letter this week. 4. Town Meeting Article Assignments Karen Simmons requested that members of the Recreation Committee volunteer to present the Capital items to Town Meeting. Recreation has two articles pending: Kinneen Park playground renovation, which is a Tax Levy item, and Renovation of the Tennis Courts and Basketball Court at Adams Playground. The money for this improvement will come from the Enterprise Fund. Capital Expenditures Committee supports both projects. So far, in the budget process, the Selectmen have voted 3 – 1 to support the Kinneen Park project. (Warrant Article Attached) Karen Simmons requested that the Recreation Committee be prepared with a decision to go forward or postpone the Tax Levy request. Sandra Shaw was of the opinion that Recreation should go forward with the request for Kinneen. The Recreation Committee must be an advocate for Recreation. Dick Thuma noted that if the Recreation Committee does not ask, it will not get anything. Karen Simmons explained that if Town Meeting says no to the $35,000 Tax Levy request for Kinneen Park the possibility exists that Town Meeting could still approve the expenditure from the Enterprise Fund. This decision could be made without the support of the Recreation Committee. Sandra Shaw asked for volunteers to present the Capital Items. Dick Thuma volunteered to handle the Kinneen park presentation, while Rick DeAngelis agreed to present the Adams tennis and basketball court renovation. Karen Simmons told the Committee that the Recreation Department would provide whatever information, presentation materials, and support necessary. 5. Lincoln Park Sub-Committee Conservation Lookout/ Lincoln Park Update David Williams, Nell Walker and Parker Hirtle presented a 2004 proposed project list for Lincoln Park. (Attached) Nell Walker reviewed the projects and timeline. She continued to present an overview of the proposed Cattail Marsh Overlook, Fitness Station Landscaping and tree planting at the Worthen Road entrance to the bike path. Parker Hirtle showed the Committee a conceptual model of the proposed Overlook. The Recreation Committee inquired about and discussed the cost, town department approvals, and timeline. David Williams explained that the LPSC estimated that the project would cost $100,000. If the Conservation Commission gives its blessing to the project, the LPSC will formalize the plans and engineering drawings and present them to the Recreation Committee for review. 2 Nell Walker updated the Committee on the Tree Grant application the LPSC has filed to upgrade the entrance area along Worthen Road. Rick DeAngelis asked if the Tree Warden had reviewed this plan. Nell Walker indicated that both the Tree Warden and Tree Committee would review it. Karen Simmons reminded the LPSC that all of the project plans proposed by the LPSC, including items such as path and boardwalk pruning must be reviewed and approved by Dave Pinsonneault, Superintendent of Public Grounds, and the Recreation Department. The Recreation Committee noted that the Tree Project is very ambitious and will be a nice addition to the Worthen Road area. Karen Simmons thanked the Lincoln Park Sub-Committee in general and Nell Walker, Parker Hirtle and David Williams for all of their hard work at Lincoln Park. Karen Simmons updated the Recreation Committee on the status of the complaint filed with DEP about Lincoln Park and the ongoing financial issues this has caused. DEP required testing for methane gas across the street from Lincoln Park. Haley and Aldrich suggested testing homes across the street. DEP wants the town to install permanent monitors in the homes. Also, DEP is now requiring that everything previously tested on the Lincoln Park site be retested. This includes the fields, paths, and parking lots. The initial report received from Haley and Aldrich indicated that there is no hazard. The cost to retest the Park and the homes across Lincoln Street will be approximately $100,000. The Recreation Department originally had $200,000 for design and construction of a bathroom building. The DEP work has to be deducted from this. Karen Simmons and Sandra Shaw will meet with Lynne Wilson, Lincoln Park Sub-Committee, next week about private funding for the bathroom. Karen Simmons also wants to open up a dialogue with the Youth Sports organizations about funding the bathrooms. Rick DeAngelis suggested that the bathroom project be put on hold until all other regulatory issues are completed and approved. Dick Thuma inquired as to why the DEP requirements are a Recreation Department problem. In his view, the town tax levy should pay for this. Sandra Shaw expressed agreement with Rick DeAngelis that bathroom construction will have to wait. Dick Thuma asked if Karen Simmons needed approval from the Recreation Committee to go forward and spend the money Town Meeting approved for the Lincoln Park project. Karen Simmons explained that the Recreation Committee is an advisory committee, and that she has the authority to use appropriated Lincoln Park Project funds. Sandra Shaw asked if there had been resolution to the water run-off problem in the meadow at Lincoln. Karen Simmons told the Committee that the Conservation Commission has approved the solution, designed by the Engineering Department. The contractor, Jim McLaughlin, will start the work as soon as written notification is received from the Conservation Commission. 6. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault was unable to attend the Recreation Committee meeting. Karen Simmons reviewed the report Dave Pinsonneault submitted with the Committee. (A copy of the report is attached.) 7. New Business The next meeting of the Recreation Committee will be held on Wednesday, March 31, 2004, 6:45 P.M. at Clarke Middle School. The Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. 3