HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-19-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 861-2747 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard Thuma RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING November 19, 2003 Members Present : Sandra Shaw, Pam Varrin, Rick DeAngelis, Don Chisholm, and Dick Thuma Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault, and Sheila Butts Others Present: Lynne Wilson, David Williams, Shirley Stoltz, and Bob McConnell AGENDA: 1. Citizens and other boards 2. Recreation Meeting Minutes The minutes from the October 15, 2003 meeting were reviewed. Rick DeAngelis moved approval of the minutes. Don Chisholm seconded the motion. The minutes were approved 5 – 0. 3. Skateboard/Inline Skate Park Sheila Butts and Dave Pinsonneault updated the Committee on the Skate Park. They told the committee that the fencing was 95% complete. Don Chisholm asked why the Worthen Road fence was not replaced. Karen Simmons explained that some Selectmen requested that this portion of the fencing not be replaced. Bob McConnell, chair of the Skate Park Committee, noted that Palmer and Dodge had approved the wording for the new signs. Mr. McConnell and the committee discussed placement of the signs within the park. Don Chisholm asked if there were any evidence that skate boarding in the downtown areas of Lexington had abated. Bob McConnell said that there was no official data yet, but that Steve Corr, Lexington Police Department thinks that it has improved the downtown area. Mr. McConnell continued to say that the skate park was heavily used. On November 24, Tom Noble is scheduled to come to Lexington to inspect the equipment, make minor repairs, and speak to the users of the facility about skate park events they would like to see at the site. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Sandra Shaw noted that it is hard to know how much money will be left in the capital account to pay for more skate events. She indicated that benches and landscaping have to be purchased and installed. Bob McConnell told the committee that Steve Hurley of the Center Committee has agreed to donate benches to the skate park. Sandra Shaw told Mr. McConnell that the Recreation Department would purchase the benches and landscaping materials after March 1, 2004, if the Lexington Skate Park Committee cannot confirm that benches have been ordered. Bob McConnell said that he would work with Dave Pinsonneault on appropriate landscaping materials. He also said that he planned on speaking with Phil Abbot about what might be done to abate the noise emanating from the skate park. In response to a question about the grind rails, Karen Simmons explained that the grind rails were removed from the park because of improper use and several injuries. The Town Manager has directed that the grind rails may be returned only if they are attached to the cement. Bob McConnell indicated that he would speak with the Town Manager. He also explained that Tom Noble is trying to design new grind rails that would attach to the wall, thus alleviating some of the problems. Mr. McConnell also indicated that the Skate Park committee has approximately $3,000 to augment any unspent capital money for equipment purposes. The Skate Park Committee is also investigating grant applications. 4. Lincoln Park Karen Simmons offered an update on the status of the Lincoln Park project. There are a few items on the punch list that Quirk Construction is working on. The flooding on the path has been rectified with the installation of a new drain line. The Restroom project is ongoing. The bid nd materials for this project will be available on December 2. Forte Construction has begun work on the Fitness path. The paths are to be widened to the original 6-foot width. Currently Forte is doing excavation, and Quirk is installing the footings for the Fitness Stations on the upper portion of the park. Dave Pinsonneault reported that the Engineering Department is working on a drain plan for the path near the meadow. Once completed, the plan will be presented to the Conservation Commission for review and approval at the January meeting. Pam Varrin told Committee members that she, Karen Simmons, Karen Mullins and Dave Pinsonneault had met earlier in the day to discuss issues that have arisen about work done in the Meadow. David Williams asked if there was any clarification of the distinction between the LSPC and the Friends of Lincoln Park Group. Pam Varrin noted that some in the community might not know the difference between the two groups. It would be a good idea to meet to discuss the issues and the distinctions. A meeting is tentatively scheduled for late morning on th December 15. Lynne Wilson requested that the Recreation Committee appoint Charlie Wyman to the Lincoln to approve the appointment of Charlie Park Sub Committee. Don Chisholm made a motion “ Wyman to the Lincoln Park Sub Committee”The motion . Pam Varrin seconded the motion. was approved 5 – 0. - 2 - Dave Pinsonneault told the committee that Little League had agreed to split the cost of hiring a contractor to install sod in the outfield and infield of the Lincoln Park Little League Field. 5. Five Year Capital Plan Karen Simmons explained to the Recreation Committee that although everyone had received a copy of the Five Year Capital Plan last month, Town Departments had yet to receive guidelines for preparing the Capital budget. She asked the Committee to look at the capital plan as it currently exists and identify the Recreation needs. The playground renovation at Kineens Park was postponed from FY04. Should it be put back on the Capital list? The estimated cost is $35,000. Shirley Stoltz asked for examples of recent playground renovations for the Capital Expenditures to look at. Sheila Butts and Dave Pinsonneault told her that Justin Park was the newest playground to be renovated. It cost $35,000, which is the same as the capital request for Kineens. Also on the FY05 Capital list is a $400,000 request to replace the retaining wall at Pine Meadows. Karen Simmons reviewed the current problems with the retaining wall and the corrugated pipe that is failing. She indicated that the Parks Department has done repair work on the wall and pipe each year. She asked the Committee if this should be the year to replace the wall. Don Chisholm asked what the revenue stream is this season. Karen Simmons replied that because of the extended snowfall last year the course opened late and rainfall this past spring and early summer has affected the number of rounds played and the overall revenue of the course. Rick DeAngelis noted that perhaps the Recreation Committee should look for another option regarding the retaining wall, that was more than a band aid, but less than a total fix. Dick Thuma suggested that there should be an interim solution to fix what is there without a total replacement. Don Chisholm agreed with Rick DeAngelis and Dick Thuma about finding a less expensive solution to the problem. Sandra Shaw suggested that Dick Thuma work with the Recreation Department and Committee on a review of the problem and potential resolutions. Mr. Thuma will speak with Steve Cramer of Haley and Aldrich and ask him to look at the current report about the retaining wall at Pine Meadows. Sandra Shaw suggested that further discussion of this Capital item be delayed until December. Shirley Stoltz, Capital Expenditures, suggested that the Committee look at every possibility to resolve the problem without spending the estimated replacement cost of $400,000. Rick DeAngelis suggested that the Pine Meadows project be moved to FY06. Don Chisholm concurred and asked if the parking lot at the Old Res would then move up a year in the plan. The committee briefly discussed the parking lot situation, but no resolution was reached. The committee also suggested that renovating the Adams Tennis Courts might be appropriate in FY05. Pam Varrin suggested adding a renovation of the Center Bang Board to this Capital Item. Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault and Sheila Butts will review this and renovation of the Adams Courts, and prepare new numbers for the project. - 3 - 6. Recreation Report Karen Simmons handed out copies of the Depreciation Report. Dick Thuma stated that he did not understand how depreciation was being accounted for. Rick DeAngelis asked Karen Simmons to go back and ask for a better explanation from the Comptroller’s office. He would like to know if the Depreciation account is a funded reserve or only for Enterprise Fund use. He also wants to know under what circumstances the money can be used. Karen Simmons explained that she had requested written information about these questions and issues, but had not received it yet. 7. Parks Report Dave Pinsonneault reported on the status of Article 31. Steelco Fence has been hired to finish the punch list items. They are scheduled to begin the work December 1. Lawhorn has not finalized the power hook up for the Diamond irrigation system. The current delay with the relocation of the Harrington softball field is the result of a backup in the Engineering Department. Once the final grade charts are completed the bids can be posted. Dave Pinsonneault expects that the work will be completed before the softball season next spring. 8. New Business Karen Simmons provided a brief overview of the current school space issues facing the Recreation Department. Rick DeAngelis told Committee members that he had not spoken with Mrs. Nazarian about the plaque at Center 1. He explained that he had given the matter some thought and feels that the committee should go along with the wording Mrs. Nazarian wanted. A new picture of the Recreation Committee for the Town Report will be taken at Lincoln Park on Monday, November 24, 2004 at 7:30 a.m. The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 17, 2003 at 7:30 P.M. in Town Hall Room G15. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. - 4 -