HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-03-11-REC-min Town of Lexington Recreation Committee Sandra Shaw, Chairman Tel: (781) 862-0500 x262 Pamela Varrin, Vice Chairman Fax: (781) 863-2350 Frederick DeAngelis Donald A. Chisholm Richard L. Neumeier RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING March 11, 2003 Members Present: Sandra Shaw, Don Chisholm, Pam Varrin, Dick Neumeier, and Rick DeAngelis Staff Present: Karen Simmons, Dave Pinsonneault, and Sheila Butts Others Present: Bob McConnell, Lisa Baci, Richard Petrasso, Helen Euart, Maria Haynes, Parker Hirtle, and David Williams AGENDA 1. Citizens and Other Boards 2. Meeting Minutes Dick Neumeier moved that the minutes of the Recreation Committee meeting of February 26, The February 26, 2003 meeting 2003 be accepted. Pam Varrin seconded the motion. minutes were accepted 3 – 0 . 3. Skate Park Committee Report Bob McConnell reported to the Recreation Committee that the Skatepark Committee was requesting an additional $60,000 for the Skatepark. The monies, if approved by Town Meeting, will provide additional events at the site, landscaping, and fencing. The Skatepark Committee hopes to get the fencing materials at cost and use volunteers for installation. The events now being constructed by Tom Noble are very close to being finished. Although the events could be installed at the site in early April, the committee is looking towards a May th 10 grand opening event. Sandra Shaw suggested to Mr. McConnell and the Recreation Committee that this year might not be the best time for the Recreation Committee to request additional monies from the tax levy. Don Chisholm said that although he is committed to improving playgrounds and supports the skate park project it is politically wrong to support any such Recreation capital project this year. He, Pam Varrin and Rick DeAngelis indicated that they might consider supporting the private citizens Skate Park Warrant (Article 16)requesting $60,000 in Tax Levy funds. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE • LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS 02420 V:\Recreation Committee.REC\2003-03-11-REC-min.doc 2 4. Lincoln Park Project Karen Simmons reviewed the proposed changes and decision rationale for the Lincoln Park design. There is consensus from the Lincoln Park sub-committee regarding relocation of the fitness path nearest field #1. Karen Simmons and Parker Hirtle walked the site and agreed that the path could be moved outside of the existing pine trees. Don Chisholm asked if discussion had been held with the immediate abutter. As yet this discussion has not taken place. Don Chisholm volunteered to speak with the neighbor. Karen Simmons continued to explain to the Committee that additional design changes at the site would be minor because of the pending DEP complaint. A hearing with DEP is scheduled for March 19. Architectural design of the bathroom/storage facility is beginning. However, because of the possible increased costs due to the DEP complaint completion of this portion of the Lincoln Park project may be postponed until sufficient funds are raised. The Lincoln Park Sub Committee had suggested at the February meeting that the original fitness stations be installed again. Karen Simmons noted that the Town is making a sizable financial commitment to the park and replacing the fitness stations removed for construction is the responsible thing to do. She has spoke with Lynne Wilson and told her that the Town would in fact replace all the stations in the upper park. Lisa Baci indicated that a concern of the LPSC was accessibility of the new stations. Karen Simmons explained that the manufacturer of the equipment is Columbia Cascade. Their product “Timber Form” meets accessibility requirements. Karen will continue to work with Lynne Wilson. Karen Simmons next showed the Committee color samples for the turf and resilient playground surfacing. The Committee was in agreement that they liked the “greener” color rather than the sample that had a more olive tint. The Committee also agreed that the playground surfacing be blue and green, to separate the two age groupings of the equipment. 5. Center Tennis Bang Board Dave Pinsonneault reviewed the recent noise study of the Bang Board and gave the Committee an overview of the options available to the Town. Richard Petrasso, who has spearheaded the move to make changes to the structure of the bang board, provided the Committee with and explained the testing he has done. Pam Varrin and Dick Neumeier asked Mr. Petrasso what time of year and days of the week his testing was done, as well as what days he felt the noise was most intrusive. Mr. Petrasso explained that most of the testing was done on Saturdays in the fall. He said that the orientation of the bang board increases the noise levels experienced by abutters. Additionally, tennis balls hitting the Parker Street side of the Board produced significantly higher readings. Pam Varrin and Dick Neumeier asked Mr. Petrasso and the other Parker Street abutters which options they preferred. All indicated that option 2 (new bang board) was the preference. Dick Neumeier explained that Options 2 - 5 cost money and probably could not be financed this fiscal year. He asked the abutters present to survey their neighbors and supply the Recreation Committee with a prioritized list. 3 Mr. Petrasso continued to suggest to the Committee that a temporary solution would be to adjust the hours the bang board could be used. Currently the signage indicates that the bang board may be used after 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday and after 8:30 on weekends and holidays. Pam Varrin and Rick DeAngelis suggested that they could support pushing back the opening time a half hour. Pam Varrin reiterated that this could be an interim solution pending additional feedback from the neighbors and tennis players about the hours. The Committee will review the additional neighborhood information at its April meeting, at which time a vote on bang board use hours will be finalized. 6. Ballfield Permits The Recreation Committee reviewed the amended draft of the Ballfield Permit Policy and Fee structure. Karen Simmons reminded the Committee that the old fee structure for permits would stay in place for fiscal this year to allow Lexington leagues and organizations time to budget appropriately. The new daily permit fee will go into effect July 1. Rick DeAngelis moved to accept the Ballfield Permit Policy and fees. Dick Neumeier seconded. The motion was passed 5 – 0. 7. Capital Project Update Sandra Shaw asked the Recreation Committee members what the position of the Committee should be regarding the Town Meeting Warrant Articles. She reminded Committee members that at the February meeting the Committee discussed an indefinite postponement of all Capital Projects except for those from the Enterprise Fund. Should the Committee vote to indefinitely postpone the Recreation Capital Articles for Playgrounds and Skate park fencing? After a brief discussion the Recreation Committee voted to indefinitely postpone the Skate Park Fence Article. Bob McConnell said that the Skate Park Committee could get the fencing at cost with the $60,000 if Article 16 is approved by Town Meeting. Dick Neumeier explained that he would like to know the rationale of the finance and appropriations boards before deciding on any capital postponement. Karen Simmons and Sandra Shaw indicated to the Committee that the Selectmen and the Finance Committee had issued a negative recommendation on the Recreation Tax Levy Capital items. Sandra Shaw said that this was – in her opinion – not the year to ask for more money from the tax levy. Mr. Neumeier indicated that he does not find this a persuasive argument. He noted that in 1990 the Recreation Committee defaulted on its commitment to improve the playgrounds and currently the Committee is still way behind in improvements. Rick DeAngelis commented that he philosophically agrees, but does not think it feasible to press for tax levy money this year. Dick Neumeier proposed that for this year we pay for the playground improvements at Kineen Park from the Enterprise Fund. He noted that the Committee could initially support funding from the tax levy and amend the warrant article on Town Meeting floor to pay for the playground improvements from the Enterprise Fund. There was a consensus for this suggestion, but no vote was taken. 4 8. Recreation Report Karen Simmons reported that the Spring/Summer Brochure has been mailed and registration for spring and summer programs is ongoing. She explained to the Recreation Committee the changes in the CORI laws (Chapter 385 of the Acts of 2002) and summarized the impact the new law will have on the Recreation Department, Youth Leagues, the School Department and the Town as a whole. Essentially all organizations and entities must CORI all volunteers and employees working with children under the age of 18. 9. New Business The next Recreation Committee meeting is scheduled for April 14, 2003 at 6:45 P.M. in the FARR Conference Room at the National Heritage Museum. The Recreation Committee meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m.